Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 845 Uncle, You Have Been Drinking

Chapter 845 Uncle, You Have Been Drinking (3000 words)

Gu Anxi looked at the message, and after a long time, he replied with a message——

Very official, doctor's orders.

After sending it, she didn't care about it, she just put her phone in her pocket and got off the car and went back to have dinner.Mom Bo said that she cooked something delicious tonight.

When he arrived at the restaurant, Bo Xichen was already at home without working overtime for the first time, and was sitting on the sofa beside him reading a magazine. The pale light shone on his side face, making the lines look very nice.

Gu Anxi went over and hugged his neck from behind: "Uncle, it's so early today."

Hearing her voice, Bo Xichen put down the magazine in his hand, and pulled her over from behind, "It's because you're late, you didn't come back until eight o'clock."

After speaking, he patted her: "Your Bo father and Bo mother insisted on waiting for you to come back before eating. I'm hungry."

The final voice was slightly hoarse.

The little milk essence was a little embarrassed to resist, and he let him mess around, but fortunately, Bo Xichen let her go after a while, mainly because his parents would come over soon after hearing the news.

Sure enough, Bo Nianyao and his wife arrived in less than 3 minutes, Madam Bo was very distressed, and felt that Zai Zai had worked hard.Taking care of all kinds of cloth and vegetables, at this moment, Mr. Bo, who had eaten alone, came over to eat again...

While eating slowly, he inquired about the news without any trace.

Bo Nianyao was angry and funny, his father was obsessed with vegetarianism before, and he ran up the mountain by himself for many years, but now he doesn't want to go up the mountain again.I did something wrong before, but fortunately there is a cub at home.

After the meal, Bo Nianyao got down to business: "Tomorrow is the Jiang family's banquet. Jiang Chaoge has won the project of the Huaer Laboratory. He is very energetic all of a sudden. Xichen, what are you going to do?"

Bo Nianyao gently turned the cup in his hand, paused for a moment and said in a low voice, "Tomorrow the Jiang family will definitely suppress our Bo family in front of others, and besides, our relationship with Mr. Wang is not the same as before, so why don't we give this away?" The head is gone."

After he finished speaking, his eyes fell quietly on his son's face.

Little Milkman's gaze was also Bulling Bulling's, looking at his uncle.

If my uncle doesn't say anything, neither will she.

Before Bo Xichen could speak, Bo Nianyao said with a smile: "Zai Zai, don't look at your uncle with such eyes. If you want to be disgusted, wait until the two of you get along alone."

The little creamer obediently looked away.

Bo Xichen's eyes fell on her face, he smiled, and then looked at his mother: "Do you still remember that you have a Z Charity Foundation?"

"Why don't you remember?" Mrs. Bo smiled: "I'm not good at doing this, so your Aunt Bo Jin has always been in charge of the affairs over there. Is there any problem?"

Bo Xichen paused for a moment: "Uh, my aunt recently entrusted me to take care of the foundation, and I received a project."

"Project?" Mrs. Bo shook her head: "Xi Chen, are you taking this as a business?"

Bo Xichen was still smiling: "It's a medical project. Unfortunately, it's also the project of Hua Er Laboratory, and it was signed three days earlier than Jiang's."

As soon as the words came out, the little milkman was proud, and Bo Nianyao, his wife and Mr. Bo were all stunned.

How could such a thing happen?

That, that is to say... the Jiang family project does not exist at all, or to put it bluntly, is it illegal?

After a while, Bo Nianyao finally regained his composure, and said softly, "Xi Chen, are you sure?"

Bo Xichen smiled: "The contract is at home."

Bo Nianyao waved his hand, "Hurry up and take a look, I'll take a look."

He was so excited that he suddenly stood up and walked back and forth a few times: "Let's go to the study and talk."

Bo Xichen looked at the little creamer: "Take it from the back room. It's in the safe. The password is your birthday."

Gu Anxi nodded obediently, and ran back to get the contract. When he ran back to the study, Bo Nianyao had already taken out a bottle of red wine that had been preserved for many years, and took out five goblets...

Mr. Bo is old, so he even had a drink, sipping red wine with his son Nian Yao while admiring the contract worth tens of billions, he kept boasting: "Xi Chen has given our Bo parents a face. "

Bo Nianyao smiled: "Father, let me just say it. It's not that our Bo family doesn't have that strategy, but it's just that it's more suitable for academics. We can't leave things that have been around for hundreds of years. If our Bo family leaves them behind, can others persist?"

The old man quite agrees at this moment, "Nian Yao, you are right, I see the Jiang family's petty appearance, it is not a serious academic, the medical treatment... we have to rely on our Bo family."

At this moment, Mrs. Bo said, "Xi Chen, according to this, the Jiang family was cheated by that William, and the 50 billion was for naught?"

Bo Xichen smiled: "That's right, that's right."

Mrs. Bo was a little bit embarrassed when she heard the words, "That Jiang Chaoge is too careless, and he has been deceived by someone who has seen the world."

