Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 871 One dares to speak, the other dares to lie

Chapter 871 One dares to speak, the other dares to lie

When Jiang Chaoge heard it, he was a little surprised.

It stands to reason that Wang Jingchuan should be in a very bad mood at this time, but he is still in the mood to eat?

She wanted to ask something again, but Wang Jingchuan's wife was a little cold, saying that she was going to pick up the children from school.

In this way, no matter what, Jiang Chaoge couldn't keep entangled.

After leaving Wang's house, she couldn't figure it out, so she called Wang Jingchuan again in the car and asked for tea together.

At this time, Wang Jingchuan was in the Yunxi Group, and after a lunch of delicacies, he washed away his loss and melancholy.

Gu Anxi asked him to be the chief consultant of Yunxi Group, strategic guidance. To put it bluntly, Wang Jingchuan knew the situation best, but he couldn't explain it clearly, so he gave him a position to handle things.

Just when the conversation was open, Wang Jingchuan received a call from Jiang Chaoge. He was a little surprised when he saw the call, and raised his eyes: "It's Jiang Chaoge."

Gu Anxi smiled: "You just pick it up, if there is no miscalculation, she should be wooing you." '

Thinking of that very snobbish woman, Wang Jingchuan shook his head and answered the phone.

Sure enough, he was indeed invited to drink tea with him.The purpose, probably that is the case, Wang Jingchuan is not a fool, naturally he knows the stakes in this, and the evasion at this time also dispels his good intentions, so he said it was okay after a few words.He has fought against this Dr. Jiang several times. He is a smart man, but not so smart.

It's just that now, he doesn't want to offend him. As a person who has lost power, he still has to show a flattering attitude.

Wang Jingchuan left.

Gu Anxi didn't play games anymore, she looked at the door and thought for a while.

Then, smile.

At this moment, Secretary Tang came over and said with a smile, "Consultant Wang is leaving first?"

Gu Anxi snorted, picked up a book and flipped through it, thought for a while and asked, "What do you think?"

Secretary Tang smiled lightly: "Let's see it later."

"Won my heart." Gu Anxi said with a smile: "There are so many people who want to eat Wang Jingchuan's fat now. Why do you think he is willing to find me? It stands to reason that this is not a fire?"

Secretary Tang agreed: "Mr. Gu is really perceptive."

"You're not bad." Gu Anxi paused for a moment: "I don't believe that a person who has all the secrets of Wang Jingyao can be free. Just wait and see."

But he came and paid a high salary, which must have brought his energy to the extreme. Let's not talk about anything else, let's just say that the tens of billions of projects were probably worthless, but when Wang Jingchuan came to her, he always had Well-connected, and he has to show his loyalty, then this project is definitely a member of the Bo family.

Gu Anxi licked her lower lip: She had no reason not to eat the fat that was fed into her mouth.

After talking about this, she asked Secretary Tang how the preparations in Jiangcheng were going. Secretary Tang smiled slightly: "Don't worry, Mr. Gu, I personally followed up there, and the hardware and software are almost ready."

She paused and asked, "Are you going to take Advisor Wang to Jiangcheng this time?"

Gu Anxi looked at her for a while, then smiled: "What do you think?"

She also said: "Now the North City is full of wind and clouds, and there are too many uncertain factors. I am relieved that Wang Jingchuan will stay."

Secretary Tang showed admiration on his face.

Mr. Gu is really serious about every move, and his thoughts are as meticulous as those veterans who have been around for more than [-] years. No wonder Mr. Wang is angry with her.

While Gu Anxi was talking to her, Wang Jingchuan took the car to meet Jiang Chaoge.

Jiang Chaoge spent a lot of money this time, picked out an extremely elegant tea house, and packed up the whole venue generously, so when Wang Jingchuan walked in, the surrounding area was quiet.

The waiter led him to the second floor, and he asked as he walked, "Is the business here very bad? Why is it so quiet?"

The waiter smiled sweetly: "Ms. Jiang booked this place for an afternoon, which means she attaches great importance to talking with you."

Wang Jingchuan smiled.

When he opened the Japanese-style sliding door, he saw Jiang Chaoge sitting inside alone, he smiled and apologized: "Sorry for being late."

Jiang Chaoge let go of the past this time, and looked very sincere: "It's not too late, it's my temporary invitation, so don't feel abrupt."

Wang Jingchuan sat down and sighed: "It's true that I left the office today. I have comforted too many people. If I tell them that I have nothing to do, no one will believe me. No, I even had a drink at noon."

Jiang Chaoge nodded in agreement, then raised his eyes and gave the waiter a look to signal her to leave first.

The door was closed, and there were only the two of them inside. Jiang Chaoge lowered his posture and poured Wang Jingchuan a cup of tea, then smiled and said, "I went to Jingyao's place in the afternoon, and you are quite disappointed to leave him."

Wang Jingchuan served tea without saying a word.

Jiang Chaoge made a heart attack, and said softly: "I look at him very reluctantly, or else, take a while to watch again, and I will take the time to say something nice for you, and see if I can come back to him. After all, you are the old man he is used to by his side, it would be impossible without you."

When Wang Jingchuan heard this, he smiled.

He is a veteran in the workplace, how can he not know Jiang Chaoge's mind, it's just a test.

If she really wanted to help him, why would she bring a boy from the Jiang family over there to serve Mr. Wang? Well, she talked and said, but she just wanted to get information from him, plus the tens of billions of items.

For this project, Wang Jingchuan has always been in touch, and he has the right to speak. Although others have left, there is no problem in controlling it, unless Wang Jingyao directly intervenes, but this possibility is impossible.

Jiang Chaoge just couldn't bear to lick his face and demanded from Wang Jingyao, but he was looking for his presence.

Wang Jingchuan smiled, and replied calmly: "I have been by Mr. Wang's side for so many years, and I still understand his temper very well. It is probably hard to recover."

Jiang Chaoge was shocked on the surface, but delighted in his heart, he couldn't help asking: "What is it that made him so unhappy?"

Wang Jingchuan drank tea in silence, and after a while, he said in a hoarse voice: "You are the person next to Mr. Wang now, I know you care about him, and there is no one around him now, so it's okay if I say something."

Jiang Chaoge smiled slightly.

Wang Jingchuan sighed, and then continued: "It's nothing more than a conflict with Mr. Gu, so I just added a few more words. Mr. Wang was furious and couldn't tolerate me. In the final analysis, he couldn't tolerate Mr. Bo's family or Mr. Gu. up."

He spoke so eloquently and emotionally that no one could believe it, and there was a sense of recognition of Jiang Chaoge's identity between the lines. This is what people love to hear. Jiang Chaoge was almost convinced at the moment, and asked: "What about Bo?" Is this the end of the house? '

 [-] points, one more chapter



(End of this chapter)

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