Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 837 This Little Wang 8 Is Blood-sucking3000 words

Chapter 837 This little bastard is the one who sucks blood3000 words

The Secretary-General is indeed a wonderful person who has been with Wang Jingyao for many years. After being looked at by his boss like this, he already had an idea in his stomach in the next two seconds.

He looked worried, and leaned forward slightly: "Mr. Wang, I still can't do without you in the office. Thinking about it, you haven't presided over affairs in person for a week. Although Mr. Min is here, most of those people It’s for dry food, so we can’t do without you. Otherwise, we’ll leave the hospital first, and come to the hospital to solve the problem. It’s the best of both worlds. Besides, we’re almost better, so we don’t want to take up medical resources. What do you think? ?”

Wang Jingyao glanced at him again, pretending not to care too much: "I really can't do it without me, Jing Chuan, are you underestimating Mr. Min's ability too?"

Just at this time, Min Xin came over, and it became clear when he heard this——

The master and servant are probably singing a big show again. Although I don't know which one it is for, Min Xin still gave him a favor, and smiled as he came over: "Without you, I still can't do it."

Wang Jingyao pointed at Min Xin, and said to the secretary-general, "Look, you're humbled again, aren't you?"

Then, he pretended to say: "I have worked hard for you these days when I am away. I am not in good health and may have to stay in the hospital for a while, but Jing Chuan, who is annoying, insists that I occupy the hospital bed, Brother Min. Tell yourself if there is any reason for this, I think Jing Chuan is now facing you."

After these words, Min Xin naturally understood the meaning of this old man, so he sat aside and patted his boss's arm, saying earnestly: "It's really impossible without you. , you can’t blame him, if you don’t like it, if you don’t want Wang Yuan to replace him, we’ve been using it for a long time, so it’s fresh.”

Old brother Wang glanced at Wang Jingchuan with a smile: "Look, you have grown up. Mr. Min wants you to do business."

He had a smile on his face, but in his heart he let out a sound: Changing the Secretary-General, isn't it a good idea to spread himself and the secretary in front of Min Xin!

And after he finished speaking, he looked straight at Wang Jingchuan, Wang Jingchuan shivered immediately, and then coughed lightly: "I'm clumsy, how can I help Mr. Min with things."

Like a mirror in his heart, Min Xin pointed at Wang Jingchuan and smiled: "Slippery."

After finishing speaking, he thoughtfully said to his immediate superior: "Come back to business, you are really indispensable in the office. No, I can't make a decision on a few important matters, so I'd better come here and ask for instructions in person."

"Oh?" Brother Wang immediately sat up: "What's important?"

Min Xin looked around, with a playful embarrassment on his face.

Mr. Wang smiled: "Okay, I'll let them avoid it for a while."

After finishing speaking, with a wink, Wang Jingchuan cleared the room, including Dr. Jiang who had been feeding breakfast sweetly.

Jiang Chaoge also watched a scene. She is not stupid. It can be seen that Wang Jingyao still has feelings for Gu Anxi. Now it is probably a watershed. She knew it earlier and didn't care. She has time to wait.

So she put down the bowl in her hand and said thoughtfully, "Then I'll go out first."

She glanced at Gu Anxi, but Gu Anxi lazily said, "Ten minutes, don't delay the inspection."

After finishing speaking, she walked straight out. Jiang Chaoge wanted to show her off, but no one paid attention to her. In Yunxi Hospital, Gu Anxi always hugged her. She couldn't even rely on her.

In the ward with the door closed, Min Xin sat down on the sofa beside him with a smile, and glanced at Old Brother Wang: "What's the matter, singing like this? I saw that you and Dr. Jiang are making good progress, and then Dear dear, what's wrong with living in the hospital, and someone can take care of you and have a relationship, and the old lady can't control this place, after all, it's a public place!"

Wang Jingyao rolled his eyes at him and wanted a cigarette. After being rejected, he said angrily: "Xiaojiang won the project of Huaer Laboratory, can I not make a fool of myself with her? You think it's sweet, why don't you come?"

Min Xin chuckled: "Xiaojiang doesn't like me, but her target is you. Besides, I have Tang Yuan who gave birth to a baby, and Zhou Yu who is pregnant again. She will never miss me."

"You are honest, you know that your private life is messy." Wang Jingyao chuckled, and then his face suddenly darkened, "In two days, it will be the Jiang family's banquet, which is specially organized for that project, and I have to appreciate it. "

Min Xin was addicted to cigarettes, so he asked Wang Jingchuan to watch him at the door, opened a corner of the window, lit a cigarette, took a few puffs and said, "If Jiang Chaoge's condition is that you marry her, will you never agree?"

Wang Jingyao pursed her lips tightly and said nothing.

Min Xin sighed: "If you must win this project, you will compromise, right?"

Wang Jingyao smiled lightly: "I have to take it. Our medical treatment is still weak, but I can't let it go if there is a chance. Min Xin, I didn't expect that you are the person who knows me best all these years. If this happens If it wasn't in the hospital, we could still have a few drinks, and there are only a thousand glasses of wine when we know each other."

