Chapter 856

Unconvinced, Chen Ming loaded another bullet, ready to fight back.

But he accidentally looked away, and saw Song Jiaren looking towards him. He was careless and almost lost his temper...

With a bang, it missed the target.

What a shame, what a shame!

Chen Ming stared blankly at the front, feeling a bit unacceptable for a while.

He has been playing with guns for more than ten years, and he has never had anything like this.

Turning his head slowly, Gu Anxi folded his hands in front of him, and smiled: "It seems that the energy of love is still very strong, why don't you go over and say hello, anyway, you will always meet after you know each other, you can't just pretend I can't see it."

Chen Ming was not a stingy person either. Although he was rejected, he really felt that there was no need to take it to heart all the time, it was not good.So after thinking about it, I agreed.

After talking with Bo Xichen, Gu Anxi went over with Chen Ming, and Uncle Bo continued to work.

Next door, Song Jiaren was a little surprised. Firstly, she was surprised to see Chen Ming here, and secondly, Chen Ming would come over. After a while, she understood that this must be Gu Anxi's idea.

She looked at the two people who came in and frowned: What is this little bastard Gu Anxi going to do?

In her eyes, there was more or less defensiveness.

Gu Anxi walked in with a smile, looked at Song Jiaren and then at a young and decent man beside her, and smiled: "Boyfriend?"

Song Jiaren looked away from Chen Ming's face, and said flatly, "Producer."

Gu Anxi smiled, "It seems that I'm going to make a movie, so I'm going to go abroad soon."

She smiled at the producer: "Producer, hello."

The young man was of mixed race, with a somewhat noble appearance. He was amazed when he looked at Gu Anxi, and asked for a handshake. Gu Anxi grabbed Chen Ming's hand and shook it with him. The producer was surprised: "He Is it your boyfriend?"

Gu Anxi smiled: "No, I'm married."

The producer was a little disappointed, but still puzzled by the relationship between them. In fact, Gu Anxi showed it to Song Jiaren, to see if she was sour.

Song Jiaren's eyes flicked over their hands, and then said softly to the man: "It's getting late, it's almost there."

That man was also quite gracious: "Okay, then I won't bother you and your friends, we'll sign the contract another day."

Song Jiaren originally wanted to leave with him, but she was a little annoyed, and finally sent him off and came back.

"Gu Anxi." Song Jiaren glared at her: "What bad idea did you have again?" '

Gu Anxi was playing with a gun when he suddenly moved his hand and pointed the gun at Chen Ming.

Chen Ming was taken aback.

Song Jiaren was also stunned, and instinctively stepped forward after a while: "What are you doing?"

Gu Anxi smiled, and put down his hand: "Why are you nervous? It's just a test of Chen Ming's psychological endurance. It's good, but Yun Duoduo doesn't seem to be very good at it. Your forehead is sweating." '

Song Jia's face was a little hot, and she was extremely annoyed, staring at Gu Anxi.

Gu Anxi said in lip language, "One night, a couple of hundred days of kindness."

For a moment, Chen Ming's face turned red. Song Jiaren's face turned white first and then red. Finally, she was so angry that she kicked Chen Ming hard, and walked towards the door: "Asshole."

Chen Ming was stunned for a moment before he came back to his senses, but he immediately chased after her, and stretched out his hand to hold her: "Listen to my explanation."

Song Jiaren slapped her backhand.

Gu Anxi's heart trembled, how cruel!

But this slap is worth it, isn't this ordinary relationship brought to the level of ambiguity again?

Chen Ming looked at her, and smiled helplessly: "Did you say something?" '

Gu Anxi pretended to be stupid: "What?"

Chen Ming couldn't count on her anymore, so he turned his head and wanted to explain: "It's really not what I said."

Song Jiaren wanted to slap him again, but Chen Ming had no choice but to grab her other hand and hold her tightly in his arms...

"Bastard, what are you doing?" Song Jiaren froze for a moment, and kicked him hard, but Chen Ming dragged her outside as if he had boundless strength, "Let's talk alone."

Gu Anxi watched them leave, smiled and looked up.

The moon is dark and the wind is high.

(End of this chapter)

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