Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 870 Everyone has their own ghosts, think I'm a fool?

Chapter 870 Everyone has their own ghosts, think I'm a fool?

When Min Xin said this, Wang Jingyao looked at him thoughtfully.

Min Xin smiled, and said again: "With Jing Chuan's ability, he has made achievements in the past [-] years, but he has ended up like this today. I don't know what he did to make you so unhappy."

"Your temper, it's time to put it away. Jing Chuan is an old man. You are happy to drive him away now, but you are not used to using a newcomer later, and you will lose your temper when the time comes. Isn't the gain outweighed by the loss?" , and if you want Jing Chuan to come back again, he probably doesn't want to come back. You have to think about all kinds of things. If you regret it at that time, it will be too late. Reunion is just a fairy tale. Look at me , I’m so old that I finally had a cub, and now it’s up to people’s face to sleep on the sofa, Lao Wang, don’t follow in my footsteps.”

Min Xin said it with a look of earnestness, but who is Old Brother Wang, how can he not see that he is taking pleasure in other's misfortunes?

Leaning at him, he sneered endlessly: "Jing Chuan is not a woman, nor is she Zhou Yu, how can this be compared?"

Min Xin?He let out a cry, and said again like a spring breeze: "This is not right. Jing Chuan takes care of you more than his sister-in-law did at the beginning. You are also very satisfied. Now this decision seems a bit ruthless."

He patted his trousers, "Don't be afraid that others will comment on you. Besides, Jingchuan, a literati, came out from you. What if I meet someone who appreciates him and turns against you again? Every time the public appears , He used the people around you back then, like hitting you in the face."

Wang Jingyao stared at Min Xin, and said a little angrily: "You kid, talk about it, do you want me to put down my airs and beg him to come back? He arranges me behind the scenes. Isn't it normal for me to let him go down? I couldn't lose face and couldn't hold back my anger, so I left as soon as I said it, and I can't control so much if it's going to rain, and Niang will get married."

He ground his teeth again: "Wang Jingchuan is a sensible person, he dare not say a word that he should not say, and he dare not follow people who should not follow."

Min Xin smiled with deep eyes.

After he went out, Wang Jingyao fell on the leather office chair and thought about it back and forth to see if there were any loopholes.

Hehe, the little bastard surnamed Gu has long thought that there is something wrong with her. She is indeed arrogant and has a bad temper, but she is a villain. If you fight against him, if you don't have anything I really didn't dare to do anything to him, the more I thought about it, the more something was wrong, and finally I found an excuse.

Jing Chuan is an old man who has been with him for more than thirty years. It is wonderful. Jing Chuan immediately knows what he wants with a wink and a specious word. Now he is not used to it after walking for a while...

The news of Wang Jingchuan's departure soon shook Beicheng.

In the afternoon, Jiang Chaoge came over, bringing a young man who was unfamiliar with him.Wang Jingyao hadn't seen it before, but he thought, this person should be surnamed Jiang.

The old brother braced himself to cope, he was quite close to Jiang Chaoge, and even poured tea for her himself.

The young man surnamed Jiang was a little panicked.

Old brother Wang ignored him a little bit, and just chatted with Jiang Chaoge cordially, but never mentioned anything else.

Jiang Chaoge stayed there for about half an hour and couldn't wait for Zhunxin'er. She also knew that Wang Jingyao knew her intentions in her heart, but he just didn't take the initiative to say so, and finally she mentioned it first: "Jingyao, I heard that Jingyao Chuan left."

Wang Jingyao leaned on the sofa, tilted his head back slightly, and let out a hum from his nose.

It's not a statement either.

Jiang Chaoge's heart beat a little faster, and after a while he said again: "Then you must have reliable people by your side."

"I'm not used to it." Wang Jingyao held the teacup in his hand and smiled lightly: "Jing Chuan has been with me for more than [-] years, and he knows my habits very well, but the logistics department has already found a suitable candidate. Come to work."

Jiang Chaoge's heart skipped a beat, knowing that there was nothing to do, and this was also a refusal, but today's task was passed on to her by Jiang Bin, and she was not easy to disobey, so she bit the bullet: "I know you like to use old people, but you have A fresh young man is good sometimes."

Wang Jingyao's eyes fell on the restrained young man, then he looked at Jiang Chaoge, and said slowly, "You mean that I am old and need the vitality of young people?"

Jiang Chaoge has always known that he is difficult to serve, even in the current situation, he talks to her occasionally, which makes her feel a little bit overwhelmed.

After thinking about it again and again, she spoke in a soft voice: "I don't mean that, but because I hope you have a reliable person by your side."

