Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 847 You Are Giving KPIs To The Bo Family

Chapter 847 You Are Giving KPIs To The Bo Family

Wang Jingyao over there was stunned. After a while, he looked at his phone again and couldn't believe his ears.

He got so angry, that's all, that's all... So he squinted his eyes: "Do you really have no affection for him at all?"

"What's the relationship?" Gu Anxi leaned on the bedside: "It's just to use it when it's valuable, and throw it away when it's not worth it when you don't like it. Besides, Mr. Wang and I talked about love, isn't it ridiculous?" ?”

Wang Jingyao said that he was caught by the connotation and was very annoyed, so he hung up the phone with a snap.

After a while, I regretted it, and felt that I still had to scold her, but after the call was made, it was not she who answered the call, but Mr. Bo who had been waiting for a long time.

Mr. Bo said politely, "I'm going to wash my face, I'm going to eat later... Oh, what you're talking about is Manager Ma's matter, deal with it whatever you want, it doesn't matter if you break your calf."

what the hell!

Wang Jingyao hung up the phone angrily, lit a cigarette, took a puff, raised his eyes, and looked at the Secretary-General in front of him with a gloomy face: "I'll just make a phone call now, is this the only treatment?"

Wang Jingchuan also heard the words just now, and coughed softly: "Is this going to cut Manager Ma and pick himself out?"

"What do you think?" The old brother drew a long tail, and then looked gloomyly at the poor Manager Ma with trembling legs: "I've been with her for so long, is this the only treatment?"

Poor Manager Ma was scared out of his wits at this moment, his voice was trembling: "Then, then... Xiao Gu won't want me, will he?"

Wang Jingyao said coldly, "She thinks your salary is too high." '

"I can also surrender." Manager Ma was about to cry.

Seeing his hopeless appearance, Wang Jingyao couldn't help but rolled his eyes, smoked a cigarette and said to Wang Jingchuan who was beside him, "Give him a piece of paper and a pen."

The Secretary-General was taken aback: "This is... you mean..."

Wang Jingyao sneered: "Let him explain and write down everything he knows about Yunxi Group."

The Secretary-General's eyes darkened, and he went to do it immediately, and the paper and pen came to Manager Ma in no time, "Write it, and be more frank."

Manager Ma was frightened too much today, and his painting style was completely different from yesterday. At this moment, he thought that his mental defenses would be taken off at once, but he stared at Wang Jingyao for a long time, and suddenly said, "Don't write."

Wang Jingyao played with the cigarette in his hand, pulled his lower lip and sneered: "Are you still defending her?"She doesn't want you anymore. '

Manager Ma was dazed for a moment, and it took a long time before he said, "I don't believe it, I just don't believe it."

Wang Jingyao stared at his stubborn face, and said in a hoarse voice: "She said it herself, you heard it too, wouldn't it be better to cooperate with me now, what she can give, I will only give more."

Manager Ma was silent.

Wang Jingyao thought he had persuaded him, so he winked at Wang Jingchuan, who immediately stepped forward, "Write it, you won't be treated badly if you cooperate with Mr. Wang."

Manager Ma raised his eyes again, fixed his eyes on Wang Jingyao, and suddenly threw the pen and paper in front of him to the ground.

Wang Jingyao's master and servant were taken aback. They saw Manager Ma's heart heaving vigorously, his voice trembling and stern: "I don't know how to write. I won't believe it until I see Mr. Gu and she says to her face that she doesn't need the old horse anymore." , even if you believe me, I will not help you to harm her. My old horse has served the Bo family all my life, and I eat the food of the Bo family, not the Wang family. Why should I erase everything with one sentence, why should I listen to you Just because you are Mr. Wang, you can do whatever you want, Mr. Gu has done so many things for you, going through life and death, you hurt her like your own sister back then, didn't you just turn your back on it? What good can I gain from Mr. Wang by betraying Mr. Gu with my identity like this?"

After an impassioned speech, Manager Ma became even more emotional.

Excited, he peed his pants.

That ticking sound, and the wetness on the expensive carpet... made Wang Jingchuan feel bad.

Wang Jingyao also saw it, and his heart was really crazy.

His imported carpets are worth thousands of dollars. This guy was so scared that he peed his pants, isn't he very cruel?

It turned out to be a coward!

Old brother Wang hated it to death, "Drag it out and drag it out."

