Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 864 I'm Not Your Teasing Object

Chapter 864 I'm Not Your Teasing Object

Looking at her expression, Chen Ming couldn't understand why she was unhappy.

Isn't it obvious that she doesn't like him?

He also wouldn't be ashamed to think that meeting tonight would change anything. He is a pragmatic man, and he won't force himself if he says it's impossible.

Song Jiaren just watched him put the photo in his pocket, looking very intimate. She felt very uncomfortable, but she didn't know why she felt uncomfortable.

Over there, Zhou Yunchen came over after making a phone call, "Duoduo, you stay here and take care of me. I don't feel relieved that your sister-in-law is alone at home. All the servants at home have asked for leave tonight."

Song Jiaren immediately said, "I'll go back with you."

Zhou Yunchen just smiled, and then said: "Chen Ming probably needs someone to take care of him here, so you just have to be wronged for one night, and Chen Ming's mother should come over tomorrow morning."

Song Jiaren's head hurt at the thought of that dramatist.

At this moment, Zhou Yunchen had already taken the car keys and said hello to Chen Ming before leaving. Song Jiaren wanted to shout but held back.On the contrary, Chen Ming leaned on the head of the bed in the ward, and smiled: "Actually, you'll be fine when you go back."

Song Jiaren went to the sofa and sat down: "My brother has already left."

After she finished speaking, she found a pillow and patted it on, as if she was going to sleep. Chen Ming looked at her quietly for a while, "You and Mr. Zhou have a good relationship?"

Song Jiaren pursed her lower lip and turned her face away from the window: "It's good, but I've forgotten all about the past, I only know that he is indeed my brother by blood."

Originally, she kept him tonight because she felt a little lonely and wanted to find someone to have a drink and talk about these things, but Chen Ming refused, but what he didn't expect was that he had a car accident and the two of them chatted in the hospital.

This is a bit dumbfounding.

She was half lying on the sofa while talking, and she even pulled a small blanket to cover it, which was very precious to herself.

Chen Ming looked a little hot-eyed, after all, he was a man, they had a good time, and now they were alone, so they wouldn't be indifferent.It's just that I can only look at it, Song Jiaren is like a rose, beautiful but thorny.

His voice was hoarse: "However, Mr. Zhou remembers these things in the past."

Song Jiaren smiled, "Yes, my brother remembers it."

After finishing speaking, he put his hair down, and buried his face in the pillow as if he was about to fall asleep. Chen Ming was a little speechless. He was clearly a patient. Didn't she say that she would take care of him, and fell asleep right now?

He stared at her for a while, sighed, and got out of bed.

As soon as he made any movement, Song Jiaren immediately woke up, turned her head and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Go to the toilet." Chen Ming said gruffly.

Song Jiaren let out an ooh, and then asked him, "Do you want to help?"

"No need. Your hands are not in the way." Chen Ming looked at her strangely, and Song Jiaren didn't say anything else, and leaned against her again, wanting to sleep.

Chen Ming went to the bathroom lightly, and when he came back after solving the problem, he saw that she had fallen asleep, and probably some hot blankets were kicked aside.

She smiled silently, how sleepy she was.

Obviously he was also very sleepy, but right now he wasn't sleepy at all, he just stared at her.

She was indeed good-looking, and Chen Ming didn't deny that he was more or less based on looks, but normal men would be like this.

After staring at it for a long time, Song Jiaren's voice came out faintly: "Aren't you going to sleep?"

Chen Ming was stunned for a moment, then looked at her again, still buried his head with his hair covering his head.

Suddenly, he realized that Song Jiaren was also a trained person. She could fall asleep in a second, but no matter how soft the sound was, it might wake her up.Out of consideration, he smiled faintly: "Woke you up?"

"Not really." Her voice was a little sleepy again, so Chen Ming laid down his hands and feet lightly, and lay down.

After lying down, it was not very comfortable, but I was worried about her, so I didn't turn over.

After such a long time, he thought in his heart, as expected, she should be allowed to go back. This is simply torturing him as a patient!

Fortunately, he fell asleep later, and finally fell asleep.

In the early morning, around six o'clock, Chen Ming woke up on time.

The sky was twilight, and the lights in the ward were turned off, so it looked hazy at this time.

Song Jiaren was also holding the blanket tightly with both hands.

Chen Ming smiled, got up and sat down, gently pushed her hand away, and stuffed it into the blanket.

Just when he wanted to move away, she grabbed his hand, moved her whole body towards him, and then leaned against his leg, looking soft and firm.

Chen Ming was stunned.

Wanting to leave, she simply hugged his waist directly, how could she walk away?

He wanted to convince himself that she might still be dreaming and used him as a pillow, but he also knew that with her keenness, she would have woken up a long time ago. Now even if she was pretending to be asleep, she also knew that the person she was hugging was him.

He didn't understand why she was like this.

As soon as Chen Ming spoke, his voice was hoarse: "I am not a casual man."

She didn't speak, just leaned against him.

Until Chen Ming couldn't take it anymore, he brushed her hair away with one hand and looked at that beautiful face, and finally bowed his head unbearably...

A hand was on his lips, the fingers were soft, as smooth as soft tofu.

Chen Ming's voice was even hoarse than before: "What's wrong?"

Song Jiaren was laughing.

She smiled very happily, her shoulders trembled, then she raised her head, reached out and took out the photo from his pocket, and smiled softly: "Is this your loyalty?"

Chen Ming's body froze, and he frowned: "Are you teasing me?"

She moved back, then leaned on the sofa and brushed her hair: "It's not a tease, it's a test."

Chen Ming stared at her for a long time, his voice was tight: "What conclusion have you reached?"

Before she could answer, he said again: "Song Jiaren, if you think it's fun, you can find someone else to play with you. I'm not the right person."

He held up the photo: "Yes, I am old-fashioned, I am a conservative, you can also laugh at me for saying one thing and another, but I am a normal man other than being conservative. There is nothing wrong with that." Ridiculous, not as you like, sorry. '

Song Jiaren was a little dumbfounded.

This is the first time Chen Ming said so many words in one breath, it can be seen that he is really angry.

Just kidding, can't you?

But in Chen Ming's place, it just doesn't work.

She doesn't want her to be with him, so why tease him?

He got up, and she wanted to catch him instinctively, but he pulled away as soon as he twitched, and lay back on his ward again, closing his eyes slightly: "It's dawn, you take a taxi back or ask your driver to pick you up. I There is no need to take care of it here, thank you Miss Song."

He is not blessed to accept her care...

(End of this chapter)

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