Gu Anxi leaned against Uncle Bo, and said softly: "The desire to chase fame and fortune is too strong, so people will take advantage of it."

Then she sighed softly: This matter will be exposed later, Jiang Chaoge will be skinned by Jiang Bin even if he is not dead, I don't know if the old brother will help her settle it...

Thinking of her old brother, she could only say sorry, Jiang Chaoge was never important, but just a pawn to check and balance her old brother. The Bo family and Wang Jingyao had a falling out, and they needed too many chips in their hands.

After she finished speaking, Mrs. Bo also sighed: "It's a pity, a good girl is also very motivated, why can't she think about it like this."

She paused, and then said: "By the way, just now the tabloids said that Jiang Chaoge had already lived in the old lady's house. Is there such a thing? If not, which media would dare to write and arrange Mr. Wang's affairs indiscriminately like this! "

When the little creamer heard it, it was not good.

So he pretended to be dead, looked at the light in the study for a while, and looked at the cup in his hand for a while.

On the contrary, Uncle Bo's eyes fell on her little face, and he raised his eyes after a while, and said to his mother with a smile: "The tabloids always like to exaggerate, especially these scandals."

Mrs. Bo nodded and said to herself: "The old lady is probably not happy after hearing this. The matter has not been settled, and Mr. Wang has such an identity."

The little milkman secretly looked at her, and then secretly looked away.

All of this could not escape Uncle Bo's gaze.

When I went back, I carried her on my back. The old man Bo was walking slowly in front, and Uncle Bo was carrying the little girl who was drunk on his back. The night wind blew by, and there was the faint fragrance of magnolia tree blossoms. It was very comfortable, the little creamer buried her little face in the uncle's neck, and sighed: "My uncle is so pretty."

Just when Xiao Nai was intoxicated, Uncle Bo patted her with one hand, and his voice was slightly hoarse: "You released the news, right?"

The little creamer behind her was furious all of a sudden: "What news, I don't know."

Just as Bo Xichen was about to say something, the old man who was walking slowly ahead suddenly turned his head around, "Xichen, don't bully her. Anxi is eight years younger than you. What do you mean by bullying her all day long?"

"I'll settle the score with you later." Uncle Bo tilted his head and said with his lips.

Then he turned his head and smiled slightly: "How dare I bully her!"She is fierce. '

As soon as Mr. Bo changed his previous style, he immediately disapproved of his grandson's words, "I am so obedient, where can I find her, and you still say she is fierce, where is the fierceness!"

Bo Xichen felt a little funny, and turned his head to look at his little baby, Gu Anxi secretly smiled.

At this moment, the old man said to himself again: "I drank wine tonight, don't wake her up tomorrow, let her sleep a little longer, the child will grow physically and taller."

When he said a word, Bo Xichen nodded lightly. He had long been used to the unprincipled pampering of Anxi by the elders in his family——

He vaguely remembered that the elders in the family said that no one was allowed to sleep late in Bo's house.

Who is it now, saying that children need to grow up and sleep more! ?

Uncle Bo was angry, funny, and a little sour, and after drinking a little wine, he went back to his bedroom and hugged his little guy in his arms, bullying him for a long time...

"It's really spoiled." He covered her ears with a hoarse voice.

Gu Anxi grabbed his shirt material with his little hand, and buried it softly in his heart: "But you are the one who loves me the most."

Uncle Bo's heart was hot and he didn't know what to do with her, so he slapped her hard: "Did you release the news on purpose about Jiang Chaoge and Mr. Wang?"

The little milk essence groaned and crawled forward. How could she admit such a thing?

But after climbing a few steps, he was dragged back by the man who had drunk a bit of wine, holding him tightly.

Gu Anxi bit her lip and looked at him pitifully: "Bo Xichen, you've been drinking."

"Huh?" His breath was a little hot.

The little creamer just lay down next to his ear and said a few words, and when it was over, Uncle Bo's eyes were clear and clear.

Her heart was beating fast.

But after a while, he pressed her with one hand and took out her mobile phone with one hand. As soon as he took it out, she screamed: "I want privacy."

"Children have no right to privacy." He sat up and pulled her into his arms to circle her.

The light was dim yellow, and it looked particularly soft on the two of them, and it also seemed that such a night was precious.

Uncle Bo checked briefly, and then smiled softly: "Are you really ignoring him?"

The little creamer took the phone back and said sullenly, "Ignore it, it's all messed up like this."

After a while, she lay in his arms, counted his heartbeat, and asked softly, "Uncle, do you want me to reconcile with him?"

"No." His voice was astringent: "Actually, I'm a bit... tastey."

After finishing speaking, he bowed his head and kissed her forehead, "Just look at yourself."

He wanted her to be happy. Anxi had lost too much along the way.

It is said that the strong are lonely, but he hopes that there will be flowers blooming around her.

(Tomorrow will be updated at one o'clock in the afternoon ~ the rest will be updated at one o'clock in the afternoon)

(End of this chapter)

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