Immediately, someone dragged Manager Ma out, and Wang Jingchuan immediately arranged for someone to come over to change the carpet. Of course, the current replacement is not as good as the previous one, and Wang Jingyao was very upset...

After finishing his work, he sat on the sofa and looked at his secretary-general: "There is no way to pry that guy's mouth open."

The secretary-general smiled helplessly: "As you can see, Manager Ma has a unique skill of peeing his pants without saying a word."

Wang Jingyao swears, and then said: "You can shut it down temporarily, it's up to you, just don't make trouble, and see the reaction of the Bo family."

Wang Jingchuan hesitated for a moment before saying, "If you're like this, you're making trouble with the Bo family even worse? Aren't you still counting on Professor Bo for that project?"

Wang Jingyao sneered: "The little bastard released such news, isn't it just to cause trouble for me, you also saw the old lady called several times in the morning, what have I been scolded for?"

He was particularly upset: "Is it easy for me? I have to deal with that surname Jiang every day for a broken project. Well, it's hard to stabilize, and there is a little bastard setting fire in the backyard."

When he said this, Secretary-General Wang echoed: "Mr. Gu is indeed capable. He can make you furious with a few words. You should calm down. If you get sick and send it to the hospital, don't you send KPI to the Bo family?" ?”

Wang Jingyao said fiercely: "If I don't believe it, I can't cure this little guy!"

Even though he said this, he also knew that the old lady loved that little bastard, and he really couldn't do anything to her. Even the one surnamed Ma was just venting his anger. How could he really do anything?

Wang Jingyao got angry and finally calmed down...

On the other side, Manager Ma was pulled into a separate small room.

Those people threw him in and closed the door and left him alone, leaving him to fend for himself, and did not put away his cell phone. Manager Ma took out his cell phone as soon as he sat on the simple bed, and urgently contacted his master.

Over there, Gu Anxi was having dinner when he received a call from Manager Ma.

Manager Ma wiped his face, "Mr. Gu, did I perform well?"

Gu Anxi groaned: "That's good, but what's the matter with your horse urine? You came right after you said it?"

Manager Ma cheered up: "How can I! How can I do such an insulting thing? Didn't this follow Mr. Gu's cleverness, put a water bag on his body in advance, and secretly get it at the critical moment?" The water will flow out naturally when it breaks, and once this thing is removed, Mr. Wang will not be able to bear it, so he will naturally let it go."

On the other side, Gu Anxi couldn't help but praise: "Old Ma, this move is really powerful."

Manager Ma said happily: "I followed you. I trust you very much. You told me that this matter is safe, and I believe it is safe. As long as you say a word, I will do anything. Look, I'm acting so well that even Manager Wang can't tell, are we cooperating flawlessly?"

Gu Anxi grunted: "Okay, I will give you a bonus later, and take a long vacation to relax. This trip has been hard work." '

Manager Ma said modestly, "If Manager Wang didn't have such courage and acting skills, he would actually be the most suitable candidate."

Gu Anxi paused for a moment: "Actually, with your talent, you should have mentioned it long ago, and I will give you a promotion later."

"Okay." Manager Ma wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Okay, I'll hang up the phone first, and then I'm going to perform a hunger strike or something. When I'm sent to the hospital, Mr. Gu will remember my favorite food It's mushy potatoes."

Over there, Gu Anxi's face froze, and he turned his head to ask Bo Nianyao: "Is Manager Ma always acting like this?"

Bo Nianyao pondered for a while: "He graduated from Beijing Film Academy, you may not know."

Gu Anxi sighed: "Manager Ma treats business as a show..."

They were discussing, and Wang Jingyao was not idle. After Manager Ma was locked up, there would naturally be sound surveillance. After watching this round, Wang Jingyao was almost blown away.

Listen, what are they.

It was instructed by that little bastard. Also, that manager Ma is a good showman, and he wants to perform a hunger strike.

He squinted, he didn't give him a bite of food, what was he acting for?

Brother Wang really ordered, "That Ma likes to be hungry, so let him be hungry."

The secretary-general was startled, "It's not good, it's not good if someone dies."

Wang Jingyao looked at him, still sneered: "Isn't he waiting to go to the hospital to eat potato mush? It just depends on how long he can endure..."

Secretary-General Wang hesitated: "That night, I met Mr. Gu, what are you going to say?" '

The old brother flew over with a cup: "What do you say? Do I have to explain to her?"

(End of this chapter)

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