Brother Wang also patted her hand to comfort her: "I never doubted your heart."

He looked at the young and good-looking young man again, and knew that he must be a side branch of the Jiang family. If it was his family, he would not be willing to send him to wait on someone to see his face. This is just a poor child who is controlled by Jiang Bin again.

So, the old brother said softly: "Well, this kid is still young, go down to be an operator, and after a few years of experience, he will have a suitable position later, and then he can be promoted slowly."

Although Jiang Chaoge was a little disappointed, this ending wasn't too bad, and he could give Jiang Bin an explanation after returning. Besides, this child has a way out with such an arrangement.

Jiang Chaoge turned his head and said to the young man, "Thank you, Mr. Wang."

The young child's face was slightly red, and he was very good-looking, and he thanked Wang Jingyao softly.

Looking at him, Wang Jingyao felt that he had a male-female appearance, and suddenly understood Jiang Bin's intentions, and felt contemptuous in his heart. This shameless villain took Wang Jingyao for someone...

Later, the young child left first, and Jiang Chaoge felt that being alone could be enough to say a few words, so he leaned towards him, looking a little close, and his voice was very gentle: "Jingyao, what are you doing today?" What's the matter, why did you get so angry with Jing Chuan, everyone got away."

Wang Jingyao glanced at her, took another sip of hot tea, and said, "It's not a big deal, but his heart is not here anymore."

Paused: "If you have a different heart, naturally you can't stay."

Jiang Chaoge's heart beat a little faster, and she unconsciously took a seat.

After a long time, she said softly: "Then, what should I do next, there must be no trustworthy person around me."

Brother Wang leaned closer to her, and smiled softly, "Isn't there still you?"

Immediately, Jiang Chaoge was terribly excited. This kind of excitement is normal. People have a strong mentality. Wang Jingyao is the strongest man in Beicheng.

Old brother Wang is worthy of being a romantic person, and he is very good at dealing with women. He coaxed Jiang Chaoge into a happy mood by saying a few specious words, and then he started talking about the real thing: "Chaoge, how is your preparation for that project going?" ? Are there any technical and financial problems?"

Jiang Chaoge paused for a moment and said, "We are preparing for the laboratory. After discussing with Uncle Jiang, I finally chose Jiangcheng."


Brother Wang smiled: "Jiangcheng is a good place. I still have a lot of acquaintances in Jiangcheng, all of whom are old subordinates of the old man. If you have any problems in Jiangcheng, just tell me and I will help you solve it."

As for the funding, he didn't ask any more. Obviously, Jiang Bin wanted to monopolize the project, and he was not in a hurry.

After the project was completed, he had plenty of ways to deal with Jiang.

Rebirth, right and wrong, now you can't see the real chapter, right?

The Bo family's place was even more foggy.

He never dared to underestimate the Bo family, don't look at Bo Nianyao's obsession with appreciating antiques and art all day long, but he has properly arranged everything in and out of the North City. , is well-known in the world, plus that little bastard who is not afraid of causing trouble, oh, and Lin Yun is not a vegetarian, because she has a good father, few people in Beicheng dare to provoke her.

However, these people are all focused on loving that little bastard, and they are willing to stand up for her if the little bastard is down. Brother Wang is suffocating just thinking about it.

Therefore, he will not stand on which side now, even if he faces Jiang Chaoge on the surface, secretly he will not do everything, the little bastard surnamed Gu is determined by this and dares to provoke him.

Damn it, he, Wang Jingyao, was from a famous family, when did he get angry like this?

While thinking about it, Old Brother Wang felt really wronged.

Jiang Chaoge looked at him quietly, and suddenly said, "Jingyao, trust me, between you and Uncle Jiang, my heart is for you."

"Of course it is." Brother Wang's voice was gentle, and he magically added some affectionate style.

But he already has an MMP in his heart, why did he secretly sign the contract to Lao Tzu, thinking that Lao Tzu is a fool?

Wang Jingyao's answer made Jiang Chaoge feel relieved.

When she left and stood outside, her mind became active again.

Wang Jingchuan's event database is gone. If she can use it to get some special information, it will be of great help to her.

Therefore, Jiang Chaoge did not go directly to Jiang's Hospital, but went to Wang Jingchuan's house.

Wang Jingchuan's wife was at home, she was a little surprised when she heard her coming, and then said: "Oh, Jingchuan came back in the morning, and went to have dinner with friends at noon."

Wang Jingchuan's wife has been with her husband for a long time, and she is quite shrewd, so she didn't say it was Mr. Gu and the dinner.

 2900 words, [-] words will be updated at [-] pm



(End of this chapter)

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