Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 861 You Are Responsible For This Matter

Chapter 861 You Are Responsible For This Matter

When Shen Congwen said this, Zhou Yunchen and Song Jiaren were stunned for a moment.

Immediately, Zhou Yunchen took the car keys: "I'll go, Congwen, send me the address of the hospital."

Shen Congwen nodded, "Okay, drive carefully."

Zhou Yunchen was about to leave when Song Jiaren stopped him: "Brother, I'll go with you."

Zhou Yunchen looked deeply: "You don't have that intention, so don't go."

"No." Song Jiaren said with some difficulty: "He said he didn't sleep for a day or two, and I asked him to send it, so I'll have a look anyway."

"Okay." Zhou Yunchen put his arm around her, "Go and change your clothes. I'll wait for you downstairs."

Song Jiaren immediately went to change clothes, Zhou Yunchen went downstairs, Shen Congwen followed and said: "You have been drinking, call the driver."

"It's just a glass of red wine, it's okay." He looked upstairs and gave his wife a wink. Shen Congwen understood it, smiled slightly, and said, "Drive carefully, the beauty is also in the car." .”

"Hmm." Zhou Yunchen kissed her hair sideways, and said in a hoarse voice, "Go to bed early and send me the address."

Shen Congwen nodded, sat on the sofa and passed the address to his mobile phone. When Song Jiaren came out, he said hello and went downstairs.

After getting into the car, Zhou Yunchen started the car.

Song Jiaren put her hands on her knees, and her voice was a little tense: "Brother, how is he?"

Zhou Yunchen smiled and lit a cigarette, "What aspect are you asking about, Dodo?"

In private, he called her that.

Song Jiaren bit her lower lip: "I don't care about him, it's just that if something happens, I feel..."

"Will take care of him?" Zhou Yunchen smiled again: "Silly sister. You don't want a good man, you have to support him after being disabled? Can't you just keep him tonight if you have the ability?"

There was something in his words, Song Jia was so angry that she turned her head and ignored him.

Zhou Yunchen held the steering wheel with one hand, and didn't tell her that he had received a call. Chen Ming was fine, except that his left hand was hurt to a bone. It was probably due to staying in the hospital for a few days, but he still had to take a look when he came out.

The car drove towards the hospital smoothly, and when it arrived at Song Jia, it was discovered that it was Yunxi Hospital.

She instinctively resisted. After all, Bo Qing is also a member of the Bo family. She can see the Bo family as soon as she can, especially Gu Anxi, who gives her a headache when she sees it. That person...has repeatedly provoked her. She hates her up.

Zhou Yunchen turned off the ignition, tilted his head and said softly: "If you don't want to go up, don't go up. Wait for me in the car."

Song Jiaren paused for a moment, then said slowly, "Go."

Zhou Yunchen smiled lightly, opened the car door and got out of the car to wait for her. When Song Jiaren came over, he put his arm around her shoulder and said lightly, "It'll be fine."

She looked up at him, her legs were a little weak.

Her heart was also beating suddenly, and for the first time when she was a little vulnerable, she felt that he was really her brother.Although she didn't remember those past events, he didn't force her to remember them, and they got along very well, but there was always a distance between them, but at this moment she really felt that he loved her very much.

It hurts, it hurts.

It's not comparable to sister-in-law's, but it's definitely not less than Gu Anxi. In an instant, she felt a lot more comfortable, and she was willing to say something to him.

Biting her lip, she whispered, "If something happens to Chen Ming, I will feel guilty."

"Go up and have a look." Zhou Yunchen touched her little head and took her to the emergency room.

Who would have known that Gu Anxi and Bo Xichen were there when they came, and Bo Xichen had done the bone setting, and it had already been finished. He was pushed out of the emergency room, except for some wounds on his forehead and bandages on his hands, he looked intact.

Chen Ming was a little surprised when he saw Song Jiaren and Zhou Yunchen, his voice became hoarse: "Why are you here?"

Zhou Yunchen and Song Jiaren were also surprised, he didn't know?

However, they all understood immediately, and all eyes were on Gu Anxi's face.

Gu Anxi smiled: "It's me, no, Chen Ming, a bachelor, is now sending Yun Duoduo into an accident. If anything happens, Yun Duoduo will be responsible, so we have to be a witness right away."

Zhou Yunchen was really angry and funny, Song Jia was so angry that she wanted to tear Gu Anxi apart.

She is really too hateful.

Gu Anxi opened his eyes wide: "Are you angry again?"No, doesn't your willingness to come here prove that you are willing to take responsibility?I did nothing wrong. '

She smiled again: "So I said, I said no, my actions were very honest, and this little face was worried. '

She kicked Chen Ming's leg again: "Wu Mu, she is concerned about you, and she is going to say that you are not good enough, and she should be responsible." '

The doctors and nurses all laughed after she messed up, while Bo Xichen covered his forehead with his slender fingers, feeling extremely helpless.

Song Jiaren wanted to fight her hard.

Zhou Yunchen grabbed his younger sister and half hugged her in his arms: "Okay, okay, don't fight in the middle of the night, girls don't look good when they scratch their faces." '

Song Jiaren took off her shoes and threw it at Gu Anxi. Gu Anxi was naturally very skilled and dodged it in a flash, but the woman who just came in the entrance aisle was not so lucky.

The woman is none other than Chen Ming's old mother.

Mother Chen just came over, and an object flashed in front of her, right between her eyebrows.

With a scream, he fell to the ground.

Everyone was stunned, especially Song Jiaren's mouth twitched slightly——

(End of this chapter)

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