Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 869 Annoyed in Heart, Smiling on Face4000 words

Chapter 869 Annoyed in Heart, Smiling on Face[-] words

The two confronted each other for a long time before Wang Jingyao opened his mouth and smiled, "You really hate me, don't you?"

"Not really." Gu Anxi said softly, "It's just that Mr. Wang can't tolerate me and Zhou Yunchen."

Wang Jingyao's heart tightened, and she continued to speak: "If you really can't bear it, Mr. Wang, with a word, I, Zhou Yunchen, and even the Bo family can move out of Beicheng. Qingcheng and Jiangcheng may not be able to survive."

After finishing speaking, Wang Jingyao's voice was slightly cold: "Isn't it because of my own ability!"You can live anywhere, but you can't live in Beicheng, right? '

He was always angry in his heart. She said that he was afraid of her, that he couldn't tolerate it. Yes, he had scruples about Zhou Yunchen, but he didn't seem to do anything to her except for that kick. The old lady was very partial to her, and so was he. Turning a blind eye, she said the tens of billions project so casually like at the banquet. Although he was angry, he had already signed the document to give to the Bo family.

Now, she, the little white-eyed wolf who trampled on his heart to death, go eat a big fart!

Wang Jingyao was very angry, and said angrily, "Don't come back when you leave."

He was angry and didn't want to talk to her anymore, so he turned around and left.

Gu Anxi made a face behind him, just in time to be seen by Uncle Bo who followed, Bo Xichen looked at her and smiled: "What's the matter, are you mad at Mr. Wang again?"

"He's angry every day, it's obvious that his menopause is early." Gu Anxi didn't want to tell her uncle about those disappointing things, she was born not to worry about this, so let's do that, anyway, they are going to Jiangcheng later , out of sight, out of sight.

When she said this, Uncle Bo smiled softly, and rubbed her hair: "You are stubborn, obviously I came here specially today, knowing that he will be re-examined."

"Uncle, don't put gold on his face." Gu Anxi called out dissatisfied, and then sighed: "This can be regarded as a complete offense. Uncle, do you mind living together in Qingcheng?"

Bo Xichen smiled slightly: "I don't mind. Qingcheng is pretty good too."

She said to herself: "I just don't know if Bo's father and Bo's mother are used to it, and whether the old man will be used to it."

Speaking of this, Uncle Bo coughed lightly: "By the way, I forgot to tell you, the old man said he would follow us to Jiangcheng." '

Gu Anxi opened his eyes wide: "What is he doing in Jiangcheng?"

Bo Xichen coughed lightly: "The old man said he would follow you." '

Gu Anxi: ...

But in the end, she agreed without saying anything.


In the parking lot of the hospital, Wang Jingchuan felt restless as soon as he got there.

He did something wrong today, and if he said something too much, Mr. Gu naturally didn't care, but when he got into a fight with Mr. Wang, the two of them would not give up the gun barrel. This must have burned him.

He smiled wryly, and smoked a few cigarettes beside the car, the driver looked sideways: "Secretary-General, you don't usually bring such cigarettes."

Wang Jingchuan leaned on the car door, looked down at the cigarette in his hand, and smiled lightly: "Accompanying you is like accompanying a tiger."

The driver was taken aback, "Are you having a fight with Mr. Wang?"

"Look at what you said." Wang Jingchuan was amused: "It's not a couple, why are you arguing?"

The driver was also happy, and said sincerely: "You are a big celebrity around Mr. Wang, who can match your status in his heart except the old man and old lady?"

Wang Jingchuan looked at him and said, "Don't, our gentleman is very fraternal, and he treasures his sister to death in his heart, and he will miss Miss Lin again tomorrow. I think he just wants a few flowers."

The driver thought about it carefully, and smiled ambiguously: "Tell me, Mr. Wang regretted marrying Miss Lin Hua if he knew it earlier?"

"I don't know him." Wang Jingchuan sighed, and said after a while: "Probably I have some regrets. I may be thinking that the cabbage was raped by a pig."

The driver smiled sullenly, and just wanted to agree, but he couldn't laugh for a while, and looked at the stammering man in front of him: "Wang, Mr. Wang."

Mr. Wang?

The cigarette at Wang Jingchuan's fingertips almost burned his fingers, and he stared at his master——

Did you hear that?

Of course Wang Jingyao heard it, and he heard it sincerely, and now his face turned black with anger.

This, is this what his beloved secretary-general should say?

