Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 878 Okay, Gu Anxi, you are about to be skinned

Chapter 878 Okay, Gu Anxi, you are about to be skinned

Zhou Yunchen is such a smart person, he knew that Chen's mother was planning on her sister again.

Gui knew it in his heart, but his face remained calm, "Oh, she has something to do today, and she may be a little busy recently."

As soon as he said that, the phone rang, picked it up, looked at it, and smiled: "What a coincidence, it's my Duo Duo, probably because Wen Wen said that I'm here."

When he answered the phone, Mother Chen stared at him with her old eyes.

Chen Ming listened for a while, hummed a few times, and hung up the phone.

Chen's mother immediately asked: "Is she here to pick up Mr. Zhou? Or, let her come up. It's not easy for young girls to be busy with their careers. They must be hungry by this time. I'm going to buy something, just in time." Let's eat together."

Chen's mother is quite good at being a person, and she glanced at her: "Chen Ming is really worth it to have friends like you."

She wiped away her tears again: "His father left early, this kid is very sensible, but he is honest as hell, but honest people always meet noble people."

Those three looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

It has to be said that Chen's mother is very good at making things happen and is very good at selling miserably. Once the words came out, everyone had no way to refuse, especially Zhou Yunchen. When he was moved, he called his sister and asked her to come up for supper.

Chen's mother immediately went to Zhang Luo.

After she left, Gu Anxi whispered what was in her heart: "Shouldn't she have a look at Chen Ming first, why is she busy supper first?"

Wang Jingchuan and Zhou Yunchen laughed together. At this moment, Chen Ming was pushed out. He was a good person and in good spirits, but his face was a little sallow. Also, no matter how tough a man was, he couldn't bear to toss again and again.

Coincidentally, when he pushed it out, Song Jiaren just came up, probably before seeing Chen Ming, she said to Zhou Yunchen, "Brother, why are you eating supper at this late hour, I'm trying to lose weight."

After finishing speaking, she saw Chen Ming, she pursed her lips, and said awkwardly after a while: "How did you do it, why did you do it again?"

Chen Ming smiled embarrassingly, and leaned on the push chair, "An accidental one."

It's hard for Song Jiaren to say anything, and besides, he has nothing to do with her, and she wouldn't mind saying a word, so Bo Xichen said, "Let him rest more, and don't make too much noise if you want to eat supper."

Gu Anxi swallowed, "I'm really hungry."

Bo Xichen glanced at her with deep eyes: "Come to my office after eating."

He looked like he was going to skin her, and the little milkman was frightened immediately, and moved towards Zhou Yunchen and Wang Jingchuan, but how could Zhou and Wang dare to protect her?The two of them are more or less responsible for what happened tonight. They couldn't run away in the first place, so how dare they hug her?

So, Zhou and Wang quietly moved aside again, not to let her lean on, so angry that the little creamer cursed in her heart, she has no loyalty!

Gu Anxi had no one to rely on, so he could only stand and whispered, "Then I've finished my supper."

She said flatteringly, "Uncle, don't you want to eat?"

Uncle Bo tugged at her hair: "I'm not hungry."

She groaned, and quietly hoped that he would leave quickly, so as not to spoil their atmosphere!

Bo Xichen would usually give her face in front of outsiders, but he didn't feel too embarrassed and left quickly.

With Uncle Bo together, Gu Anxi heaved a sigh of relief.

Only then did she breathe a sigh of relief, and Song Jiaren said amusedly, "Oh, I thought some people were so powerful, but they are just paper tigers. I'm so afraid of my husband."

Gu Anxi made a face at her: "I'm just afraid, what's wrong?"

"I mean you put on a show all day long." Song Jiaren also replied.


You come and go, like two elementary school students arguing.

Zhou and Wang quietly went to Chen Ming's ward...

When Chen's mother came over, she was still arguing. For Chen's mother, the palms and backs of her hands were full of meat. She smiled and said, "Anxi Duoduo, let's go for supper, you must be hungry after such arguing."

Gu Anxi immediately ran away with the supper, but Song Jiaren was very awkward.

In this world, the person she fears the most right now is probably Mother Chen.

Later, when they arrived in the ward, a group of people ate at the small dining table. Song Jiaren ate a little bit, but Gu Anxi ate a lot. Song Jiaren was unhappy again. Gu Anxi ate like a pig, how could he be better than her? thin?

She stared at Gu Anxi, and Mother Chen stared at her with a loving expression on her face.

Chen Ming is not an idiot either. Seeing his mother like this is a bit embarrassing.Secretly thinking that there must be a chance to explain it clearly to her later, don't think about Mr. Zhou's sister as his daughter-in-law all day long, she is a noble person, not a rough old man like him.

Chen's mother doesn't care, she looks at this girl now is pretty, if Chen Ming is lucky enough to marry her home, then there is no need to worry about the genes of the offspring...

So, it was kind of weird the whole time.

Only Mother Chen didn't think so.

Later, the big guys also had good eyesight and went out to fight and fight, but Chen Ming and Song Jiaren were left, unexpectedly quiet.

Chen Ming said softly: "Why are you here?"

Song Jiaren was sitting on the sofa, playing with her mobile phone, and said absently, "Come and pick up my brother."

Chen Ming smiled: "Mr. Zhou is a big man, why does he always ask you to pick him up?"

Song Jiaren didn't say anything.

Chen Ming scratched his hair with his uninjured hands, and said bluntly: "You didn't come here because you wanted to see me, did you? I'm fine." '

Song Jiaren couldn't sit still, and gave him a white look: "Stop being so sentimental."

Chen Ming was surprised: "I didn't come to see me on purpose, why are you sitting here for so long?"

This time, Song Jiaren got up directly and went over, hitting him with the bag in her hand.

Chen Ming yelled, just happened to see Mother Chen who was seeing off the guests, and Mother Chen was also a little dizzy, what happened to these two children?

Song Jiaren snorted softly, "Auntie, I'm leaving first."

Mother Chen sighed, and said, "Mr. Zhou told me to tell you that he is waiting for you downstairs."

Song Jiaren's answer was to leave like a gust of wind.

When she left, Chen's mother made a dark face: "Chen Ming, why do you not understand the girl's heart so much? When everyone comes over, you still make her look like this and make you feel anxious. I see you I put all my mind on work, and I can't be so careless to girls."

Chen Ming sighed and did not speak.

He used to put all of himself in front of her, but if she didn't want it, he didn't dare to be affectionate anymore...


Over there, Gu Anxi had a full meal and walked into his uncle's office.

There was only one light on inside, and it was dark everywhere. The uncle was not there, but the sound of taking a bath could be heard.

She lay straight on the sofa, thinking of a thousand ways for my uncle to repair herself...

(End of this chapter)

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