Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 860 Who's Who's Licking Dog?

Chapter 860 Who's Who's Licking Dog?

Zhou Yunchen couldn't eat noodles, so he found a few more things to eat, and then sat on the edge of his sister's sofa, "Chen Ming also has principles. Also, girls should be more reserved, you are sincere when you come up." You can't scare people away with real swords and guns? Like let him go down, he must be willing, why don't you take your time, you just let people accompany you to drink and don't let them go at night, isn't that right? mean?"

Song Jiaren lowered her head, playing with her nails: "I didn't think so."

"Normal men think that way, unless he is abnormal." Zhou Yunchen sighed: "Chen Ming is not young, he really wants to get married, if you don't have that intention, don't tease him, if you want to find a boyfriend brother Let me introduce you."

"I don't want to find a boyfriend." Song Jiaren glanced at him and said after a while, "You are so annoying."

The older brother looked at his wife and said, "Look, she gets annoyed by saying a few words to her. Is there such a thing? Tell me about her from Congwen."

Shen Congwen was eating noodles, and he ate very deliciously. After eating, he patted his stomach in satisfaction, and then said: "Jiaren, why don't you try it with Chen Ming, his noodles are very delicious. If it is convenient in the future Just live together."

The noodles are really fragrant.

Song Jiaren frowned, "You betrayed me with just a bowl of noodles?"

Shen Congwen smiled and said, "It kills two birds with one stone, and he can be with you every day."

Zhou Yunchen gave his wife a thumbs-up, and it was his wife who hit the nail on the head.

Song Jia was so angry that she went upstairs barefoot.

Shen Congwen looked upstairs: "Is this from embarrassment?"

Zhou Yunchen snorted softly: "Wow, she is clearly rebelling against her color, and the other party has nothing to do with it."

After taking a sip of water, he said again: "I can't tell, Chen Ming is quite attractive."

Shen Congwen stroked his chin, with a deep thought on his face: "The figure seems to be pretty good."

Zhou Yunchen stared at her, and warned for a while: "Shen Congwen."

"I know, I know." Shen Congwen got up, and then said: "By the way, this noodle is good. If you can't bring Chen Ming back, you have to learn how to make it."

"Understood." Zhou Yunchen said in a low voice.


It was quite late at night.

Zhou Yunchen walked into his sister's room. Song Jiaren had taken a shower, changed into a set of pajamas and was sitting on the sofa with a glass of red wine in her hand.

"Dang it so late?" Brother Dang walked over and put his arms around her shoulders: "Beauty, if you like Chen Ming, there is no shame in it, just give it a try."

"I didn't think that way." Song Jiaren said softly, "It's just a reliable person."

"You also know that he is reliable." Zhou Yunchen smiled: "He is a very good person and has a future..."

After all, he used to belong to Wang Jingyao and knew a lot of things. When he told about Chen Ming, Song Jiaren was a little surprised.

Zhou Yunchen smiled: "He's only in his early thirties, and he has a great chance of getting up. Besides, his current position is beyond the reach of many people. In terms of money, our family seems to have no shortage."

Song Jiaren glanced at him, didn't answer, just put her feet on the sofa and hugged her.

Zhou Yunchen knew that she couldn't forget Boqing, and she was unwilling to admit that she liked a rough man like Chen Ming. You must know that Boqing looked like a romantic man——

All the men in the Bo family looked like this.

He patted her on the shoulder: "Think about it for yourself, don't miss it. What I know is that he is always on blind dates. If one day they meet, he will not change his temper. Marriage is marriage, no If you mess up again, you won't feel sorry for the woman."

He sighed again: "Sister, there is not much time left for you."

Song Jiaren felt a little bit of hell, how did it become that she wanted to tease Chen Ming wholeheartedly?

Obviously it is... Obviously it is...

But in the end she couldn't convince herself any more, and now it was indeed she who asked him to accompany her, but he refused and said he wanted to go on a blind date.

She wouldn't like this kind of stupid wood.

Seeing her expression, Zhou Yunchen probably guessed it, and smiled without forcing it.

He was about to go out, when Shen Congwen came, holding his mobile phone in his hand, his voice was a little tense: "Chen Ming had a car accident on the road."

(End of this chapter)

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