Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 838 Come on, Dr. Jiang, Ollie!

Chapter 838 Come on, Dr. Jiang, Ollie!

The old brother's fate was miserable, and he almost died after an inspection.

After being pushed back to the ward, the elder brother turned over and faced the wall, he didn't speak and ignored people for a long time, obviously angry.

As the secretary-general, he coaxed him for a long time, but he still ignored him.

When Jiang Chaoge saw the battle, he also softened his temper and coaxed aside, it was useless, he just got angry.

Jiang Chaoge was also very angry, what is going on with Gu Anxi, he is lawless, even though he is in the hospital, but Mr. Wang's status is at least here, so he has to take care of it, this is simply not in the slightest up.

Therefore, when Gu Anxi left the ward, Jiang Chaoge chased her out and called to stop her: "Gu Anxi. '

Gu Anxi copied it by hand in his white coat, and turned around: "What advice does Dr. Jiang have?"

Jiang Chaoge walked over slowly, walked up to Gu Anxi, and then slowly said, "Gu Anxi, are you being too arrogant, do you think you are still the old Gu Anxi?"

"Why am I not?" Gu Anxi smiled: "I stopped calling Gu Anxi just because I had a falling out with Wang Jingyao?"

Jiang Chaoge froze for a moment.

It took a long time for her to find her voice: "Anyway, I won't let you mess around."

Gu Anxi looked at the woman in front of her quietly, then smiled: "Mrs. Wang, I will pay attention to it in the future."

Jiang Chaoge hesitated again.

Sure enough, Gu Anxi went on to say: "Oh, I forgot that you are not Mrs. Wang, so I'm sorry, I don't have to be responsible to you for what I do."

After speaking, she turned around and left.

"Gu Anxi." Jiang Chaoge couldn't bear it anymore, and said in a cold voice, "I have already got the project from Huaer Lab, and I will be Mrs. Wang sooner or later."

"Oh, then congratulations." Gu Anxi turned his head and said with a smile: "But I don't have money to contribute, so it's useless for you to tell me."

Jiang Chaoge shut himself off again, what she meant... she didn't mean that at all, okay?

She looked at Gu Anxi coldly: "Don't be shy, we're waiting for a day when the Bo family can't protect you, and no one else can protect you. I'll watch you get out of Beicheng."

"I'm so scared." Gu Anxi shrugged indifferently, then looked at Director Hao beside him: "Are you afraid?"

"Scared." Director Hao, an old straight man, said honestly, "Dr. Jiang is so majestic."

The little milk creamer nodded, and then began to greet Director Hao: "Director Hao, you must not find a wife like Dr. Jiang in the future. Although Dr. Jiang likes old men over 45 years old, it is only suitable for Like Mr. Wang, how can an ordinary man like you hold her down?"

She paused and said: "You talk about daily necessities with her, she will say she has a project, you talk to her about having a baby, she will say she has a project, you discuss with her about housework, she will say she has a project, you Divorced her, she said she has a project...'

Director Hao was speechless, and then slowly said: "Then I'd better not get married."

"That's right." The little milkman patted Director Hao on the shoulder: "It is very important to find the right person when you marry a wife."

While the two were talking, they walked away with their shoulders linked, Jiang Chaoge burst into a rage——

Why, why does Gu Anxi always look unmoved, why is she never angry with her, why is she always angry with herself?

She turned her head and saw Wang Jingchuan standing at the door for an unknown how long.

Jiang Chaoge's face tensed: "How much have you heard?"

She has never liked Wang Jingchuan, because she knows that Wang Jingchuan and Gu Anxi have a good relationship, and as the future mistress of the Wang family, she cannot tolerate the existence of such a person, so she will replace Wang Jingchuan in the future.

When she asked this question, Wang Jingchuan smiled and told the truth: "I've been listening for a while! To be honest, Dr. Jiang, listen to my advice, anyone can mess with him, but Mr. Gu can't mess with it. You watch her quarrel with Mr. Wang." In this way, did you get back a penny of the property you just gave away? Did you see a little damage to the Bo family? Did you see how Zhou Yunchen was treated? Obviously afraid of being like that, these people are living well, no Well, only Mr. Wang is alone, what do you think is going on?"

Jiang Chaoge's expression was particularly ugly. She didn't want to hear these words, although she... could feel them.

She pursed her lips, and it took a long time before she said hoarsely: "Even so, so what, they can't go back to the past."

"Then you'd better not provoke her. Mr. Wang is not willing to provoke her easily. Besides, if you win the project, you can guarantee that you can develop it yourself, so you don't need to use Professor Bo?" The secretary-general smiled calmly. Calmly: "I'm here, it's Mr. Wang's idea. You also know that he is very interested in this project. He doesn't want to completely break with the Bo family. So, think carefully about the serious relationship...or else There are also old gentlemen and old ladies on top, those two love Mr. Gu very much, if you fight against Mr. Gu all day long, then maybe... everyone will look bad."

After Secretary-General Wang's words came out, all the efforts were made, and even Jiang Chaoge let go of his temper a little bit.

She understood the meaning here, the Bo family and the Lin family would still be used by Wang Jingyao, and if she insisted on suppressing Gu Anxi with her own will, his place would not look good...

Thinking about it like this made my heart sweet.

Wang Jingyao regards herself as one of her own, so she must also stand with him.

Jiang Chaoge's expression softened, "I understand Mr. Wang's meaning now."

The secretary-general smiled: "Dr. Jiang is a smart man, he can understand everything at once. Mr. Wang is right."

After a few words of coaxing, hope rose in Jiang Chaoge's heart again, so he plucked up his courage: " see, I have a slight chance of winning. What is Mr. Wang thinking now?"

Wang Jingchuan smiled: "Didn't I just tell you what Mr. Wang thinks now? How can such a smart person as Dr. Jiang not understand now?"

Jiang Chaoge lifted his spirits: "Then..."

Secretary-General Wang said: "There is no need to rush this matter. After all, Mr. Wang is not an ordinary person. Feelings still need to be cultivated. Take your time. Besides, Mr. Wang was seriously ill. I offended the old lady, do you want to take it easy, or you can come forward in person to ease the relationship?"

After such a long conversation, Jiang Chaoge was completely subdued, thinking about it for such a reason.

When two people are together, parents must agree, so she nodded: "I will go to the old lady's place in person, and I only hope that the old lady can forgive me."

"That's it." Secretary-General Wang smiled again: "Whether it's an old man or Mr. Wang, he still likes gentle girls. Look at why Mr. Gu was so affectionate before. But she is also really likable, the old lady regards her as her own."

(End of this chapter)

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