Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 865 The Photos in the Wallet

Chapter 865 The Photos in the Wallet

Song Jiaren could see that he was out of business. He was really angry.

However, she didn't care that much, she brushed her hair, 'Okay, then I'll go back. '

She stretched out her slender fingers to poke the place where he put the photo, and smiled softly: "The blind date was successful. '

Chen Ming's expression was a little ugly.

Song Jiaren put on her shoes, turned around and left.

She left, the door was gently closed, Chen Ming's face was very ugly... Just now, he almost took it seriously.

In fact, he was serious, but she was still kidding.

He suddenly wanted to smoke, and suddenly thought of that man named Boqing.

In her heart, she will never forget that man!

That's right, such an elegant man, if he was a woman, he would never forget her, even if that man never cared about her.

And he, Chen Ming, is a big bastard, what is it to her, but he is just someone who can be played with.Come here to tease me when I'm bored, and tell you that I don't like you if I don't want to talk to you.

He squinted, I stopped waiting.

Chen Ming was angry when the door opened, he thought it was a nurse, and said angrily, "Come back later, I'm in a bad mood."

But the one at the door was not a nurse, but Song Jiaren.

Song Jiaren closed the door and leaned her back against the door panel. It took a while for Chen Ming to realize that something was wrong. He looked up and saw, good guy, it was still her.

He sneered: "I hurt my hand, Miss Song found the wrong person."

His words were really unpleasant, and his tone was not very nice, but Song Jiaren didn't care about it, and said very directly: "Give me the money."

"What do you want money for?" Although he said in a rough voice, he still took out his wallet.

Song Jiaren was still confident, "I didn't bring a mobile phone, and I didn't have money to take a taxi."

Chen Ming took out a few [-] sheets and threw them at the end of the bed: "Take it and leave quickly, maybe my mother will bring her future daughter-in-law to visit me, to avoid suspicion."

Song Jiaren was rude, went to pick up the money, and then snatched his wallet.

Chen Ming glared at her: "Isn't four hundred taxis enough? '

"No." She opened the wallet, and then her eyes froze.

In the middle layer of the wallet, there was a photo, a black and white still photo... It was none other than Song Jiaren.

She stared at him for a long time before she shifted her eyes to his face, with a questioning look in her eyes.

There is also a hint of ridicule.

Chen Ming felt very uncomfortable, "I'm a movie fan, can't I?"

"Of course." Song Jiaren smiled lightly, then took out the blind date photo from his pocket, put it on, and took away her own.

"Hello." Chen Ming lacked confidence, his handsome face flushed slightly.

Song Jiaren bent down, her lips were almost pressed against him, and murmured softly: "Captain Chen, your behavior is not very good, if your future wife finds out, it's not good, and if I, a bad woman, seduce you again , it’s hard not to be misunderstood.”

Chen Ming watched her leave helplessly, and was so angry that he died.

How does he feel, she obviously hates Gu Anxi, but her behavior is becoming more and more like Gu Anxi, and she doesn't know it, huh, after all, she has become like she hates people.

Chen Ming let out a breath, and lay down for a while, the nurse finally came, and besides the medicine, he even brought him a breakfast, which was quite miraculous.

Chen Ming was in a better mood. The nurse gave him an injection and said with a smile: "Miss Song told you, she walked two streets to the famous breakfast shop to buy it for Team Chen. of."

Chen Ming was stunned for a moment.

Did Song Jiaren buy it?

(End of this chapter)

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