Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 842 Chaoge, You Will Regret It

Chapter 842 Chaoge, You Will Regret It

Mother Jiang felt that Chen Ming had a bright future, and she was quite pragmatic, thinking that she could make her daughter happy, so she smiled and said, "You get along well, and sooner or later you will get engaged."

Jiang Chaoge pursed his lower lip, then looked at Chen's mother, and said softly, "I'm sorry, Aunt Chen, but I can't be engaged to Chen Ming. We can't be together without calling him."

Ah...Mother Chen was stunned.

Jiang's mother immediately asked back: "Chaoge, what's wrong with you? Didn't you say that you want to have a good time a few days ago?"

Now that the matter has come to this point, Jiang Chaoge has nothing to hide. She said softly, "We are not planning to be together, and I don't like Chen Ming."

Jiang's mother was unhappy, and said angrily: "Then what kind do you like?" '

Jiang Chaoge pursed his lips and remained silent.

After a long time, Chen's mother stood up and smiled meanly: "Actually, I also heard rumors that Chaoge was actively pursuing Mr. Wang and ran to the hospital every day. I thought it was a rumor before, but now that I think about it, I'm afraid it's true. of……"

Jiang Chaoge looked at Chen's mother's expression, and knew that it was embarrassing. She always looked down on Chen Ming's mother and always felt that she was very snobbish. Now it seems that she was right not to choose Chen Ming.And since her face was torn apart, she didn't need to be polite anymore, so she said very calmly: "Aunt Chen, those are indeed rumors, but it is true that Mr. Wang and I are dating."

When she said this, Jiang's mother was also shocked.

Regarding Jiang Chaoge and Wang Jingyao's matter, she disagrees or disagrees, not because she doesn't want her daughter to marry well, but because she knows how much this road will cost——

For a man like Wang Jingyao, it is best if he can love him. If it is because of the combination of interests, then he will probably only be left in the cold. Treating each other like a guest is the best result. In contrast, a man like Chen Ming who is really good It was Jiang's mother's favorite candidate, so she was not happy at this time, and immediately reprimanded her daughter: "Chaoge, hurry up and apologize to Aunt Chen."

She grimaced: "As for the matter between you and Mr. Wang, I don't agree."

Although she is a woman, she also knows that Chao Ge's attachment to Jiang Bin is definitely not good, it is too dangerous.

Jiang Chaoge was usually considered filial, but now he was stubbornly refusing, and just looked at Mother Chen with a faint smile.

Chen Ming's mother was a little annoyed, she only had one son, Chen Ming, and this son was promising, so she always felt good about herself, now that she learned that her son was let go by Jiang Chaoge, and the other party was Mr. kind of.

She calmed down, knowing that she couldn't tear her face too much, so she showed a strange smile and resumed her previous intimacy, "Chaoge, I don't care about your affairs, Auntie can only bless you All wishes come true, let's just forget about the matter between you and Chen Ming, Chen Ming is not blessed."

When she said that, Jiang Chaoge walked down the steps. Even though she knew that the relationship was not as good as before, Jiang Chaoge didn't care too much, after all, she didn't take Chen Ming's mother seriously.

He politely sent the person away. When he turned around, Mother Jiang's face was very gloomy. There was an outsider attacking her just now, and she already had a feather duster in her hand, "Chaoge, go to your dad's photo." Get down on your knees."

Jiang Chaoge rubbed his forehead: "Mom, what year is it? You still like this."

She put down her hand, went to press her mother's shoulder, gently pressed, and gently persuaded: "Why don't you agree, Mr. Wang is only in his 40s, ten years older than me, and he looks young It looks good too..."

Jiang's mother sneered: "You are just looking at his power and power."

Jiang Chaoge also admitted it. She sat on the sofa and looked up at her mother again: "Mom, how have we been doing these years? Dad passed away early, we are attached to the Jiang family, and we look at people's faces everywhere. This kind of life Do you really feel okay?"

Mother Jiang was silent for a long time before she put down the feather duster in her hand, sat down slowly on the sofa, and said blankly: "Chaoge, I will never forget, that's why I hope you can marry a good man, and you don't have to look at others anymore." Face, but, Mr. Wang is really not something we can afford, Jiang not a good person, so stop cooperating with him."

Jiang Chaoge didn't take it seriously, and tried hard to convince Jiang's mother: "Mom, I'm working on a project, and someone has to invest in a project. How can someone else agree so readily to a 50 billion project, and I'm still in charge?"

Jiang's mother looked at her: "Jiang Bin thinks highly of you so much? I'm afraid he didn't take advantage of you?"

Jiang Chaoge smiled faintly: "Mom, originally this kind of thing is for mutual use, and it's nothing. The important thing is whether you can make a profit."

When she said this, Mother Jiang felt relieved, but after a while she turned her attention: "Chaoge, does this project have something to do with Mr. Wang?"

Jiang Chaoge's heart skipped a beat, and then he forced a smile: "Mom, where are you going? A project is a project. Mr. Wang is Mr. Wang. How can this be related?"

Her expression was complicated, and Jiang's mother knew her daughter very well, so she understood it all at once, but she knew she couldn't stop it, because Chao Ge seemed to be possessed by a demon now.

