Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 846 Uncle, You Are Really Gentle

Chapter 846 Uncle, You Are Really Gentle

After he finished speaking, the little guy beside him stopped talking.

He lowered his head, thinking that she would be more or less sad, but when he looked again, he turned out to be asleep.

Bo Xichen smiled slightly, he was really a child.

He reached out to pick her up, put her in a good place, took off her shoes and covered her with a quilt, and then he entered a laboratory in Siyuan. This laboratory was used by his father to extract the essence for Anxi. It's not too late, he also found that she just finishes everything she does, and she doesn't pursue higher things. It's just that she has an extra little toy.

Professor Bo thought about a cute little toy that looked like him or her, and couldn't help smiling... After a while, he stroked his forehead and sighed. He obviously wanted a child, and he probably drank too much today because he was so happy. .

After thinking about some things in a hurry, I concentrated on doing experiments.

Professor Huaer's experiment involved a wide range of subjects and was very bold. If successful, it would become a major breakthrough in medicine and shock the world. That's why Wang Jingyao paid so much attention to it.

Of course, the experimental subject is very difficult, otherwise Professor Huaer would not be able to persist halfway through, and all the figures would stagnate... Bo Xichen has read the project materials countless times, and if he is sure that he can complete it by himself, he will have to spend one or two Of course, if Anxi is willing to be together, it will be about half a year, but he doesn't want to force her, if she is interested, she will naturally come.

Thinking of that little guy, he smiled again, calmed down and concentrated on making basic data, and he had to go over all the data submitted by the Wall Lab...

In the middle of the night, the light shone on the side of his face, making him look deep and charming.

At about two o'clock, there were light footsteps behind him, but he ignored it and continued the experiment at hand.

Sure enough, a pair of thin arms wrapped around him, followed by a soft voice: "Uncle, are you still busy?"

He grunted: "I'm working on that project."

Gu Anxi buried her small face behind his back and yawned: "It looks difficult, do you want me to help you?"

He smiled silently: "If you're not interested, just play with yourself."

"I'm only interested in you." She buried her face behind his back, murmured, and yawned again.

Professor Bo's hands were unsteady for a moment, and after a while, he put down the half-finished experiment in his hands, and said without changing his face: "It's getting late, go back to bed."

After finishing speaking, she straightened her little face.

She seemed to wake up for a while, and blinked after a while, "Uncle? It's not that your experiment is not done well."

"I don't want to do it anymore." He put his arms around her shoulders, half hugging and half hugging her back to the orchid room, stumbling all the way.

When he arrived at the orchid room, he closed Feng Xi, and he pressed the little guy against the wall.

She immediately leaned against his shoulder and said pitifully, "Uncle, you've been drinking."

He smiled lowly: "Huh?"

She said it again: "Uncle, you've been drinking."

He smiled lowly, then took her to the sofa, held her in one hand and took the notebook with the other, typed with one hand, and Baidu some vocabulary with her...

Gu Anxi's little face was a little red, and he was stuttering and unable to say anything.

Uncle Bo's voice is nice: "Now, huh?"

Gu Anxi's little hand hit his shoulder——

She was wrong, an academic man is really a particularly gentle scum...


Early in the morning, Bo Xichen opened his eyes, and with some thoughts in his mind, he immediately got up and went to the laboratory.

Gu Anxi couldn't catch him when he turned over, so he groaned and fell asleep on his stomach again.

Orchid Garden's small garden.

Bo Xichen met Mr. Bo who was doing Tai Chi early in the morning. Mr. Bo said while pushing his fists, "Good morning, Xichen."

Bo Xichen smiled slightly: "Morning, old man."

He looked at the sky, "The old man got up to punch at six o'clock, why don't you sleep a little longer?"

While punching, Mr. Bo remained calm: "I'm old and I can't sleep well. The cat called C last night and kept barking in the middle of the night. How can my old man sleep, but Xi Chen, your body Very good, I heard that I worked late last night, so I got up to work again after two or three hours."

The old man chuckled again: "Spiritual boy."

A passage made Uncle Bo feel a little uncomfortable, coughing lightly: "Is that so, I didn't hear it."

The old man smiled, continued to keep his composure, and said after a while: "Xi Chen, it's not that grandpa said you, a young and beautiful girl comes home to be loved and loved, it's boring not to accompany her early in the morning Work, isn't that a bad thing?"

Uncle Bo felt that it was difficult for him, because he stayed with him a lot. Mother said that he was intemperate, always bullied her cub, worked hard early in the morning, and the old man had something to say...

After punching for a while, the old man stopped and came over to pat him on the shoulder: "It's alright, alright, I know you have a job, I don't care if you don't have an opinion, we old people are really nosy, go, just don't Just forget about breakfast. '

"Yes, thank you, old man." Bo Xichen was about to leave quickly, but old man Bo stopped him again: "Xichen, you already call me grandpa, isn't it too natural for your own grandson to call me old man? It's better to hug it."

Uncle Bo can't laugh or cry, what do you mean by kissing and what do you mean by hugging?

Anxi is so big, why is it called hugging?

He dealt with a few more words, and it was over...

Over there, before he left, the old man jumped up and down——

That's great, Xi Chen got up early today, and he can go to show his hospitality later. He asked someone to get the breakfast that the kid likes to eat, and if he was lucky, he could have breakfast alone.



But Gu Anxi didn't wake up until noon that day, and he was woken up by a phone call.

The call was not made by someone else, it was the man who said he was discharged from the hospital yesterday, Brother Wang.

Old brother Wang yelled on the phone, Gu Anxi immediately took the phone away——

This long-lost roar.

Wang Jingyao was furious.

When I was discharged from the hospital today, it was quiet at first, but when I arrived in the office, all my subordinates were very dignified, very satisfied. The news, in fact, is not gossip anymore, but spread all over the outside world——

It was written in the tabloid that Jiang Chaoge had already moved in with the old lady and was already the appointed wife of the Wang family.

The old brother was shocked and angry, when did he make an appointment with Jiang Chaoge, he doesn't like her at all, okay?

No need to ask, this must be written by some bastard. He even asked Jing Chuan to check it out. Sure enough, Manager Ma of Yunxi Group disclosed it to the media. The old brother was furious and got Manager Ma over. People are not being released right now.

This call was also made with anger and fury.

"You have the guts to release such news." Old brother Wang was very angry: "How did this end? You made a charter, and I haven't seen you for a few days. I thought you put away your courage, but I didn't expect it It's getting bigger and bigger, hehe, Gu Anxi, you really think I dare not touch you, don't you?"

"Why don't you dare?" Gu Anxi snorted softly, "My calf is still green. '

The old brother froze, and then sneered: "Are you still wronged, don't you know how much you have done? You only know to protect the people you protect, when did you put me in your eyes?"

Gu Anxi just listened.

Wang Jingyao still said coldly: "This call is to tell you, don't think that you can always do whatever you want, I won't move you, but that Manager Ma...I won't let it go."

He thought she would beg for mercy and be humble, but Gu Anxi scratched her hair and said, "Really, then I am going to recruit new employees. The newcomers will probably be more obedient, and the salary requirements are not as good as Manager Ma's." Gao, it's really great that you can help me get rid of him."

Manager Ma is crying online...

 three o'clock



(End of this chapter)

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