Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 876 Be a cow and a horse for 1 day, and be a cow and a horse for a lifetime

Chapter 876 Be a cow and a horse for a day, and be a cow and a horse for a lifetime

Wang Jingyao's thoughts are very simple. Eating with a woman he doesn't like is really boring. When he heard that Chen Ming had an accident, he immediately found an excuse to come over. Jiang Chaoge didn't care if he wanted to follow him, just follow...

Come here and have a look, good guy.

Gu Anxi, Wang Jingchuan, Zhou Yunchen, all the people who disappeared by his side...

Brother Wang is grinding his fine white teeth, okay, here we come.

However, although the situation was tense, your elder brother was still your elder brother. He walked over and stood among several people, glanced at him and said, "What's the matter? He was lying in the hospital well, why did he run to the shooting range? Who told him to go?"

No one answered.

Old brother Wang was so angry that his nose was crooked, causing trouble, and none of these bastards made a sound.

He snorted softly, "Wang Jingchuan, tell me."

Wang Jingchuan's heart skipped a beat. How could it be his turn to talk about this matter? Mr. Wang knew very well who did it, and why did he get him out? A cow makes a horse.

Wang Jingchuan is also an extremely smart person. When he saw that he was called, he immediately pretended to be stupid: "Ah, let me tell you, I don't know. I haven't been in a good state all day. I don't know what happened today. I don't know, after all, middle-aged unemployed people have too many things to consider, such as children's education, such as future re-employment issues, all aspects are not enough for me to consider, how can I manage Chen Ming?"

After he finished speaking, Wang Jingyao glared at him and sneered: "You are so clever, you think you can fight me if you leave me. Let me tell you Wang Jingchuan, you..."

The older brother didn't know how to answer the call.

At this time, Gu Anxi answered the words from the side: "Life is Mr. Wang's person, and death is Mr. Wang's ghost."

At the moment, the scene was silent.

Zhou Yunchen coughed lightly: "It's over, Anxi, Jing Chuan and Mr. Wang have already cut off their seats."

Gu Anxi looked puzzled: "Didn't Mr. Wang abandon Jing Chuan?"

They sang in unison, but Wang Jingyao laughed angrily: "They are all good at learning Chinese, and the diction is really subtle."

As he said that, he was still a little puzzled, and sneered again: "As expected of being taught by a father." '

This time, Gu Anxi took advantage of him, "Since you know it was taught by a father, why do you want to target him?"

Wang Jingyao was enlisted in the army and was very angry, but he couldn't find anything to refute her for a while, so he could only swallow it back.

He endured it, but Jiang Chaoge beside him couldn't bear it at all. The atmosphere tonight was very good, and she still had a chance to mention the tens of billions project to Wang Jingyao, but Gu Anxi was too disgusting. When something like this happened, Wang Jingyao patted her ass and left after a phone call. She came over with anger and saw that Wang Jingchuan was mixed with Gu Anxi. She felt very ashamed and annoyed at the moment, thinking that she might have been put together.

Jiang Chaoge naturally seized the opportunity at this time. Wang Jingyao didn't speak out, so she spoke up for him. She said to Gu Anxi: "Mr. Wang is so kind to you, you really shouldn't."

"It shouldn't be anything." Gu Anxi slightly asked back with some amusement.

Her tone was not very good, Jiang Chaoge was angry, but she still had to pay attention to her image in front of Wang Jingyao, so she had to bear it no matter what: "You shouldn't be against Mr. Wang, and make him unhappy everywhere."

"Oh." Gu Anxi nodded understandingly, and then said: "However, the three of us are neither Mr. Wang's subordinates nor relatives, nor are we dead enemies. How can we make him unhappy by going against him? Besides, let Mr. Wang be happy It should not be Mrs. Wang's responsibility."

As she said that, she smiled maliciously: "Dr. Jiang is quite suitable for this task."

Jiang Chaoge wanted to curse someone.

Still endured.

Zhou Wang and the king both cast admiring gazes on her. Sure enough, Anxi is the best when it comes to words.

And the happiest one was not Zhou Wang and his wife, but Chen Mu who was beside him.

Chen's mother was angry with Jiang Chaoge a while ago. Although her lips were silent, she had a bad impression of this girl in her heart. She couldn't get along with Chen Ming, but this girl didn't act like she looked down on ordinary people. She had been upset for a long time, and now seeing Jiang Chaoge being bullied, she felt refreshed, not to mention how comfortable she was.

She took a step forward, took Gu Anxi's hand, her eyes were shining brightly: "Anxi, you child is too good at talking, Mr. Wang must be happy to hear that, my family Chen Ming usually talks about you as the smartest child in the whole North City, I didn’t see it before and didn’t know it, but after getting along like this today, it’s true.”

