Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 855 108 Ways to Repair Old Brother

Chapter 855 [-] Ways to Repair Old Brother

Chen Ming didn't know why he did it, probably because he liked her a lot, he wanted to be nice to her, he wanted to look after her, he wanted to cook for her, and he wanted to spend all the money he earned, it seemed as simple as that Bar……

But she doesn't want to.

Although he likes her very much and wants to be with her wholeheartedly, he is not a particularly ungrateful man. It is not wrong for him to be conservative, and it is not wrong to think that girls should be responsible for what happened, but if she really doesn't like him And if you don't care that much, then...forget it, things that are forced to come are not very interesting.

That day when his mother went back, she talked about Jiang Chaoge angrily for a long time, and he took a long time to comfort him before finally explaining it, but Chen's mother was still angry, and finally asked Song Jiaren again, probably feeling that something was wrong. Such a beautiful girl can save some face if she can be with Chen Ming.

Chen Ming doesn't think it's because of face. He just likes Song Jiaren, which has nothing to do with face or not. Similarly, he doesn't agree with Jiang Chaoge's effort to please Wang Jingyao. If marriage can be exchanged for benefits, Wang Jingyao can't be single until now Yes, he has been by Wang Jingyao's side for many years, and he still knows a little bit. Mr. Wang is quite picky, although he is more romantic, not just any woman can eat his mouth.

Chen Ming felt that Jiang Chaoge's conditions were good, there was really no need to do this, wouldn't it be good to find a good man to marry?

He thought about it, then looked at Bo Xichen and Gu Anxi: "Go back later? How about playing a few rounds?"

Gu Anxi agreed without thinking, "Okay."

Chen Ming looked at her clothes: "Is it convenient?"

Gu Anxi scratched her hair: "Yes."

"There's a set of sportswear in the car, I'll change into it in the car later." Uncle Bo smiled.

Gu Anxi opened his eyes wide, looked at his uncle, and went over to hug him after a while: "You are so kind, uncle."

Bo Xichen carried her into the car, turned to Chen Ming and said, "See you at the old place."

Chen Ming nodded and watched the car leave.

When the car left, he lit a cigarette and arranged for his men to pinch the cigarette butt off and prepare to get in the car.When he was about to leave, his eyes fell on Jiang Chaoge again, then he smiled and opened the car door.


In the dark night, a car with good performance was driving on the road. Gu Anxi sat in the back seat and found a paper bag, and muttered in a low voice: "Uncle, why did you prepare clothes in the car? You counted that we are going to shoot with Chen Ming." field?"

Uncle Bo smiled lazily, and focused on the road ahead, "That's not true, don't you like to dress restrained?"

Gu Anxi laughed silently, changed her clothes at the back, and tidied her hair before saying, "I thought you liked this dress better."

"Well, show me what you're wearing later." Uncle Bo smiled.

Gu Anxi put her arm around his neck from behind, and he patted her hand: "It's driving."

She sat back, took a drink from the side, and said after a while, "That bastard blocked Lin Hua in a room just now, did you know?"

"Huh?" Uncle Bo smiled: "How do you know?"

Gu Xiaodai did not speak.

There happened to be a red light ahead, so Bo Xichen stopped the car slowly, paused for a moment, and gently touched the steering wheel with his fingers... with a very patient look on his face.

For a moment, Gu Anxi felt that he couldn't make it through, and coughed lightly: "That, that I happened to see. '

Uncle Bo smiled softly again: "Really, dare you say that you don't have many photos?"

After he finished speaking, Gu Anxi smiled a few times and scratched his head: "Uncle, you really know how to joke, how can you, how can I have a photo?"

"How much are you going to sell?" He asked solemnly, and then started the car.

The little creamer was petrified, sat in the back and gnawed her fingers, and said unconvinced for a while: "Uncle, are you thinking too much, why would I do this?"

"Really?" He smiled lazily, "Then when I go back, I'll search you?"

Gu Anxi stared at him, then lowered his head for a while, and fell silent.