Min Xin immediately said, "Did you forget that your stomach can't drink any more?"

The old brother suddenly became ill.

In his imagination, if he married a woman he didn't want to marry, and he couldn't drink alcohol, life would be worse than death.

Min Xin smiled meaningfully, "However, I don't dare to be a confidant. As for you, you actually have two confidantes. One is Lin Hua, whom you personally recommended to that kid surnamed Feng, and the other is that little bastard. , Don’t look at how young you are, you can’t be hidden from her, you can’t hide the slightest movement from her now, be careful, don’t play around and end up in the trap, maybe she is secretly watching your jokes behind your back now.”

The old brother suddenly became a little furious: "I have any jokes to read."

"You and Xiao Jiang, you don't know how much you pretend to be affectionate... laughing at people." Min Xin laughed unkindly as he spoke...

Old brother Wang was in a bad mood at first, so he threw something over at once, and Min Xin spread his hands, "Okay, okay, you can't take it out on me if you are wronged, I understand and feel sorry for Jing Chuan now. If you don't like him, I'll accept him."

These words made Wang Jingyao laugh all of a sudden, and said angrily: "You said that Jing Chuan is like a woman, how do you accept it? Didn't you retire after a few years?"

Speaking of this, Min Xin said in a down-to-earth way: "You have the final say on whether to retreat or not. If you can't find a suitable one in the past few years and want me to continue to help you, then I will stay first. If you If I feel that there are people who don’t need me anymore, I’ll quit right away, absolutely unambiguous.”

After hearing this, Old Brother Wang was in a daze for a while, and then he said, "Unexpectedly, the person left by my side in the end is you instead."

Min Xin went over, patted him on the shoulder, and gently persuaded him: "The little bastard is not guilty of death, why do you make things difficult for her and yourself? Reconciliation, isn't it a Zhou Yunchen? Just pretend he doesn't exist. Anyway, he has already been driven away by you, so there is no way to make waves. Besides, I don't love power when I look at him. I was willing to come here because of Anxi. Since it was all for her, you Why bother to think so much."

Wang Jingyao glanced at Min Xin, and sighed after a long time: "It's that little bastard who is too capable, plus Zhou Yunchen, that makes me jealous. She has the Bolin family behind her."

Min Xin fell silent. In fact, Wang Jingyao was right in thinking, such a skill and such a figure can turn the world upside down.This is a big taboo against Mr. Wang.

While the two were talking, the door suddenly opened, and Gu Anxi brought Director Hao over, "It's time."

Wang Jingyao frowned: "No matter big or small, come in without knocking, and Min Xin and I are talking about something."

"This is a hospital. You are a patient and I am a doctor. You have to listen to me." After Gu Anxi finished speaking, with a wink, four tall and strong nurses came over and invited Wang Jingyao to the cart.

Wang Jingyao was heartbroken, lay down on the bed, and called, "Jingchuan."

Wang Jingchuan came over immediately, very considerate: "You called me?"

"Come with me." He closed his eyes: "Min Xin, go back to your office first, and discuss some things in two days."

Min Xin nodded, and said with a smile: "Then Dr. Gu, Mr. Wang's body will be taken care of by you."

Gu Anxi smiled lightly before he was about to leave, but suddenly he stepped back and stretched out his white palm: "Where's the check?"

Min Xin was taken aback: "What check?"

"Gu Mingzhu." Gu Anxi took it for granted.

Thinking of it, Min Xin angrily wrote down a set of checks and put them in her palm: "Like a vampire."

Gu Anxi looked at the numbers: "That's not right..."

"What's wrong, didn't we agree?" Min Xin stared at her.

Gu Anxi coughed lightly: "Oh, it's like this, I will take care of her in the future, daily life and so on, your real father can't pay some child support?"

Min Xin looked at her suspiciously: "You take care?"

"It's about the same, anyway, she went to school today." Gu Anxi tilted her head: "500 million a year is not much." '

"Vampire." Min Xin wrote another sheet and stuffed it into her hand.

After Gu Anxi got it, she smiled and said, "It's not a loss to you. With Gu Changqing taking care of her, you can rest assured that you can still go after sister Zhou Yu."

Gu Changqing to take care of?

Min Xin was about to vomit blood, didn't she say she took care of it?

Gu Anxi blinked: "That's also a member of our Gu family, and it's the same as I charge money." '

Min Xin was furious, and at this time, Old Brother Wang chuckled: "Look, you speak for her with good intentions, you have suffered from her right now, don't you?"

Min Xin quickly returned to normal, and said softly, "It's just a small fee, you should pay more attention to your weight, and you may get... special care during the checkup later."

As soon as he finished speaking, Old Brother Wang's face turned green, and he looked at the little bastard.

That little bastard showed him a sinister smile~~

 [-] words, [-]-[-] words will be updated again at [-]:[-]



(End of this chapter)

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