Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 858 Tonight, You Didn't Drink

Chapter 858 Tonight, You Didn't Drink

Chen Ming said very calmly: "I carried out a mission yesterday, and I haven't slept much for almost two days. After sending you off, I'm going back to rest."

Song Jiaren said coldly, "You haven't slept for two days and you came to play shooting?"

Chen Ming stared at her for a while, did not answer, and was about to close the car door.

At this moment, Song Jiaren blocked the car door with her hands, and raised her chin slightly: "My shoes cost five or six thousand."

"I'll buy you a pair later." Chen Ming said calmly.

Song Jiaren snorted coldly: "Help me pick it up, are you willing to buy five or six thousand shoes?"

"Compensation is totally fine, but if it's my wife, I might have to earn money to buy it." He didn't deny that he was thinking about her.

Sure enough, Song Jiaren heard it and slammed the car door shut angrily.

Of course, Chen Ming didn't go to pick up the shoes. He was quite tired now. He turned around to get in the car and started the car quickly. After driving for a while, he reminded her: "Put on your seat belt."

Song Jiaren was still angry and didn't want to talk to him, but the inspection belt was ahead, and several traffic policemen were on duty at night.

Chen Ming frowned, "Fasten it."

She still didn't listen, and it was too late now, he could only reach out and press her against him.

Song Jiaren was stunned, lying on top of him, buried her head, and gritted her teeth after a while: "Chen Ming, you bastard."

"Shut up." He had already lowered the window.

Outside, two young traffic policemen saw him and immediately said solemnly, "Captain Chen."

Chen Ming smiled lightly: "How is it?"

The young man stammered a bit. After all, he saw his boss's boss's boss. It took him a long time to say, "Everything is normal."

After finishing speaking, he poked his head inside: "Team Chen is alone?"

Chen Ming lit a cigarette and smiled: "I went to the shooting range with Mr. Gu for a while, and then I'm going to go back. By the way, it's for alcohol testing, right?"

The young man waved his hand: "Forget it, Team Chen."

"Well, let's do business." Chen Ming wanted to unbuckle his seat belt and get out of the car, just as he also wanted to get out of the car to check the situation, because he had an occupational disease.

In this way, he forgot about Song Jiaren who was on his body, and as soon as he let go, Song Jiaren's head popped out, and as soon as it came out, he slapped Chen Ming across the face.

with a snap.

Chen Ming was dumbfounded.

The two young men outside were also stunned.

This is a strange situation. Where did this beautiful woman come from? Didn't Team Chen say he was playing shooting with Mr. Gu? Why is there a woman in his car, and she looks really good-looking.

Look again, isn't this, isn't Mr. Zhou's new girl, who is also a world-class movie star?

Sitting in Team Chen's car dressed like this, and looking at it again, oh my god, there are no shoes on the feet, so the two young people couldn't help but think about it.

Chen Ming is not an idiot either, he knew the meaning just by looking at the straight eyes, he turned his head and glanced at Song Jiaren, "I'll get out of the car and take a look."

Song Jiaren didn't want to pay attention to him, and tidied up her wavy long hair. She was so charming that the eyes of the two young people were straight.

Chen Ming got out of the car and slammed the door, "What are you looking at!"

One of them leaned over and asked softly, "Is it sister-in-law?"

Chen Ming patted him on the head: "Go, go, where is the sister-in-law! Mr. Zhou's sister, I just met."

"Then why don't you have shoes?" The young man muttered to himself, while the other one desperately suppressed a smile.

Chen Ming took these two: "You still dare to make fun of me?"See if I don't kill you two bastards. '

Xiaonian smiled sullenly, and said after a while: "He looks pretty good-looking, similar to Mr. Gu."

Mr. Gu?

Chen Ming just remembered that Gu Anxi is also very good-looking, but probably because he has been called brother for too long, he was impressed by her marksmanship the first two times, and later it was difficult to feel that delicate and protective feeling, and Song Jiaren obviously knows all kinds of marksmanship Swordsmanship is usually delicate and tender. Apart from being able to slap and kick people, it doesn't look like martial arts, but he also knows that he is overthinking.

Of course, Chen Ming didn't test the alcohol, but went to the stop to check, and got on the bus in about 10 minutes.

The car door was closed and he was fastening his seat belt. Song Jiaren brushed her hair and looked at the other side: "Didn't you say you were tired?"

Chen Ming smiled lightly, "If there is a task now, it will last another day."

She turned her head to look at him, but didn't say any more.

The car sped away in the dark, and after about half an hour, we arrived at Zhou Yunchen's villa,

"Here we are." Chen Ming's voice was hoarse.

Song Jiaren turned her head, "I don't have shoes."

At this time, the car was outside the villa. The guard came over and saw that it was his car, and immediately opened the door.Chen Ming's car drove in slowly.

The villa was still brightly lit.

Zhou Yunchen sat on the sofa, obviously waiting for the girl to come home.

Chen Ming unbuckled his seat belt and looked at her: "I'll help you get your shoes."

Originally, he could actually carry her there, but how could Zhou Yunchen dare him.

Up to now, there is still that beautiful touch in the palm of his hand, which is quite nostalgic.

Zhou Yunchen was flipping a book in his hand, and raised his head, "Chen Ming, why are you the one who sent the beauty back?"

Chen Ming nodded: "Yes, she lost her shoes, I'll help her get them."

Zhou Yunchen smiled, "It's awkward again."

He glanced outside and said, "Why, are you getting together again?"

Chen Ming's face was a little red, "No, I just saw it at the shooting range, and she didn't drive."

'No need to explain. Zhou Yunchen got up and went to get a pair of slippers, and gave it to Chen Ming: "Give it to her, I won't take part in your affairs, let's figure it out, and I'm 60 years old."

Chen Ming's lips moved: "It's really nothing."

He thought for a while before saying, "I have no chance with her. Next week, I'll go on a blind date."

There was some helplessness in his tone.

Mother Chen's urging was really fierce, and he had to do everything...

After Chen Ming finished speaking, Zhou Yunchen's gaze fell behind him, and he smiled faintly.

Chen Ming was stunned for a moment, then turned his head, and saw Song Jiaren standing silently behind him, with a slightly cold face, obviously hearing what he said.

He thought that she probably looked down on him, on an ordinary person like him, because she was the most ageless to go on a blind date.

However, he is a pragmatic and ordinary person, he is neither a celebrity nor a playboy, and marrying a wife is the life of ordinary people.

Zhou Yunchen looked at their eyes back and forth, smiled slightly, and stretched his waist: "Okay, you guys have something to say, I'll go upstairs to sleep first." '

He walked a few steps, then turned around suddenly: "By the way, Chen Ming, you are not allowed to stay overnight.You did not drink today. '

These words made the two of them extremely uncomfortable, especially Chen Mingchu was scratching his hair there: "No, I'll leave in a while."

Zhou Yunchen smiled and went upstairs.

Fool, if it were me, I would never leave.

One more night, and I'm sure my heart will soften.

Chen Ming, you are still too honest, let's see how he practiced Congwen at that time...

(End of this chapter)

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