She had a kind face on her face: "Looking at you, Auntie has a feeling of falling in love with you at first sight, and I have a special liking for you. When Chen Ming recovers, go to Auntie's house, and Auntie will make you the best sweet and sour pork ribs. Chen Ming especially likes you." Love to eat, oh yes, Chaoge also loved to eat before, but I probably won’t have time to go there in the future, after all, he is a person who does big things.”

She was very gentle: "But Anxi, you have a big career, isn't it too much for Auntie?"

Gu Anxi immediately said cheerfully: "I like sweet and sour pork ribs."

Chen's mother smiled, and touched her hand again: "You are so good, like a little doll, and she is so beautiful. If I can, I really want to have such a daughter." '

Gu Anxi said it smoothly: "Well, then I will call you Mama Chen from now on." '

Mother Chen was flattered, "Is it really possible?"

Gu Anxi snorted.

Chen's mother immediately became ecstatic, and the joy of surprise completely forgot about her son's operation.

When she interfered like this, Jiang Chaoge was perfectly absorbed, but he couldn't say anything, so he could only bear it.

Mother Chen glanced at her.

Jiang Chaoge licked his lower lip, but said nothing.

At this time, Wang Jingyao sneered at Gu Anxi and said, "You are cute, and you have taken up all the good things. You think today's matter is over by eating a few ribs. Chen Ming is the person next to me. He If anything, I can't forgive you."

His tone was really bad, Jiang Chaoge felt better.

But Chen's mother immediately stood up: "What does this have to do with Anxi? Anxi loves to play and Chen Ming is more ignorant. If there is a problem, he will take care of it himself. Mr. Wang, don't you think so?"

Wang Jingyao was furious.

Want to get angry, but the other party is Chen Ming's mother, a confused woman who knows nothing but worrying about her son's marriage all day long, how can he face such a person?

So he could only be angry, but looked at the three and said coldly, "Come in for me."

"Where to go?" Gu Anxi whispered, "This is not your office, it's Yunxi Hospital."

Wang Jingyao was really angry, "All right, all right, I can't control you anymore, it seems that your wings are hardened, and you don't need me in the future, and don't let me care if you get into trouble."

After speaking, he glanced around and exited perfectly.

The speed was so fast that Jiang Chaoge couldn't catch up, and when she went downstairs, the black car drove away.

Standing in the night wind, she secretly thought that Mr. Wang was very angry.

At this time, if she mentioned the [-] billion project again, Mr. Wang would probably agree.

Jiang Chaoge stood in the wind, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

On the other side, Old Brother Wang got into the car, his angry face suddenly eased, he stretched out his hand to take off his coat, and let out a long breath: "Yuan Sheng, drive back, I won't be bored this big night." Dead, always thinking about a project for a boring person, fortunately, that brat got into trouble, so I can get away."

The driver Yuan Sheng laughed: "Are you talking about Miss Anxi?"

Wang Jingyao said like a spring breeze: "It's not who she is, she's the only one who has the guts. She would dare to do this to anyone in Chen Ming, but Yuan Sheng, I left angrily just now. Is it true that I don't pretend?"

Yuan Sheng has been with him for a long time, and he also learned a lot of flattering skills from Wang Jingchuan, and immediately said: "It's very real, very similar, so you can rest assured, oh yes, I saw it in the rearview mirror just now. Dr. Jiang doesn't look angry, but rather happy."

Brother Wang tugged at the tie with his slender fingers, and smiled lightly: "As long as I get angry with that brat, she will be happy."

Yuan Sheng followed suit with a smile, and after a while he said boldly, "You really don't want Jing Chuan anymore?"

Wang Jingyao leaned comfortably on the sofa and smiled faintly, "Why, you can't bear him?"

Yuan Sheng said embarrassingly: "You look like a nostalgic person. Don't you still miss your wife after leaving for so long?"

Wang Jingyao couldn't listen anymore: "You compare him with your wife?"

Yuan Sheng smiled: "Is it just a metaphor, anyway, no matter what others say, I believe that Mr. will not show mercy to the Secretary-General."

"You are clever and know how to look at people." Wang Jingyao hugged a pillow and touched it subconsciously. "It's only been a day or two since Jingchuan wasn't around, so I'm not used to it."

Yuan Sheng smiled, his eyes were a little hot...

That's great, that's it, he knew that Mr. Wang was not that kind of person, he wouldn't ignore the secretary-general, and no one could destroy their relationship.

Yuan Sheng wanted to say something, but found Mr. Wang asleep in the rearview mirror, and suddenly felt a little distressed.

Mr. Wang is really not easy...

 2800 words, 3200 words will be updated at [-] pm~~



(End of this chapter)

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