Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 844 1 Accidentally, I Fall Into Mr. Gu's Tricks Again

Chapter 844 Accidentally, I fell into Mr. Gu's trick again

When the old brother said this, the Secretary-General laughed: "How can it be, you are in your prime, the most attractive time in a man's life, and your status is detached. It is normal for women to admire you. "

Old brother Wang glanced at him: "Jing Chuan, your work ability has been consistent for ten years, and your coaxing skills have improved a lot in a short period of time."

The secretary-general immediately said, "I learned this from you."

Brother Wang smiled lightly: "I remember that I haven't coaxed people these days."

"Yes, Mr. Gu." Secretary Wang said casually, speaking very quickly, and regretted it after he said it. Sure enough, the bad-tempered old brother Wang flew over with a toothbrush.

The secretary-general ran away with his head in his arms.

After a while, Wang Jingyao came out of the bathroom with a much better complexion. The Secretary-General thought to himself, well, Mr. Gu is Mr. Wang's pistachio, but he just doesn't admit it, and he feels decent.

This time, Wang Jingyao sat directly on the sofa, took a look at his phone, and raised his eyes: "Don't make it so big when you leave the hospital tomorrow, it's better to keep a low profile, and don't notify the idlers."

Wang Jingchuan nodded: "Okay, then let's arrange it earlier. No one will know what it looks like at seven o'clock in the morning, so we will return quietly."

He thought for a while and asked, "Are you going back to the villa or to the office?"

Wang Jingyao put the things in his hands, and said lightly: "Go to the office, I'm not here for a while, Min Xin is under a lot of pressure, if you don't go to those people, the sky will be turned upside down."

Wang Jingchuan also restrained his expression slightly, and nodded: "Okay, then I will make arrangements."

Wang Jingyao didn't say anything more, and the secretary-general asked again: "Then tomorrow night's banquet, what do you plan to be..."

When the boss raised his eyes: "Go and sit down for a while."

When he said this, Secretary-General Wang smiled a little strangely, "I'm afraid you won't be able to get away, you have to ask for the dance, and Dr. Jiang will definitely ask you to be the half-master of the house, what will you do?"

Wang Jingyao fiddled with his hands: "Can she still eat me?"

The Secretary-General laughed again: "Dr. Jiang can't eat you, but Dr. Jiang invited people from the four big families, and there are...Miss Lin Hua and her fiancé. Dr. Jiang is going to enter the upper class in one fell swoop at this banquet, and You are her guide, whether you like it or not, you and Dr. Jiang are tied together in the eyes of outsiders, unless you don't want that project."

Brother Wang frowned: "Is it so serious? Also, Jing Chuan, what did you say, Lin Hua will go too?"

Isn't this messed up?

The secretary-general smiled: "Yes. Ms. Lin is also coming, and her fiancé, lawyer Feng Sheng, will also be there. I saw that Dr. Jiang had a lot of ideas to make you die, so I made such an arrangement."

The old brother snorted unhappily: "I don't have any ideas, do I want to get a kid named Feng? By the way, the little bastard will go? She is not at odds with Jiang Chaoge, how could she be willing to give this guy face?"

The secretary-general smiled: "No matter when and where, Xiao Gu will never let others steal the limelight."

The old brother was speechless for a while, then suddenly nodded: "You are right." '


At the same time, Gu Anxi was sitting in the office of Yunxi Group. After Ma Wang's two on-duty students reported their work, they stared at their superiors, especially Manager Ma, and swallowed hard: "Little Gu Boss, are you going to Jiang's house to attend a banquet tomorrow night?"

Gu Anxi put down the invitation in his hand, and said indifferently, "Yes, is there any problem?"

Manager Ma showed yearning: "I heard that this banquet will be unprecedentedly grand. The Jiang family has spent a lot of money. Almost all the celebrities in the North City will go, and Mr. Wang will go to this banquet when he is discharged from the hospital tomorrow."

He lowered his voice again, "Is the scandal between Mr. Wang and Dr. Jiang true?"

"It's true, Dr. Jiang has already gone to Mr. Wang's house to be filial to his parents, and the marriage is coming soon." Gu Anxi's voice was flat, and his eyes rolled around quietly.

Manager Ma was even more excited, "I have a friend at the newspaper office, who has always wanted to ask me if this is true. Boldly let it go."

Manager Wang looked sideways at this moment, a little surprised.

Afterwards, he sighed, this old horse is really confused, Mr. Gu, who is usually such a spooky person, how could he casually reveal the news?

Let me tell you that I know your details, and I want to treat you like a gun. What she didn't say will come out of your mouth. By then, the whole world will know about Dr. Jiang and Mr. Wang. Mr. Wang When you are so passive and don't want to marry, you must find someone to get angry...

However, looking at Manager Ma's excited look, he felt a little funny and a little pitiful.

If you want to compete with Mr. Gu, it's too early.

Manager Wang knew everything about it, but Manager Ma was so excited that he called his old classmate as soon as he left the office: "Okay, I got the accurate information, this is what happened... I will reveal more, It's time to meet the parents, and now Dr. Jiang is living with the old lady, eating and drinking, and is very considerate."

Manager Wang pressed the elevator button, and was startled when he heard the words: "Old Ma, you are exaggerating a little bit by embellishing things, Mr. Gu didn't say that."

Manager Ma put his phone away, patted Manager Wang on the shoulder with a smile, "Old Wang, you just don't know about this, the media is like this, especially about scandals, if you don't write exaggeratedly, how can some readers read it?" I would like to watch it, but where did the enthusiasm come from?"

Manager Wang hesitated to speak, as he was embarrassed to tell the truth.

At this moment, the elevator door opened, and Manager Ma patted Manager Wang on the shoulder again; "Go, go have a drink! Every time Mr. Gu picks me up to talk, I feel extremely stressed and need to relax."

Manager Wang agrees, indeed, Mr. Gu doesn't come to the company often, but once he comes, the two brothers have to take off a layer of skin. The bonus is huge, but really... you can't relax for a while.


In the office, Gu Anxi picked up the invitation again and smiled.

When Jiang Chaoge wanted to arrange a meeting, she arranged for her, warmed her up, and forced a marriage by the way. Then the expression on that old guy who didn't want to marry and couldn't refuse must be very exciting.

She drove back to Siyuan, and received a message just after returning.

It wasn't someone else's, it was from Wang Jingyao.

Only a few words -

I'm leaving the hospital tomorrow.

Gu Anxi looked at those words quietly, and blinked lightly, his eyes were a little watery.

Up to now, no one has had a good time.

Wang Jingyao has his position, so does she, and so does my uncle.

She knew very well in her heart that uncle took this project partly to keep the status of the Bo family, and partly because of academic reasons. In terms of academics, uncle can take his time...

 Update at [-]pm



(End of this chapter)

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