Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 863 You Have To Be Responsible For This Matter 3

Chapter 863 You Are Responsible for This Matter [-]

Zhou Yunchen smiled, "Didn't you want to come and leave now without saying a word?" '

Song Jiaren was stunned for a moment, and then wanted to strangle her brother to death!

On the contrary, Chen Ming was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that she came here on his own initiative, he thought Mr. Zhou forced her to come here.

Mother Chen's eyes lit up again.

In the past, she didn't like celebrities very much, but her family, Chen Ming, was let go by Jiang Chaoge. The mother only wanted to find someone better than Jiang Chaoge for her son, so that she could gain face and satisfy her self-esteem.

So, she looked at Song Jiaren pleasing to the eye. If this plate and this piece gave birth to a baby, it would definitely change the genes of the old Chen family. This looks much better than Jiang Chaoge's.

Chen's mother's eyes were full of enthusiasm all of a sudden, and she didn't dare to spoil her son's good deeds. She automatically stood aside and looked at her, hoping that her son would leave the girl behind. Good to leave.

Suddenly, Mother Chen found the truth.

She yawned and smiled happily: "Chen Ming, I remembered that the pork ribs are still stewed at home, it may not be safe, I'll go home and have a look, and come over tomorrow morning."

The people at the scene were shocked again.

Such an honest person like Chen Ming has such a tricky old mother.

Chen Ming was uncomfortable, but he couldn't say anything, he could only smile: "Then be careful when you go back." '

Mother Chen waved her hand sharply: "Don't worry, I'm nothing to an old woman." '

After talking, just leave.

It doesn't look like the person who just wanted a full body checkup.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when Chen's mother left. Chen Ming looked at Zhou Yunchen: "Mr. Zhou, I'm fine, thank you for coming to see me."

He looked at Song Jiaren again, thought for a while, and said, "Don't take my mother's words to heart. She really wants me to get married now. I'll explain it to her later."

Song Jiaren pursed her lips, but said nothing.

Gu Anxi stretched her waist: "I'm so sleepy, uncle, I want to go home and sleep."

Bo Xichen naturally understood her intentions, and smiled slightly: "Okay, I'll go wash my hands and leave."

He turned around and told the nurse on duty some things before he washed his hands and took Gu Anxi away, while Chen Ming was pushed into the ordinary single ward. After entering, he was a little embarrassed: "Mr. Zhou, let you see It's a joke."

Zhou Yunchen smiled, raised his chin and said to his younger sister, "Talk to him if you have anything to say, and I'll call your sister-in-law to report her safety."

Song Jiaren wanted to say that she had nothing to say, Zhou Yunchen coughed lightly: "Be more open-minded, you are not divorced spouses, why bother to be so awkward."

After finishing speaking, he went to the window to make a phone call. There were only Chen Ming and Song Jiaren.

Chen Ming leaned against the bed and looked at her: "You are sleepy, if you are sleepy, go back in a while."

He raised his hand: "Look, a little injury, it's okay."

Song Jiaren pursed her lips before saying, "I... didn't mean that before. I just wanted to have a glass of wine. I didn't think about anything else."

Chen Ming was stunned for a while, then smiled, and said indifferently: "Then you may not know men very well, you can guarantee yourself but I can't, so a small car accident is worth it." '

After he finished speaking, Song Jiaren's heart became extremely complicated. Could it be that Chen Ming would rather have a car accident than have anything to do with her? Is she so bad?

Then he still pestered her like that before?

Dare to be fake?

And now, she's like this now... she... otherwise she wouldn't come.

She suddenly became very angry, and she didn't know why she was so angry.But no matter how angry she was, Chen Ming would still be Chen Ming, still that honest person, an honest person who was rejected would no longer have fantasies, even if he touched her waist, he would still miss her for a long time.

He looked at her and smiled: "Girls don't always get angry, they tend to age quickly."

As soon as Song Jiaren got angry, she verbally attacked: "You still care about whether girls are old or not, I thought you would find a woman, and you don't care whether she takes care of her or not." '

Chen Ming was at a loss, why did she attack his future wife?

However, he still nodded very gracefully: "You are always good-looking when you are young, and you have to calm down when you are older."

He added another sentence: "After I get married, I will not cheat, no matter whether my wife is old or not."

Even if it was Song Jiaren, he would refuse, it was a matter of principle.

Song Jia was so angry that she sat on the sofa and turned her head to the side. Only then did he realize that she was wearing a one-piece suit. She looked quite young, and she was not as delicate and charming as usual. Instead, she looked a lot better.

His eyes were slightly hot, but they returned to normal after a while. He is a restrained man, and it is a sin to look at a woman who shouldn't deserve him.

Song Jiaren felt that he was looking at her, turned around, and glared at him again: "What, are you comparing?"

Suddenly, her eyes fell on his shirt pocket, Chen Ming was puzzled.

Song Jiaren leaned over, reached out, and took out a two-inch photo from his pocket.

It was a young girl, quite simple, but because she was young, she looked delicate, gentle and pleasant.

She looked at Chen Ming: "A blind date?"

Chen Ming was taken aback, took the photo back, and told the truth: "It was introduced by someone from the unit, and we haven't met yet, maybe in two days."

Song Jiaren glared at him.

Suddenly, I felt that I was really playing the piano with the cow. She came here and talked for a long time. There are pictures of other women in this guy's pocket. No wonder he ignored her tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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