Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 859 Don't Go!

Chapter 859 Don't Go!

Zhou Yunchen went upstairs, Chen Ming looked at Song Jiaren, "It's getting late, you go to sleep."

Song Jiaren stared at him for a long time, then sat on the sofa, took the remote control and changed the channel.

Chen Ming said in a hoarse voice: "I'm leaving." While speaking, his throat was tight.

Song Jiaren raised her eyes and suddenly said, "Will you come down?"

Chen Ming frowned: "Next? Do you want to eat?"

"I'm hungry." She said confidently.

Chen Ming was a little speechless. In fact, he was quite tired, but when a girl leaned on the sofa and told him that she was hungry in an almost coquettish (fierce) tone, it was hard for him to refuse.

So he asked softly, "Is there any food in the kitchen?"

"It should be, I haven't seen it." Still confident.

Chen Ming sighed, took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, and went to the kitchen resignedly.

Song Jiaren poked her head to look, and then sat and watched TV by herself.

Upstairs, Zhou Yunchen stretched his waist and sat on the side of the bed. Shen Congwen was leaning on the bedside to play games. He snatched the mobile phone from her hand and said a little speechless: "It's so late to play games, so have a good time!" I learned from Anxi badly."

Shen Congwen smiled and looked in the direction of the door: "By the way, the beauty is back?" '

Zhou Yunchen unbuttoned the two buttons, went to the wine cabinet beside him, poured a glass of wine, took a sip, and said, "Chen Ming is also here, the car hasn't left yet, what are we talking about?"

Shen Congwen put his hands behind his head: 'They have a show? '

"It just happened to meet." Zhou Yunchen shook his head: "I don't mean that when I look at the beautiful woman, but maybe later."

After finishing speaking, he drank half a glass of red wine.

Shen Congwen frowned: "Drinking so late?"

"I want to have a drink." Zhou Yunchen smiled, leaning there, smiling beautifully: "Besides, I have children, so I'm not allowed to drink a glass of red wine?"

After finishing speaking, he leaned over and kissed her on the nose: "Okay, I'll take a shower first, and you are not allowed to play with your phone, or I will... want you to look good."

For his methods, Shen Congwen has always known and experienced, he did not dare to confront the tough, and nodded obediently.

Zhou Yunchen touched her face, drank some wine more or less, and did some gentle and sweeping things.

After a while, he said in a hoarse voice, "I really went to take a shower."

Shen Congwen hummed and watched him go to the bathroom...

After a while, she felt a little hungry, and after being troubled by Zhou Yunchen for a while, she forgot that Chen Ming was still there, so she got out of bed and walked downstairs...

But halfway through, I went upstairs again.

Because Chen Ming is serving Yun Duo Duo of their family to eat noodles.

In the hall, only one light was turned on, which was very soft.Song Jiaren sat at the dining table and waited. Chen Ming brought a bowl of noodles and put it in front of her, and made another bowl for himself.

After sitting down, he looked at her: "Why don't you eat? It's too simple if you don't like it?"

He made chicken noodles with mushrooms and it was delicious.

Song Jiaren looked at her face silently, and after a while she said, "I don't eat shiitake mushrooms."

Chen Ming ate a few mouthfuls by himself, very bold, and raised his eyes after hearing her words, "Don't eat this?Picky eaters. '

After finishing speaking, she took her chopsticks and patiently picked out the shiitake mushrooms one by one. He was very attentive while doing this. Song Jiaren looked at his drooping eyebrows and coughed lightly: "You know how to cook?"

"More or less." Chen Ming smiled casually: "My father died early, my mother has to work, and I have been cooking for myself since I was ten years old."

After speaking, he gave her the bowl of noodles.

Song Jiaren took it over, and it tasted okay after a small bite.

Suddenly, Chen Ming stretched out his hand, and she retreated instinctively: "What are you doing?" '

"Hair." Chen Ming smiled faintly: "Isn't it hot? Let it loose." '

Song Jiaren took a look at him, found something to tie it with, and sat down to eat noodles again.

And then, Chen Ming regretted it. She was already dressed very coolly, but she was even more cool when she brushed her hair up like this. Moreover, she was very white, very delicately white... He didn't dare to look at it, and buried his head in eating noodles.

Chen Ming had a lot of tasks, and he had a lot of time to deal with them casually outside, so he finished eating the noodles in a while, wiped his lower lip, and looked at Song Jiaren: "I'm leaving."

With just one move, a hand pressed down on his arm: "Wait a minute."

Chen Ming looked at her: "What's wrong? Is there anything else?"

He really went straight to the guts, because he said it was impossible, so he gave up hope, she wanted to eat noodles, and he gave her noodles in a good temper, and now he was so sleepy that he died.