Old brother Wang didn't have an attack immediately, he went around to the other side, opened the car door and sat down, angrily.

The driver's feet were trembling, and the secretary-general was not much better. He was afraid that his master would retaliate if he talked behind his back.

When Wang Jingchuan sat in the car, his legs were shaking, he was afraid of what would happen to his boss.

Wang Jingyao gave him some face, instead of sending him off immediately in front of the driver, he said softly, "Go to the office."

The Secretary-General bit the bullet: "Is the report out? Are you in good health?"

Wang Jingyao turned his face away, and said angrily, "I can't die."

The secretary-general knew that he was annoyed, so he didn't dare to say anything more, while the driver looked at him in the rearview mirror, and the two of them stretched their skins tightly.

Along the way, no one dared to say anything, and they were silent all the way to the office.

When the car stopped, Wang Jingyao didn't get out of the car immediately, but closed his eyes slightly in the car, and said softly, "Yuan Sheng, you can report to the team starting tomorrow."

The driver named Yuan Sheng was terrified, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses. He said with a little loss, "Okay, Mr. Wang, I understand."

As soon as these words came out, Wang Jingchuan was a little surprised.

Yuan Sheng is an old man who has been with Mr. Wang for more than ten years. Now that he ended up because of a wrong word, it can be seen that this is a big taboo in Mr. Wang's heart.

Wang Jingchuan also knew that he had troubled the driver, and that Mr. Wang would have more opinions on him if he said something, but he still said it, otherwise he would have a bad conscience.

"Mr. Wang, Yuan Sheng was also taken by me to say a few words, or else, I'll accept his part together." The Secretary-General spoke awkwardly, not knowing if his words carried any weight.

Sure enough, Wang Jingyao said very calmly: "Jingchuan, you can't protect yourself."

Wang Jingchuan felt sad.

What did he do wrong? He just hoped that Mr. Wang would get well and reconcile with Mr. Gu. There is no need for a woman, but this sister is really precious. She was so happy a while ago, but now it's just... the rhythm of menopause , but his intentions are probably about to be wronged.

The Secretary-General felt a little wronged, and it took him a long time to speak in a hoarse voice: "Mr. Wang, for the sake of Yuan Sheng's past ten years, it is also for the sake of my past thirty years."

The team is very hard, and there is no chance to go up again if you go down, he knows this very well.

Hearing what he said, Wang Jingyao seemed to be thinking about it. After a while, he smiled and said, "Okay. It's fine if he doesn't leave, you can bear it."

After finishing speaking, his complexion completely sank: "This is what you said about Jing Chuan."

There is anger in his heart, and he can't vent it. The people closest to him are naturally the most unlucky. The Secretary-General has followed him for decades, so there is nothing he doesn't know, but he doesn't want to let innocent people suffer.

And he himself, even if his skin is peeled off, will always survive.

This will be a tricky plan, Wang Jingyao opened the car door, "Go to the office and talk."

In any case, Jing Chuan has been with him for decades, so he will still give him some face.

Wang Jingchuan smiled wryly, while the driver looked worried.

Worry is nothing but worry, but Mr. Wang's affairs are out of the question.

After a while, Wang Jingchuan followed Wang Jingyao to the office, the door was closed, and he was about to speak when Wang Jingyao threw a cup over his face, leaving an obvious red mark that was blood.

Wang Jingchuan had seen him lose all kinds of temper, but it was the first time he treated him so rudely.

In the past, there was always more posturing.

He was stunned for a moment before speaking in a dry voice: "Mr. Wang..."

Wang Jingyao sneered: "Do you still have me in your eyes? I thought you had a new master in your heart." '

"Jing Chuan dare not." The secretary-general softened his voice: "I just want to persuade you and Mr. Gu to make peace, and there is absolutely no other meaning."

Wang Jingyao sneered deeper: "Really!"

He sat down slowly, the smile on his face froze slowly, while Wang Jingchuan remained motionless, knowing that he was thinking about his own whereabouts at this moment, and maybe he would die in the next second without a place to bury him.

Time passed by second by second, and the air was too silent. I don't know how long it took before Wang Jingyao finally said: "Jingchuan, you have been with me for many years, and you have worked hard, and I have suffered a lot."

Hearing this, Wang Jingchuan was already very sad.

Sure enough, Wang Jingyao continued to speak: "In this way, there are few cadres at the grassroots level. You can go there. With your talent, your future will not be blocked."

