Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 841 Where is the gym, it is clearly the kitchen

Chapter 841 Where is the gym, it is clearly the kitchen

Jiang Chaoge smiled: "Chen Ming and I grew up together, the elders urged us to marry, we didn't mean that."

The old lady nodded, sat down slowly, took a bite of the food, and asked, "What's wrong with that kid, Chen Ming? You look down on him like this? Don't say he's not interested in you. I heard that a few years ago He's always liked you."

Jiang Chaoge complained endlessly in his heart, hated Chen Ming to death, and also blamed his mother for making this blind date on her own, now she is very passive.

She stabilized her mind before saying, "Yes... there is such a thing, but I have made it clear to him."

"Is it clear when the elders of both sides meet?" The old lady was very sharp.

Jiang Chaoge was so overwhelmed that she was in a state of chaos. After a while, she suddenly remembered something, and immediately said, "Actually, Chen Ming likes Zhou Yunchen's girl now. Between them..."

Her voice lowered: "What could have happened!"

When the old lady heard it, she sneered in her heart——

She knew very well that even if Chen Ming had something to do with that Song Jia, it would be true to go on a blind date with you, Jiang Chaoge, for a meal, so it would be a good time to push Chen Ming to Zhou Yunchen's sister.

The old lady had some calculations in her heart, but her face remained calm, and she turned to the little milkman who was eating with her head buried: "Is there such a thing?"

Gu Anxi raised his eyes and smiled.

Jiang Chaoge suddenly felt very upset, for fear that she would bully him.

But what I didn't expect was that Gu Anxi told the truth: "Ah... well, old lady, you have to ask Chen Ming personally what he did to Zhou Yunchen's sister. I heard that a while ago You have to be responsible for all the fuss."

The old lady stroked her forehead and frowned: "Why did you turn around and have a blind date with Xiao Jiang again?"

Gu Anxi shook his head: "I don't know about that."

She pulled the old lady and said affectionately: "It's time to eat, and I can't stop talking, and let no one eat."

Loved and spoiled, these words are vividly reflected in her, Jiang Chaoge felt very uncomfortable, at this moment, the old lady raised her eyes, but said in a gentle voice: "Okay, I blamed you just now, but You should also pay attention, don't be someone's third party, forget it, you and your family can make it clear, that's enough, let's sit down and have dinner together."

Jiang Chaoge was in hell for a while, and heaven for a while. He sat down with mixed feelings in his heart, and the food was naturally not delicious, but the old lady brought vegetables to Gu Anxi from time to time. After being busy for a long time, the old lady didn't take it seriously.

After dinner, the old lady left a little creamer to take a nap here. Gu Anxi groped her round belly and went into the guest room. After closing the door, the old lady smiled: "It's probably playing games again." '

Jiang Chaoge was so pitiful, he was cooking and helping the servants clear the table, now he got a cup of hot tea and drank it carefully.

The old lady sat, flipped through the book and said, "Okay, you have something to do later, so I won't keep you here. Before Anxi naughty told you to cook, don't take it to heart. There is no shortage of things to do at home." People, as for you and Jingyao, you just need to take care of the things around him. I don't care much about his personal affairs, but I can't tolerate being a monster here. Another thing is that Anxi is also me. My child, if you find her uncomfortable or try to harm her, I won't tolerate it either."

When she reprimanded her like this, Jiang Chaoge could only bear it, who asked her to come here by herself and who asked her to curry favor with the old lady?

However, if she didn't take this trip, she really wouldn't be able to taste the power. The old lady was hot and cold. She really didn't want to sit down and naturally didn't want to come tomorrow. Now that the old lady let go, she naturally said: " I will, don't worry old lady."

The old lady nodded and signaled the servants at home to bring some things over as a return gift.

Jiang Chaoge was quite relieved, but he didn't know that this was just a decent old lady, and he didn't want her to do things for nothing.

Jiang Chaoge took the things and was going to Jiang's Hospital, but he turned around and went back home.

Coincidentally, Jiang's mother and Chen Ming's mother were both there, and they were chatting on the sofa. When Jiang Chaoge came back, Jiang's mother waved: "Chaoge, come here, your Auntie Chen brought you some food. .”

Jiang Chaoge went over to sit down, put away the things at hand, and called Aunt Chen politely.

Chen Ming's mother patted her hand: "Why did you come back at noon? You're still covered in sweat. You must have worked very hard."

Mother Jiang smiled: "She works so hard in the office every day, she probably went to the gym."

Jiang Chaoge's face suddenly became a little subtle——

What gym, she went to the dining room!

She smelled the smell on her body and felt a little unbearable, so she got up: "Aunt Chen, you are chatting with my mother, I will go upstairs to take a shower first."

Just as he was about to leave, Chen Ming's mother said with a smile, "Don't go to Chaoge, Auntie and your mother have discussed something and want to talk to you."

Jiang Chaoge paused, feeling a little uncomfortable, turned his head around, and forced a smile: "What's the matter?"

Mother Chen and Mother Jiang looked at each other, and then Mother Jiang said, "Chao Ge, why don't you and Chen Ming get engaged first, the eighth day of next month will be a good day..."

Jiang Chaoge was stunned, and frowned after a while: "Mom, why don't you discuss these things with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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