Song Jiaren glanced at him and said softly, "I'm going to go abroad to film in a month."

"Oh, international blockbusters, right?" Chen Ming took out a cigarette, lit it, and took a puff: "I don't really understand these things."

Song Jiaren lowered her head to eat the noodles again, but she didn't move her hand away. Chen Ming looked at it and didn't make a sound.

She lowered her head for a moment, "Filming is just to make money, it's the same as work."

Chen Ming nodded again, agreeing: "Yes. It's also work."

He thought about his body for a while, as if he wanted to leave, Song Jiaren held him down again, and said softly, "The sofa is quite spacious."

Chen Ming was surprised.

Is this to take him in for a night?

At this moment, Song Jiaren lowered her head to eat the noodles again, but moved her hand away, and Chen Ming didn't say anything, just sat aside and smoked...

After Song Jiaren finished eating, he cleaned up the bowls, washed them up and came over: "It's time to go, there is a task at eight o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Stay with me." Song Jiaren grabbed his arm.

Chen Ming was stunned.

After a long time, he said uncertainly, "I will accompany you?"

After a while, he straightened and said, "It's not convenient, it's getting late."

Song Jiaren frowned: "Where did I go, I just want to have a glass of wine, and I have no one to accompany me."

Chen Ming suddenly realized, smiled, and put out the cigarette: "You should find someone to accompany you."

As he said that, he moved her hand away, "I still have tasks tomorrow, so I won't accompany you."

He didn't dare to accompany him, what if he compensated himself?

He has nothing, does not meet her requirements, if there is no possibility, there is no need to be so ambiguous.

When Chen Ming walked out, he was still a little proud in his heart, feeling that he was very determined.

In fact, he also knows that some things will happen after the two parties drink, but he doesn't want to do this. He also wants to be responsible for the accident last time. This time... there is no need, although it is a very tempting thing for him .

Well, a real man can withstand temptation.

Chen Ming just left, and Song Jiaren stopped him.

She walked over slowly, hugged him from behind, and put her face on his back: "I don't deserve to keep you here for one night?"

Chen Ming's voice was slightly tense: "Do you want me to be with you?" '

Song Jiaren didn't make a sound, just put her face on his back and murmured: "I have an older brother, but that's always someone else's husband, Chen Ming, I just want someone who belongs to me and can accompany me ,"

Chen Ming turned his head away with a sigh, held her shoulders and lowered his head and asked her: "Then are you willing to take responsibility?" '

Song Jiaren looked up at him, trying to get closer, but Chen Ming turned his face away, and he said softly, "I'm a conservative man, I don't like those."

She looks at him.

He added: "I have another blind date in two days, what if it happens... I will feel guilty."

Song Jiaren's complexion changed, she gritted her teeth: "Chen Ming, are you going too far?"

Chen Ming held her hand, "Don't hit people casually."

His voice was slightly hoarse: "I'm not what you want. Since we're not together, there's no need for anything to happen. You may not care, but I won't let it go."

He will spend a lot of time forgetting and pretending not to care.

Emotions are inherently unfair. He doesn't want to pay for the momentary happiness. Besides, he also wants to find a wife, which is unfair to his future wife.

Chen Ming walked away resolutely, his back disappeared into the night, and he got into the car and drove away after a while.

Song Jiaren stood there watching, bit her lip...

Shen Congwen came down from upstairs when he heard the sound of the car, looked at Song Jiaren, and smiled: "Reluctant? Like it?"

Song Jiaren said angrily, "No."

Shen Congwen poured himself a glass of water, then smiled: "If not, why are you so angry? Oh, by the way, Chen Ming is an honest man, I think as long as you say that you are willing, he will probably take you home immediately. What? So, why don't you think about it?"

Song Jiaren looked at her, and sat down on the sofa angrily.

Shen Congwen went to the kitchen and found something good——

It turned out to be Chen Mingxia's noodles, and there was another serving.

It smells so good.

Shen Congwen immediately filled the bowl, brought it to the living room, and was about to eat it by himself, when Zhou Yunchen went downstairs, smelling the aroma, he immediately said, "Such delicious noodles?"

I'm coming to grab it.

Of course Shen Congwen refused, "Chen Ming made it. You can ask him to come over and make it for you."

Zhou Yunchen robbed for a long time, took only one bite, then turned his head to look at Song Jiaren: "Why are you so angry that you didn't keep him?"

Song Jia was so angry that she threw a pillow and passed away.

The elder brother folded his arms and smiled: "You don't want to be with him, as long as he is with him, he will naturally guard himself like a jade."

Song Jia was annoyed: "Stop talking."

She was so angry, she didn't mean that at all, she just wanted to have a glass of wine and chat.

(End of this chapter)

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