Wang Jingchuan smiled faintly, and he said yes, but he didn't know in his heart that as Mr. Wang's confidant was abandoned again, there would be no good ending anywhere.

At the moment, he lowered his eyes: "Thank you, Mr. Wang, for making arrangements for me. Mr. Wang is right. Jing Chuan has been very tired and hard these years, but Jing Chuan has no regrets. I will return Mr. Wang's villa. Fortunately, The former small house has not been sold and can still be lived in.”

Wang Jingyao narrowed his eyes: "What do you mean?"

"Jing Chuan wants to resign and maybe become a small teacher or something in the future. I don't think Mr. Wang will kill them all." The Secretary-General said neither humble nor overbearing.

Obviously, Wang Jingyao was about to explode, "Wang Jingchuan, do you really think I dare not touch you?"

"I know that Mr. Wang dares." Wang Jingchuan smiled lightly: "But the more Mr. Wang dares, the more I want to leave. I know that Mr. Wang has too many things, and I will be worried about whoever I follow to do Mr. Wang in the future, so I'd better be sensible. Go away by yourself."

Wang Jingyao really laughed angrily: "Wang Jingchuan, I didn't know you had such a heart. Okay, if you want to leave, you will leave immediately. I want to leave you a word that my surname is not Wang. I have cultivated you all these years. It was fed to the dog."

The Secretary-General said softly: "One day is a dog, and one day is a dog. Dogs have no human rights."

"Get lost." Brother Wang threw a valuable cup over again, but this time Secretary-General Wang dodged it, and after he dodged, he said quietly: "I will go through the formalities, so I won't embarrass Mr. Wang. "

Wang Jingyao stopped him: "Think about it clearly without Wang Jingchuan, you can't come back after going out, why can't a smart person like you realize this truth?"

He sneered: "After decades of following me, I really fed my brain to pigs, and I haven't improved at all."

The secretary-general just smiled lightly and didn't say anything, but the old brother was furious, it really didn't make sense, this guy, he said so much, yet he was still so stupid.

Wang Jingyao let out a long breath: "Okay, let's go, you are nothing more than that little bastard, relying on my love for you, you can do whatever you want, and you have to leave me one by one, right? , Then leave, let me see if you are living a better life than before, if you still feel that you are not a dog, one of them has not grown full hair, and you are all against me, one is, and the other two are also."

After he made such a long list, the secretary-general didn't say anything, and he said whatever he wanted.

After he finished speaking, he said a few beautiful words softly, turned around and left.

When he was going out, Old Brother Wang called him back angrily: "Wang Jingchuan."

Wang Jingchuan turned his head, Wang Jingyao smoked a cigarette, and said softly: "Why don't you learn more shameless skills from that little bastard, I don't want to return what I gave you, but if you have the courage to betray me, you have to have that mentality Bearing capacity, remember, I am not for myself, Gu Anxi can misunderstand me, but you, Wang Jingchuan, have been with me for these years, you must not misunderstand me."

Looking into his eyes, Wang Jingchuan was a little shocked.

He squinted, Old Brother Wang is still your Old Brother Wang. Looking at it this way, Wang Jingchuan understood what he didn't understand at first... He called that fucking dog in his heart.

He squinted, he had been with him for decades, and in the end he was allowed to do this shit, and he acted really like it. If the two parties hadn't been getting along intimately for more than thirty years, he really wouldn't have realized the flavor of it.

Of course, this matter cannot be explained thoroughly at this time. Wang Jingchuan's heart is MMP, but his face is smiling: "I appreciate Mr. Wang's kindness. The world is big, and there is always a place for Jingchuan. As for the villa, thank you Wang." Mister."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Jingyao delivered a rolling word, which was so earth-shattering that a building could hear it.

And the whole office knew that Wang Jingchuan was angered by his boss and left the house. The way Secretary-General Wang went out after finishing the formalities made the whole office sigh for him.

Anyway, I've followed him for thirty years, and if I say no, I don't want it, which shows ruthlessness.

Even Min Xin was shocked by this matter. He heard the wind and came here. When he opened the door, he saw that there was a bloody storm inside. He smirked, "Why is this? I watched Jing Chuan leave with a box. Then It looks so miserable, isn't it your heart and soul, the most I know is that you can't leave your body for a day, so if you lose it now, you will lose it."

He walked to Wang Jingyao's side and sat down: "I'm not talking about you. No matter what, he knows so many secrets about you. It's better to keep him here than to let him out. With his talent, how many people want him? "

[-] words for this chapter

(End of this chapter)

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