Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 875 Come, start your show

Chapter 875 Come, start your show

Chen Ming can't eat this side...

He looked at his mother, feeling very helpless: "Mom, I didn't work hard for nothing."

Mother Chen's eyebrows brightened immediately: "Mom knows, men take advantage of this kind of thing."

But she thought this way in her heart, and it was not the same thing in action, so that Mother Chen made an earth-shattering incident later...

After Chen's mother took care of her son, she went back first. Chen Ming called Gu Anxi when he had nothing to do.

Gu Anxi was at the shooting range, and beside him was none other than Wang Jingchuan.

Wang Jingchuan said that he was extremely happy. After following Mr. Wang for so long, he never touched the gun every time he came here. After following Xiao Gu, he finally got it. It was really fun, and he didn't want to go back at all.

Zhou Yunchen was also there, playing and talking about business, talking about the tens of billions project.

Coincidentally, Chen Ming called.Gu Anxi picked it up and smiled, "Is it difficult in the hospital?"

She deliberately provoked him again: "We are at the shooting range, the weather is very suitable today. Zhou Yunchen and Wang Jingchuan are also here, do you want to come?"

Chen Ming was so greedy: "How about I change my clothes and come here."

Gu Anxi laughed to death, "Your arm has not been unpacked yet, and you still want to come here in the hospital, but you don't want your hands anymore." '

Chen Ming was embarrassed: "It's always uncomfortable in the hospital."

Gu Anxi groaned: "It will get better soon, it will be almost half a month."

She said again, "Is there something wrong on the phone?"

Chen Ming is not a tired and crooked person, so there must be something wrong with calling at this point. Sure enough, Chen Ming said softly: "Anxi, you can stabilize that project, the Jiang family also wants it very much."

He paused for a moment: "I know you are very capable, but Jiang Chaoge is now holding the data from Hua Er's laboratory. I'm afraid that Mr. Wang will have to lean on that side because of this."

"Thank you." Gu Anxi smiled lightly: "Don't worry."

She raised the gun in her hand and fired a shot in the center. Chen Ming over there was itchy to death hearing the sound, but only heard Gu Anxi take a light breath before saying: "I will take this project." deal."

Jiangcheng has to invest tens of billions, no money! ?

Chen Ming was relieved, he should have hung up the phone, but he was itching to death, and asked Gu Anxi to put the phone on so that he could hear the gunshots. The hospital car brought him here.

This is an earth-shattering matter. Chen Ming is also a person next to Wang Jingyao, and his status is unusual. Naturally, he should recover from his illness early and go back to work for Wang Jingyao. Gu Anxi is so good that he is so bold as to let him go from the hospital to the shooting range .

Chen Ming is usually not a foolish person, but he really can't help being tempted, so one who dares to arrange, one dares to go, so at 08:30 in the evening, Chen Ming and the Chen team secretly went from the hospital to the shooting range.

First he looked at it, then he touched the gun, then he played with his right hand, and then he looked at Gu Anxi so that the eyes of his guns were so hot that he secretly touched the gun with his injured hand, and played with both sides. ...

This game is unbelievable, so I will play ball now.

It turned out that it was just a broken bone, and it took about half a month, but it was fine at the moment, playing with a broken bone.

Chen Ming screamed, and his forehead was covered with sweat. It looked like he was seriously injured.

All the people present were frightened and stupid. Instead of looking at Chen Ming, they took the lead in looking at Gu Anxi.

It's over, it's a disaster.

This time, the skin will be peeled off.

Gu Anxi was also confused, Chen Ming didn't know how many people he came to play with, and this bone fracture was too big, I heard that he will go abroad next month and has a mission, what should I do?

Gu Anxi is a doctor, and he took the patient to the hospital urgently. The matter was too serious, because Uncle Bo had to perform the surgery himself, and the manager here knew Wang Jingyao, so he was afraid that he would be involved in the incident, so he called immediately. I made a small report on the phone.

Yunxi Hospital at night is very lively.

Uncle Bo had an operation, so he didn't have time to teach her a lesson, so he just took one look at her and went to the operating room.

Chen Ming screamed in pain...

At this moment, Mother Chen came over, feeling very sorry for her son, but she knew Gu Anxi and Bo Xichen, and knew that his son had a good relationship with them. She was also exquisite in this respect, and would not easily offend others for her son. , just kept howling in front of Zhou Yunchen...

She said back and forth: "I don't know if this arm will be crippled. If it is crippled, will I be a bachelor? The incense of our old Chen family will be broken."

Gu Anxi: ...

Wang Jingchuan: ...

Zhou Yunchen;...

What does the injury to his narrowed arm have to do with the broken incense?

But as long as Mother Chen dared to say it, he was related.

The three of them leaned against the wall together, watching Mother Chen jumping up and down, they didn't seem to care about their son's injuries, they only cared about life-long events, and at the end of the process, they finally asked Zhou Yunchen: "Mr. Zhou, did your sister see you today?" man?"

Zhou Yunchen laughed to death in his heart, but his face remained calm, "She and Chen Ming haven't met today, so the old Chen family's incense should have nothing to do with her."

Mother Chen understood, her old face flushed, and she stopped talking.

Zhou Yunchen knew what the old man was thinking, and Chen Ming's mother probably saw Chen Ming's thoughts like this. I have to say that a mother still loves her son.

So, he said gently: "Don't put too much pressure on me. Chen Ming is a nice person, so why not worry about finding a good girl? As for him and his beautiful woman, unmarried men and women, if both parties are interested, they will definitely be together, but If they don't mean to, it's no fun to force, don't you think?"

Chen's mother was silent at first, and then said softly: "Mr. Zhou, you are right, you are a very good person."

Zhou Yunchen smiled and fell silent.

Time passed little by little, about an hour later, unexpectedly Wang Jingyao came.

In the middle of the night, the big shots were alarmed.

The big man didn't come alone, there was Jiang Chaoge beside him, hehe, he came from the candlelight dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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