Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 868 Do you think I have failed you

Chapter 868 Do you think I have failed you

Wang Jingchuan thought about it like this, sure enough, Wang Zhou and others were very uncomfortable, and they were overly polite.

Zhou Yunchen nodded, "Okay, you guys talk, I'll go and see Chen Ming."

After speaking, he went out.

Wang Jingchuan watched him leave, and when he left, he looked back at his master.

The master stared at the door, wondering what he was thinking.

Wang Jingchuan coughed lightly: "Mr. Wang."

Wang Jingyao was still staring at it, and after a while he said something inexplicable: "It's a pity."

At this time, Bo Xichen went out, and there were two masters and servants in the office, so Wang Jingchuan spoke boldly: "You mean..."

Wang Jingyao's gaze was a little deep: "Jing Chuan, if he knew that the man was his father, what would he think of me and how would he treat me?"

Wang Jingchuan's heart sank suddenly.

What Mr. Wang means is... Can't tolerate Zhou Yunchen anymore?

In just a few seconds, Wang Jingchuan had tens of thousands of thoughts in his mind, and finally, he said softly: "Mr. Wang, you think too much, Xiao Gu will never tell him such a big secret, Xiao Gu has naturally protected his deep affection for him."

Wang Jingyao turned his head, "I said Zhou Yunchen, why did you get involved with that little bastard... Yes, she has a deep affection for Zhou Yunwan. She grew up together since she was a child, no more than me who became a monk halfway through. Jing Chuan, do you mean that? ?”

Wang Jingchuan felt like crying, what kind of reasoning is this?

He said softly again: "You, this is overthinking. Mr. Gu cares more about Mr. Zhou, so naturally he cares more about you. Mr. Zhou is her elder brother, which is equivalent to your younger brother."

When he mentioned this point, Wang Jingyao didn't understand, so he sneered: "Jingchuan, I have tasted it, and you are speaking for Zhou Yunchen."

He patted his trousers, stood up, and said displeasedly: "I haven't said what to do with him yet, but you are begging for mercy. Those who know say you belong to me, but those who don't know think you belong to Zhou Yunchen." .”

Wang Jingchuan groaned in his heart, but he coaxed his boss with a lost smile on his face.

Wang Jingyao walked to the door, paused again, and turned around: "Whether Zhou Yunchen will stay or not depends not on your little Mr. Gu, but on whether he has ambitions."

Wang Jingchuan immediately said: "I don't think they have any ambitions anymore. They have wives and children. I heard that Anpu's business is doing very well now. Mr. Zhou has always been capable."

"That's right, that's too capable." Wang Jingyao was also a bit jealous and uncomfortable with the person behind the ruthless scene, who was also his confidant He Lao, and he never let it go.

He said that, Wang Jingchuan didn't dare to fart again, so he had to say good things along the way.

When Wang Jingyao checked, Gu Anxi happened to come over, and Wang Jingchuan pulled her aside as if he had something to say.

Gu Anxi leaned against the wall: "Jingchuan, why do you have such an expression, I thought you were used to the world."

Wang Jingchuan couldn't be more cautious. He pondered for a long time before finally speaking: "If I hadn't hit it off with you, I wouldn't have said that. Mr. Wang would have skinned me if he found out."


Wang Jingchuan said softly: "Does Mr. Zhou know the identity of Mr. He, I mean...his background?"

When Gu An heard this, he smiled, and then asked: "If he knows, will he not be tolerated?"

Wang Jingchuan didn't know what to say immediately. He admitted that Mr. Wang seemed to be too cruel, which affected their feelings, but he didn't say it, as if he was afraid that something would happen later.

After thinking about it, he said: "Mr. Wang is in this position, you still have to be considerate."

When he said this, Gu Anxi smiled slightly: "I didn't want to tell Zhou Yunchen about this, but he is such a smart person, how could he not think of it? If Mr. Wang asks again, just tell him that Zhou Yunchen already knew Now, I also want to know why he can't tolerate it, is it because he can't tolerate it in Beicheng, or is he going to kill him all?"

She said it lightly, but Wang Jingchuan could hear a bit of absoluteness in her words, and immediately didn't know what to do.

Gu Anxi turned his face away, looked out the window, and said softly: "Zhou Yunchen knows everything, he has no resentment towards Wang Jingyao, and he has no ambitions, the same is true of the Bo family, if he really can't tolerate it, then I can't stand it."

Wang Jingchuan was terrified, and quickly said, "It's nothing serious, don't think too much about it."

Gu Anxi smiled lightly: "I didn't think too much, Mr. Wang thought too much."

She said softly again: "I regard him as an old brother, he treats me very well, and he is such a person, it is impossible for me to betray him, Zhou Yunchen is also a person who has a big picture, even if he is wronged It's impossible to do something self-interested, but how much can Wang Jingyao understand our thoughts? We have already said that we can't bear it, isn't it enough to stay away from that circle?"

Wang Jingchuan sighed: "I'm talking too much about this matter, I'm sorry Mr. Gu." '

Gu Anxi shook his head: "I know you reminded me too, but do you really think your Mr. Wang can't guess?"He was just looking for an excuse. '

After finishing speaking, her gaze fell behind Wang Jingchuan.

It was Wang Jingyao, who just came out from the back door, and he didn't know how long he had been listening.

Probably a little bit, probably heard a lot...

Wang Jingchuan followed her gaze and turned around, almost as frightened as Manager Ma.

His mouth moved: "Mr. Wang."

"Go back and peel your skin again." Wang Jingyao reprimanded: "Get out of the car and wait for me, don't embarrass me."

Wang Jingchuan still wanted to speak, but Wang Jingyao gave him a look, and he didn't dare to speak anymore.

He also knew that he had to peel off a layer of skin when he went back.

When Wang Jingchuan left, Wang Jingyao walked forward slowly, standing in front of Gu Anxi, and said softly, "Do you feel that you have been let down?"

Gu Anxi raised her head, her eyes were foggy, it was from anger, but she didn't cry, and she didn't want to cry in front of him, it was too useless.

She stared at him, stubbornly did not look away, her voice was softer than his: "Yes, not only me, but also my uncle and Zhou Yunchen. Wang Jingyao, what's wrong with us, the one who did the wrong thing is that person We are ruthless, but we were either abandoned or calculated when we grew up, we almost lost everything, we almost lost our lives, we went through life and death for Mr. Wang, and we only planned for Mr. Wang, what did we do wrong?"

She said with a self-deprecating smile: "We were wrong, it's just that one is that person's seed, it's just that I learned painting from that person when I was young, that's all, don't say it's because of Zhou Yunchen, I know that you doubt me in your heart, who told me that I am that person's apprentice, but also a fickle apprentice, I know so much, and I am in Bo's house, will I have such thoughts one day, Will it threaten you? In the final analysis, pampering me and treating me as my younger sister is just a whim of Mr. Wang, but the real you is the one who has worked hard for 30 years, and the one whose heart is as cold as a stone. '

Wang Jingyao's face was very ugly.

No one has ever dared to speak to him like this, but what she said was also the truth.

And this person was the one he had always kept in his heart, but now, he has erased all his kindness to her. In her heart, he is a complete bad guy, with a heart of stone, right?

(End of this chapter)

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