Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 877 Don't worry, this is all a small scene

Chapter 877 Don't worry, this is all a small scene

Here, Wang Jingyao felt distressed and got rid of Jiang Chaoge contentedly.

The car disappeared into the dark night, and after a long time, Jiang Chaoge was still standing in the dark watching.

After a long time, she slowly returned to the hospital building.

Those three and Mother Chen were still standing, and the conversation was so lively that they were short of a bag of sunflower seeds in their hands.

Jiang Chaoge smiled coldly and walked over, "Mr. Wang is very angry."

Finished speaking, waiting for everyone's reaction.

Mother Chen looked at the operating room, worried about her son.

Zhou Yunchen swiped his phone, talking to his wife from time to time.

Wang Jingchuan looked at his toes with a heavy expression on his face.

Gu Anxi is the most kind, willing to pay attention to her: "Oh, but he won't be angry someday, please take care of Dr. Jiang, this is the case with earlier men, after you get married, you have to be more careful, or you will make him unhappy. will get mad at you."

Jiang Chaoge was so angry that he couldn't find words to refute, and it took him a long time to say in a hard voice: "Gu Anxi, do you think you can repel me by doing this, now I hold much more things than you."

"Okay." Gu Anxi interrupted her: "Jiang Chaoge, if you are really so confident, you won't use Wang Jingyao to overwhelm us, and you have no academic ambitions. All this is based on the fact that you want to marry a Good man, I advise you to manage yourself well and add some femininity, so that it may be useful to your Mr. Wang, don't fix those falsehoods, otherwise even if you get married, you will still have different dreams in the same bed, why bother."

Jiang Chaoge gritted his teeth in anger.

Gu Anxi smiled again: "Speaking of your pain points?"

Jiang Chaoge was not convinced, "Just wait, there will be no good results if you fight against Mr. Wang." '

Gu Anxi just smiled: "That's also our own business."

Jiang Chaoge gritted his teeth: "Okay, I don't care about you either."

She turned around and left, no one cared.

When it was quiet, Chen's mother looked worried: "Mr. Wang is so angry, will this incident of Chen Ming affect you?"

Zhou Yunchen smiled: "It's okay, it's not a burden." '

Wang Jingchuan also smiled: "Mr. Wang usually has a big temper. When he gets angry, he throws things directly. Did you throw it today? No, so, it's a small scene."

Gu Anxi: "Damn, he's just pretending. Look at what he's wearing, and then look at what Jiang Chaoge is wearing, and the smell of candles on his body. He must be eating. He's just looking for a reason for his impatience. I don't like it." Jiang Chaoge is still using us, he just pretends, he must be celebrating in the car now that he has dumped Jiang Chaoge."

Zhou Yunchen nodded.

Wang Jingchuan nodded.

Chen's mother was dumbfounded when she heard that, and opened her mouth for a long time before she opened her mouth: "Xiao Jiang is so unpopular with Mr. Wang, why does Mr. Wang still have dinner with her and date her?"

"Don't listen to her, she has something in her hand." Gu Anxi said indifferently.

Chen's mother shook her head violently: "How can this matter between men and women involve other things? You have to tie a man's heart, or tie his eyes, so that he is always like an animal. Just grab his stomach, but Mr. Wang has never eaten anything good."

She made a concluding speech: "Xiao Jiang is not as good-looking as Miss Lin, nor as talented, but he is much stronger than Miss Lin."

Gu Anxi laughed inwardly, Chen Ming's mother has such a poisonous mouth, how much she hates Jiang Chaoge.

Afterwards, the three of them stopped talking and waited until the door of the operating room opened.

Bo Xichen came out first, taking off his mask as he walked.

After all, Mother Chen felt sorry for her son, and was the first to rush forward, "What's the matter?"

Bo Xichen held her steady, and smiled gently: "The operation was a success, but this time it's true, it's best not to use your left hand for three months, or you'll have to have another operation if you get injured again."

Mother Chen's heart dropped to the ground, and after worshiping Bo Xichen like a god, she looked happy.

Then she changed her mind again and looked at Zhou Yunchen: "Mr. Zhou, what about your sister, she was always inseparable from you before, why haven't you seen her now?"

 At noon, the editor discussed something, and there are still 2000 words. It was updated at 6000:[-], and now it is [-] words every day~~



(End of this chapter)

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