Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 857 What are you doing, let me go

Chapter 857 What are you doing, let me go

In the parking lot of the shooting range, Chen Ming led Song Jiaren to his car with all his strength.

As soon as he got to a place where there was no one outside, Song Jiaren couldn't help it, and threw him away: "What are you doing?"

Chen Ming's body slammed into the car door with a bang, and his back ached, numb and spicy.

He straightened up a little, distractedly took a cigarette from his pocket and lit it.It's just that he didn't smoke it immediately, but held it between his fingers, and the scarlet cigarette butt flickered in the dark night.

Song Jiaren stared at him, then raised her hand to slap him again, but Chen Ming grabbed her hand with one hand, and said in a hoarse voice, "Have you had enough trouble?"

Song Jia was so angry that she kicked him, and he got kicked when he was caught off guard.

Chen Ming frowned, but his eyes fell on the white suspender dress on her body. After looking at it for a while, he raised his hand and took a puff of cigarette. After slowly exhaling the smoke circle, he frowned: "Why do you come to the shooting range dressed like this?"

"Don't worry about it." Song Jiaren kicked him again: "Let me go."

She thought that Chen Ming would have to be entangled, but what she didn't expect was that he let go of her so much, she took a step back unsteadily, and looked at him with some surprise.

"Why, do you think I'm still pestering you?" Chen Ming smiled: "I brought you out, but I just wanted to tell you that I didn't tell Anxi. She's so smart and it's not hard to guess."

Song Jiaren stared at him for a while before asking, "You know her very well? Do you like her too?"

Chen Ming lowered his head, took a sharp puff of the cigarette, then threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stamped it out, before answering her: "It's pretty familiar."

He did not answer the latter question.

After all, she is not his, so there is no need to confess.

After he finished answering, his eyes were quite peaceful: "Do you have a car? If you don't come by car, I will see you off."

He raised his hand to check the time, "It's getting late, it's hard to get a taxi here."

Song Jiaren was blunt at first, but she did not come by car. She came in the producer's car. At this moment, Chen Ming suggested that she thought about it and then snorted softly, "I can pay the fare."

He looked at her very calmly, and he didn't even refuse to say no.

Chen Ming went to the co-pilot and opened the car door, watched her sit in and close the door, and walked around to the other side to open the car door to get in. After he got in, he didn't start the car immediately, but took his mobile phone and dialed Gu Anxi.

Gu Anxi knew that he would not come back, and was playing by herself when the phone rang, and she checked that it was Chen Ming.

He picked it up, held the gun with one hand, and fired once before asking, "Aren't you going back?"

Sitting, Chen Ming held the steering wheel with one hand and hummed softly, probably because it was heavy and hoarse, so he seemed a little gentle...

Over there, Gu Anxi teased: "Send Yun Duoduo back?"

Chen Ming glanced at Song Jiaren to make sure she didn't like the title, he murmured intelligently, and Gu Anxi smiled: "Okay, I'll be back after playing for a while, you drive carefully." '

Chen Ming hung up the phone and put it in the front locker.Turning his head, Song Jiaren was looking at him.

"What's wrong?" he asked as he fastened his seat belt and started the car.

Song Jiaren said calmly: "It's nothing."

After a while, she couldn't help but ask again: "You and Gu Anxi..."

"What's the matter?" Chen Ming took out another cigarette while driving, and wanted to light it, but was stopped by Song Jiaren, "No smoking."

He was surprised, but put the cigarette back again. He focused his eyes on the road ahead and didn't answer her question. Song Jiaren asked again.

The road was not smooth, the car shook slightly, Chen Ming smiled, and said lazily: "You are not my wife, you care about my smoking and whether I like Anxi, Song Jiaren, do you care too much ?”

Song Jiaren turned her face away and snorted coldly, "I just don't want to smell the smoke."

When she said that, Chen Ming took the cigarette back, closed the car window, and lit the cigarette, as if provocative.

Song Jia was furious: "Chen Ming, did you do it on purpose?"

"Obviously, I did it on purpose." He said with a chuckle, holding the steering wheel with one hand and holding the cigarette in the other, smoking very savagely.

Song Jiaren was stunned for a while and realized that he was an old smoker.

She said in a blunt voice, "Stop."

Chen Ming glanced at her sideways: "Are you sure? There are no cars here. Will there be any accidents if you dress like this?"

Song Jiaren's voice became colder: "Stop the car."

Chen Ming's car stopped.


Song Jiaren froze for a moment, did he really stop?

This, this... idiot.

Song Jiaren glared at him.

Chen Ming leaned over to open the car door for her, sat up straight again and raised his chin, his eyes fell on her pretty face.

Song Jiaren also stared at him, unbuckled the seat belt with one hand, and got out of the car just like that.

It was dark outside, and it was in a remote place, and the surroundings were eerily quiet.

Song Jiaren walked straight forward without looking back. She was wearing a suspender skirt and high heels on her feet. She had a very good posture when she walked, and her waist was particularly slender when viewed from the back.

Chen Ming leaned on the back of the chair and squinted at her back. After watching for a while, he stretched out his hand to open the car window, smoked the remaining cigarette, and then started the car. After driving for a while, he saw the white figure.

Song Jiaren obviously heard the sound of his car, so she ignored it and continued walking straight ahead. Chen Ming didn't tell her to drive the car and follow behind...

He honked the car horn, but she pretended not to hear it, so he didn't force himself and drove slowly behind.

Later, he lit a cigarette again, and the car stopped and started, very patiently.

After about half an hour, Chen Ming still drove the car beside her and stopped: "Get in the car."

Song Jiaren ignored him. Chen Ming opened the car door and jumped out of the car. He quickly walked over and put his arms around her waist. She was unprepared and fell into his arms all at once, "Chen Ming, what are you doing?"

He felt her waist, it was really thin, but he didn't feel it in detail, he just hugged her gently, stretched over with one hand and pulled out her high heels, and threw it to the side of the road casually.

This series of actions made her stunned, and she was stunned for a while: "Chen Ming, what are you doing?"

Chen Ming is very strong, but she is too slender, he can hold her with one hand, pick her up, and walk towards his car.

Song Jiaren's face was forced to lean against his shoulder. Apart from the warm body temperature, it was the peculiar smell of men sweating in summer, but unexpectedly it was not unpleasant but rather refreshing.

In her memory, he always smelled of alcohol...

Chen Ming kept taking her to the front of the car, opened the car door and picked her up. She was so angry that she threw her bag at him.

He didn't move, and after a while he said in a hoarse voice: "Stop making trouble, I'll take you home, I'm also very tired."

Song Jiaren was a little surprised and raised her eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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