Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 843 The people around Mr. Wang cannot be offended

Chapter 843 The people around Mr. Wang cannot be offended

When the old brother said this, Secretary Wang didn't know what he meant, so he looked at his boss in a daze.

So, the elder brother asked Jiang Chaoge about finding a lawyer with a sullen face, and when he finished speaking, he saw the happy face of Secretary-General Wang, and when he was happy, the elder brother became annoyed, and threw a pillow over: "Jing Chuan, what are you doing?" Bastard cake, what are you laughing at?"

The Secretary-General tried his best to hold back his smile, and then said with a straight face, "If you want me to say, this is also your fault."

Old brother Wang was not happy: "Why is this my fault? I can give my property to anyone I want, and it's my turn to ask outsiders. I asked anxiously before I even wrote this word. I really thought she It's Mrs. Wang."

The Secretary-General listened patiently, and then smiled, "You are too biased, that's why Dr. Jiang's psychology is out of balance."

"Partial?" Old brother Wang chuckled: "Where am I partial?"

The Secretary-General put down the things in his hands and sat down, "I mean you are partial to Miss Anxi, you think you have never been married, and you are not old enough to marry, but you just handed over half of your property to someone you have known for more than half a year Little girl, I can't stand any woman. Besides, Dr. Jiang is not as rich as Mr. Gu. Although she is a doctor, she is also a high-level part-time worker, and she depends on her boss for her expenses. Now she has a chance Being with you naturally cares about these."

Old brother Wang was not very happy when he heard that, "My money is also my money, so it has something to do with her?"

The Secretary-General wondered: "Isn't that kind of relationship between you and her? I thought you acquiesced, and I also acquiesced when I saw Mr. Gu. He was very polite and respectful to Dr. Jiang. If it wasn't for you, she would How can you be so low-key and petty? Let me see, why don't you stay with Dr. Jiang well? On the one hand, you can solve your personal problems, and on the other hand, you can also frustrate Mr. Gu's spirit, and kill two birds with one stone. Why not do it."

As soon as he said this, Wang Jingyao stared at him for a long time, and the secretary-general didn't blink.

After a long time, Wang Jingyao said in a bad mood: "You said that little bastard was polite to Jiang Chaoge?"

The wonderful person, the Secretary-General, immediately said seriously: "Yes, you are very polite."

Brother Wang rubbed his nose: "Isn't she usually very arrogant, she also yells at me, big or small, when is she afraid of someone coming?"

The Secretary-General smiled slightly, and the elder brother looked at him: "Jing Chuan, what are you laughing at?"

The Secretary-General restrained his smile and sighed: "You have been in a high position for a long time, but you don't know that people are different. You and Mr. Gu once had a good relationship. Although the relationship is tense now, she also Knowing that you won't do anything to her, she dares to act presumptuously in front of you, but Dr. Jiang is different. The two of them were at odds with each other. Now that Dr. Jiang has gained power, you are backing her up. If you offend her, Xiao Gu In sum, the Bo family cannot do without wearing small shoes, and Dr. Jiang's confidence is precisely given by you."

"I gave it? What did I give?" Wang Jingyao shouted all of a sudden: "I didn't give anything to him, okay!"

The secretary-general coughed softly: "But Dr. Jiang is bound to win you. She is sure to be Mrs. Wang."

Old brother Wang got up, walked into the bathroom to look in the mirror, turned to Wang Jingchuan and asked, "What do you think she likes about me? I'm old, and I don't take a shower?"

(End of this chapter)

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