Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 881 Mr. Wang, something big happened

Chapter 881 Mr. Wang, something big happened

After Wang Jingyao gave the order, the servants went to do it immediately, and brought over the iced chrysanthemum tea in a short while.

Wang Jingyao wanted to calm down for a while, so he let them go down to rest first.

He was alone, sitting in the quiet living room, doing nothing but just sitting there, the blazing light shone on his side face, making him look a little pale.He has always been that kind of elegant and handsome, but he is a little more fragile after his illness.

His body didn't move, but his consciousness couldn't stop thinking about what happened just now.

Xi Chen, he clearly sensed that he was in the dark, so he asked that question on purpose.Wang Jingyao also admitted that his heartbeat did miss a beat at the time, and he was even a little scared, afraid that the little bastard would say something unpleasant, he had already thought about it, if that was the case, Xi Chen would be the first condemn.

But, no, what the child said made him feel ashamed, and her soft voice was worthless for him, saying that he was too miserable and lonely, but where is he suffering? Only the little bastard felt that he was suffering, that he was lonely, that he was sacrificing.

In what mood is she saying these words?

Obviously everyone has become like this, obviously he doesn't treat her well now, obviously... She doesn't need to take these things to heart, how wonderful she is, everyone loves her and spoils her, how can she She still remembers an old brother who treated her so badly. She should miss Zhou Yunchen, Gu Changqing, and everyone around her, or she shouldn't miss him.

He also wanted to say that she was pretending, but he knew her so well, if she knew that he was there, she would definitely say something that would piss him off ten times, instead of saying something nice.

This little bastard did it on purpose, he just said some emotional words on purpose to make him, an old man, want to cry.

Wang Jingyao sat quietly, with his head tilted slightly, and the corners of his eyes were moist.

he already.It hasn't been like this for a long time.

He sat for a long time, wiped the corners of his eyes with his hand, took out his mobile phone and made a call, and said a few words lightly: "If Wang Jingchuan wants that project, let him arrange it."

He didn't know what was said over there, and he said softly again: "It's what I meant."

Originally, he wanted to use that project to further control the Bo family, but that little bastard made him sternly controlled with one word, which made him, an old man, sigh in the middle of the night.

He still, really misses the past.

I also miss the days when Jing Chuan was here, and I think it's inappropriate to call him over.

Wang Jingyao was extremely lonely at this time, and what worried him the most was that night, he not only kicked Gu Anxi, but also pushed out Zhou Yunchen, a young man he brought up with one hand.

Is he wrong? Is it because he has been obsessed with power for 30 years, so he has lost his heart, and he can't even trust the people close to him?

Wang Jingyao let out a long breath, exhausted physically and mentally.

However, what happened next made him even more exhausted, and that was another thing on his mind.

In the middle of the night, he didn't look for Wang Jingchuan, but Wang Jingchuan called, and when he got through, the voice was urgent: "Mr. Wang, something happened."

Holding the phone, Wang Jingchuan tensed up, "What's the matter?"

Wang Jingchuan suppressed his voice: "It's Lin Hua."

"What's wrong with Lin Hua?" Wang Jingyao's voice became hoarse.

Wang Jingchuan was silent for two seconds before speaking: "It's Lawyer Fengsheng...the plane crashed. He probably disappeared."

After he finished speaking, Wang Jingyao was stunned.

how come?

Just now Gu Anxi also mentioned Lin Hua, saying that he should be with Lin Hua, but now Lin Hua's fiancé... is gone?

Even though he regretted it a bit, he still hoped that Lin Hua would be happy. Wang Jingyao is a man, and he would not be so stingy that he hoped that a woman who had been waiting for him for many years would always be single. He felt a little sour when she found her true love, but he was happy for her Yes, but this happiness is too short-lived.

Wang Jingchuan was still waiting for his instructions, but it took Wang Jingyao a long time to find his voice: "Okay, I understand. Jingchuan, use the highest level of search, no matter what... find the person. "

Wang Jingchuan nodded: "Okay, I'll let Wang Yuan arrange it."

At this moment, Wang Jingyao remembered that Jing Chuan was no longer able to do things for him publicly, and he didn't know many people, including Min Xin.

He hesitated for a moment before saying, "Well, I'll go there myself."

Wang Jingchuan nodded: "Pay attention to your body, it's just outside the northern suburbs, and the scene has already been pulled up."

The two talked a few more words, Wang Jingyao hung up the phone, tilted his head slightly, then adjusted his clothes and called the driver in the villa, and several cars went out...

(End of this chapter)

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