She just sighed softly: "Chao Ge, you are very smart, but you are too smart to get too much. You think that everything can be obtained through means, but my mother has to tell you an old saying, what is obtained by force cannot be kept." Live, don’t talk about anything else, you see that Mr. Wang likes the girl of the Bo family very much, why is he willing to let go, just because he knows it’s pointless to snatch her...'

When she said this, Jiang Chaoge felt very unhappy, and stretched out his hands to pinch the corner of his clothes: "This is different."

'What's different?Mom can see clearly at this age that a man like Chen Ming can live a good life. If that Mr. Wang can't catch his heart, he won't even be by your side. '

Jiang's mother is earnest, but how can Jiang Chaoge listen to it at this time?

She couldn't help but say, "Mom, the project has already started. Mr. Wang attaches great importance to this project, and I will get in touch with him more or less. This has nothing to do with feelings, it's just... just a business relationship."

"The matter with Chen Ming doesn't seem to affect your official business with Mr. Wang?" Mother Jiang still disagreed.

Now that Chen Ming was mentioned, Jiang Chaoge still had a showdown with his mother, "I don't have feelings for Chen Ming, nor do I think he is a man of interest."

"It's better for a husband and wife to live a pragmatic life. Those sweet words are pleasing to the ear, and you will feel better in the future. I think that Mr. Wang is a romantic person." Jiang's mother glanced at her daughter.

Jiang Chaoge remained silent for a while.

The mother and daughter were silent for a long time before Mother Jiang sighed softly: "Okay, you are old and you have seen a lot of the world outside, no more than my old woman who doesn't know anything. Some things are up to you, but the last The result is your own to bear."

Hearing these words, Jiang Chaoge's heart was about to fly, "Mom, thank you, you are the best."

Jiang's mother's face was still deliberately calm: "What's wrong! It's not good for me to see your decision. Chen Ming is such a good person. I say you will regret it later."

"No." Jiang Chaoge held his mother's shoulders, "I know you have a good relationship with Aunt Chen, so I will invite her to dinner tomorrow as an apology...Actually, Chen Ming and I are not what you think. No, I have no idea, and neither does Chen Ming, he probably has an idea about that Song Jiaren, who he saw in the restaurant last time."

Jiang's mother moved her body: "Really? That girl looks very delicate and beautiful, I'm afraid she doesn't like Chen Ming."

Jiang Chaoge smiled: "I don't like it."

Jiang's mother murmured to herself: "What do girls think now, Chen Ming is such a good child, he is hardworking, motivated and able to endure hardships, and his body is also good. Whenever a girl marries him, it will be a blessing." on."

Jiang Chaoge quietly looked at his mother, feeling that she... was thinking too much.

But, fortunately, it's been passed, and the old lady has some confessions...

Jiang Chaoge thought that although she didn't like the old lady, but because of Wang Jingyao's relationship with the project, the old lady had too many compromises, so besides going to the hospital, she would also go to the old lady to show her hospitality, and even she had already inquired about the lawyer. Now, can the part of the property that Wang Jingyao donated to Gu Anxi be recovered in the name of husband and wife, of course the best lawyer in the industry told her——

It's impossible!

Whether Jiang Chaoge was disappointed or not was second, the most important thing was that the news reached Wang Jingyao's ears.

At this time, it was only one night before he was discharged from the hospital, and the secretary-general personally packed things for his boss——

I live in a hospital, and the precious supplements I receive are priceless. There are everything in the world, and I can make up flowers... The secretary-general looked at them all, and felt a little headache.

As soon as he raised his eyes, he saw his boss quietly lost in thought.

The secretary-general asked with a smile: "You still don't want to leave the hospital, your body is already recovering."

Wang Jingyao still looked thoughtful, and the secretary-general said: "You seem to be thinking, why don't you take a look at where these supplements are distributed."

Wang Jingyao didn't come back to his senses for a while, his eyes fell on the documents in his hand, and he said casually: "Choose a few and keep them, and send the rest to the old gentlemen and old ladies, and send the other to the little bastard. Send the ginseng to her, it will be autumn soon, and I still have to make up for it at a young age."

After he finished speaking, Secretary-General Wang didn't speak for a long time.

When the boss raised his eyes, he frowned: "Jing Chuan, what's wrong with you?"

Wang Jingchuan smiled lightly: "It's nothing, it's just... Are you sure to send it to Mr. Gu, what if she doesn't accept it?"

After saying this, Wang Jingyao remembered that he and the little bastard had been cut off... For a while, he couldn't get off the stage, and after thinking about it, he said casually: "Then give some to Mr. Lin, he is not in good health, and he needs to make up for it." repair."

The secretary-general laughed, and sent it to Mr. Lin. What did Mr. Lin not understand? Isn't this just for Mr. Gu? Besides, is there anything that can't be delivered?How many people want it?

Dr. Jiang who comes here every day, Mr. Wang doesn't think about it?Why do you have good things and don't think about others?

Secretary-General Wang said it half-jokingly, and Wang Jingyao frowned: "Chaoge? Isn't she in good health?"

Thinking of the news just now, she sneered: "She is very energetic, she shouldn't take care of it, and she does."

(3200 words, another chapter will be updated at [-]:[-], it should be updated on June [-]~~)

(End of this chapter)

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