Bo Xichen said casually while driving: "Your old brother is so angry, and today you knocked out such a big project in front of the old lady. At this moment, he can't wait to skin you. You said you still have to take Does this ask him for money?"

Gu Anxi shook his head: "I didn't want to give it to him."

"Huh?" Uncle Bo smiled.

Then, the little guy from his family said confidently: "Although he agreed in front of the old lady, he can deny it afterwards. I can't complain in front of the old lady again and again. Some things still need to be self-reliant. "

Uncle Bo's voice was very soft: "Then who are you going to give this to?"

The little creamer swallowed her saliva, and said slowly: "If you don't sign the project letter, I will give it to Feng Sheng, and let him see how the old bastard seduces his wife." '

Uncle Bo was silent for a while, quite speechless.

After a long time, he said in a hoarse voice, "Wait and wait for you to be skinned." '

However, he didn't object, on the contrary, he indulged... He sighed in his heart, he was still a child.

And his attitude also made Gu Anxi quite strange. He wanted to ask but thought it was better not to ask. What if my uncle changed his mind?

The car drove for another half an hour in the dark, and finally arrived almost at the same time as Chen Ming. Chen Ming was still in uniform, and he was sweating a lot on his back. a feeling.

Seeing them coming, Chen Ming lit a cigarette and went up to meet them, raised his hand to look at his watch: "It's ten o'clock, let's play for two hours."

"Okay." Gu Anxi walked in front side by side with him. Uncle Bo took out a notebook from the car, and it looked like he was going to work here. Seeing that, the little creamer felt distressed and felt that he didn't know how to enjoy himself.

When we got inside, sure enough, Bo Xichen took off his coat and sat there working. Chen Ming looked at Gu Anxi: "I'm working every day, do you still have some private time?"

Gu Anxi raised it and aimed at——

Ten Ring Center.

Chen Ming applauded: "Amazing."

Gu Anxi tilted his head: "I don't have time to accompany me, so he brought me here, he's working."

Chen Ming also smiled honestly: "Professor Bo has worked very hard. Chaoge is also an academic. It seems that he doesn't have time to date and make boyfriends."

Gu Anxi raised her hand again, her red lips slightly raised: "So, I think she and Wang Jingyao are a perfect match. "

After she finished loading a magazine, Chen Ming answered, "Do you really think they are suitable?"

Gu Anxi loaded the bullet nimbly, glanced at Chen Ming, and then smiled: "Anyway, whether they are suitable or not, someone like Jiang Chaoge is definitely not suitable for you."

She raised her hand and looked at the target intently, "She won't be a good wife."

Because the bottom line is low, because there are too many things you want, even if you are married, you will sacrifice the loyalty that marriage should have because of interests.

A person like Chen Ming, who has a direct connection to one intestine, actually understood her words and nodded: "That's right, I think so too."

Gu Anxi smiled and was about to shoot when he accidentally saw an old acquaintance in another shooting room.

"Hello." She called Chen Ming: "Song Jiaren is there. Would you like to say hello?"

Chen Ming followed her gaze and coughed lightly for a moment, "There's nothing to say hello to."

Gu Anxi chuckled lightly: "At any rate, it's a one-night couple's hundred-day kindness."


Chen Ming's face instantly became red.

He stared at Gu Anxi, stammering incoherently: "You, how did you know?"

Gu Anxi turned around: "I was just making a random guess, but Chen Ming, are you admitting it?"

Chen Ming's face became even redder, almost dripping blood, and he stammered: "No, it's nothing. '

Gu Anxi patted him on the shoulder and put the gun in his hand: "It's your turn." '

Then, Chen Ming, the sharpshooter, missed his shot, and he didn't even have a ten-ringed one. He also felt quite ashamed... He deliberately didn't go to see Song Jiaren.

He wished he could leave immediately, and it was better than being teased by this bastard Gu Anxi. At this moment, it was hard for him to understand Mr. Wang's mood. This bastard is really loved and hated, and he is too smart.

(End of this chapter)

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