Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 882 He May Never Come Again

Chapter 882 He May Never Come Back

For about two hours, Wang Jingyao's car stopped outside Beijiao.

The driver turned his head and said softly, "Mr. Wang, we're here."

Wang Jingyao opened the car door and got out of the car. In the suburbs in the early morning, there was darkness everywhere with only a little light.All around, there were people coming and going, talking on the walkie-talkie from time to time, and the scene was very noisy.

But even with such noise, Wang Jingyao could still catch the sound of a woman's inhalation from the air, it was Lin Hua.

Lin Hua stood on the side of the road, staring blankly at the place where the smoke was rising in the distance. She was wearing a shawl, and she was accompanied by her nearly sixty-year-old mother.

Wang Jingyao looked around and motioned his subordinates to step back, while he himself lit a cigarette and walked over.

Lin Hua didn't notice him, she looked intently into the distance without showing any expression on her face.When Wang Jingyao spoke, his voice was difficult: "It's cold outside, go back to the car and wait."

Lin Hua turned her head when she heard his voice.

Lin's mother was a little surprised, after all, she was an elder, and immediately said very thoughtfully: "Mr. Wang came here in person at such a late hour, please."

Wang Jingyao said lightly: "It happened that I didn't sleep."

He looked at Lin Hua again: "It will be fine."

Even though he said this, he himself knew that the chance of surviving was very small, almost impossible.

Lin Hua was still looking into the distance, without making a sound.

Wang Jingyao felt a little dry, and then stood and accompanied him quietly, but Lin's mother felt a little sorry, and suppressed her sadness and said: "Mr. Wang, you are also a recovering person, so don't stay up late. Your body is important. After all There are so many things for you to do and explain."

Lin's mother is very decent, and she doesn't know that with Wang Jingyao around, these people will work harder, but she is also a mother at the same time, and she knows Lin Hua's situation well.

Lin Hua and Feng Sheng are about to get married, and they had a little bit of a relationship with Wang Jingyao. Now that something happened to Feng Sheng, Mr. Wang's one-handed tricks always make people gossip, especially what people from the Feng family think of Lin Hua. birch?

Lin's mother is full of worries. She was born as a mother and has been worried all her life.

After she finished speaking like this, Wang Jingyao naturally knew what she wanted, so after careful consideration, he stayed.

Because, he knew in his heart that it was impossible for Feng Sheng to come back.

If Feng Sheng could come back, he would leave without saying a word and would not bring any rumors to Lin Hua, but such a plane crash has almost no chance of surviving.

Wang Jingyao looked at Lin's mother and lowered his voice: "I'll stay here. You can go sit in my car and leave it to me. Also, I need you to take care of Lin Hua in the future. After all, you are her dearest person." .”

Mother Lin raised her eyes, looked at him with old eyes, and immediately understood.

She felt a little sad.

Although the Lin family was also very prosperous for a while, they were always engaged in art and were inferior to those rich and powerful. Now she, Lin Hua and her mother and daughter are left, so there must be...

She sighed: "Then trouble Mr. Wang."

At this moment, Lin Hua suddenly said, "Feng Sheng said he was going to take charge of a transnational case, which involved a lot of things, and he told me to be careful."

She turned her head slowly and looked at Wang Jingyao: "His plane crashed, it was not an accident."

Wang Jingyao's heart sank, and then his voice became hoarse: "I will find out."

He took another step forward, hesitating for a moment and then patted her shoulder, "Go and sit in the car, it's cold outside, you have to take care of your mother even if you don't care about yourself."

Lin Hua's eyes fell to the distance again, and a white mist rose around, making the search and rescue more difficult.

She shook her head: "No, I'll wait here."

However, she personally helped her mother into the car, and she still felt a little guilty in her heart, because her mother had to worry and be afraid with her when she was old.

She talked to her mother a few words, then stood by the side of the road and waited. Wang Jingyao was still smoking there, and his subordinates didn't dare to disturb him, so they dared to stand far away...

night, deeper.

In Lin Hua's world, it was quiet.

Yes, only Feng Sheng.

After a long time, after Wang Jingyao had smoked a few cigarettes, he asked softly, "Did you really fall in?" '

Lin Hua didn't answer.

Wang Jingyao turned his head and stared at her quietly, "Lin Hua, you have always been a mature woman, I think you are already prepared in your heart, have you thought about how to go next?"

She shook her head: "I haven't thought about it."

After a pause, she spoke again: "I just want Feng Sheng to come back."

Wang Jingyao said dryly, "What if he doesn't come back, what are you going to do? Can't you live without him?"

Lin Hua was silent.

Wang Jingyao didn't say such things for no reason, because he knew Lin Hua, she was not a person who was easily depressed, and she didn't do that after waiting for so many years without any results, and now...she really fell in love with Feng Sheng Heart it.

Wang Jingyao felt sore in his heart. At this moment, people from the search team came to report: "Mr. Wang, the crew has been found, and I believe that Lawyer Feng will be found soon."

Wang Jingyao pinched his cigarette butt, "Okay, I'll go and have a look with you."

Lin Hua grabbed his sleeve.

Wang Jingyao nodded: "Okay, let's go together."

He gently hugged her shoulder, at this time she needed comfort.

Because if there is no news of survivors, it is not good news.

Lin Hua stumblingly followed him into the car and drove for about 5 minutes to arrive at the scene. It was a mess, the search and rescue were still in progress, and the barking of search and rescue dogs could be heard from time to time.

Wang Jingyao personally arranged things and found a woman to accompany Lin Hua...

At three o'clock in the morning, the Bo family came.

Bo Xichen and Gu Anxi came together, not someone else, but Feng Mian called.

Feng Sheng is Feng Mian's cousin, so Feng Mian naturally cares, but if there is a glimmer of hope, he can count on the best doctor to save Feng Sheng's life, even if he is disabled, even if he can't be as vigorous as before, there is always a life.

He dialed the phone, and Bo Xichen and Gu Anxi fell asleep not long after.

Bo Xichen held the phone and said, "I'll be here right away."

Gu Anxi was a little sleepy, and touched his face with his hand: "It's Feng Mian, what's wrong with him? Did you quarrel with Feng Xi again?"

Bo Xichen shook his head and said softly, "The Fengsheng plane had an accident."

"Ah," Gu Anxi immediately sat up straight and looked at him: "How are you doing now? "

Uncle Bo had already gotten up, went to the dressing room and took a set of clothes to put on, saying, "It's hard to say, I won't know until I get to the scene, I just hope there is a chance of survival."

He went over to touch Gu Anxi's head: "Sleep a little longer, I'll just go alone."

Gu Anxi got up immediately, "I'll go with you. Just in case I'm needed."

Bo Xichen thought for a while and nodded.

The two drove all the way there, it was already three o'clock in the morning, and the distance to find Fengsheng was getting closer and closer.

(End of this chapter)

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