Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 887 Wang Jingyao, late-night visitor

Chapter 887 Wang Jingyao, late-night visitor

On the same night, the same quiet night, Wang Jingyao sent Jiang Chaoge home and sat on the sofa for a while. He has recently developed a habit of spending a while here every day.

The servants didn't dare to disturb him, so they gently put a glass of milk on the tea table, just as they were about to leave, Wang Jingyao stopped her: "Wait a minute."

The servant froze for a moment, "Sir?"

Wang Jingyao raised his eyes, "Did you call me today?"

The servant didn't understand even more, and it took a while before he said softly: "No, sir, is there someone or something particularly important?"

"No." Wang Jingyao put his hands behind his head and looked up at the chandelier above, "I just feel that this place is just a place to rest and not very popular. You see, no one comes to me except for work."

He also said: "The little bastard is right. I have turned myself into a work machine. I know the work and know the tricks all day long. I don't have any private time. I don't even choose women. Which one to choose."

The servant was flustered. She didn't expect that Mr. Wang would tell her this. She didn't dare to intervene in Mr. Wang's private affairs. Miss."

She pretended not to understand, talking to herself again: "Speaking of which, Miss Anxi hasn't been here for a long time. She likes to eat the food I cook the most, and she eats two bowls of rice every time."

Speaking of this, Wang Jingyao smiled slightly, and then said: "You believe her a ghost, she talks nonsense when she sees people, and whoever cooks the best food."

The servant pretended to be surprised: "Really! I saw that Miss Anxi was eating very well."

'That little devil, he can coax people like this all the time. Wang Jingyao took out a cigarette, lit it, and took a puff.

The servant cautiously said, "Then why hasn't she come recently?"

Wang Jingyao's fingers trembled, and he looked at her: "Miss her? If you miss her, call her. She can search for something in my study for the sake of eating."

The servant laughed: "How can I have the qualifications? Mr. Wang was joking. In fact, if Mr. Wang misses Miss Anxi, he can also make this call. Miss Anxi will definitely come here to get food."

Wang Jingyao was almost pissed off, so he glared at her, took his coat and went upstairs.

The servant was still calling downstairs: "Sir, you haven't drunk your milk yet."

"Don't drink anymore." Wang Jingyao said angrily as he went upstairs slowly.

He went upstairs, took a shower, came out and sat in the living room, his limbs spread out, he was really bored, and then he took a magazine to read, more or less absent-minded.

At this moment, there was a sound of cars in the courtyard, he was a little surprised, who else would come so late?

He went to the balcony and leaned on the railing to look down. Parked in the yard was a white sports car. He knew the car and it belonged to Lin Hua.

He was surprised that Lin Hua came here so late.

Shocked even.

Lin Hua was born into a family of artists, and she has been the most orthodox model of a lady since she was a child, and she has never surpassed it, let alone such a late-night visit.

He looked down quietly, there was already a servant coming to talk to her, the servant might be in a difficult situation, the voice came faintly, probably he might have fallen asleep.

Wang Jingyao said from above: "Lin Hua, come up."

He said to the servants again: "Bring two cups of hot milk up."

Even though it was dark night, he could tell that Lin Hua's complexion was not very good.

The servant was taken aback for a moment, and then said respectfully: "Miss Lin, go up first, the milk will be delivered in a while."

Lin Hua said thank you softly, and when she was about to go downstairs, she looked up at Wang Jingyao above, no one could see whose face or expression clearly through the dark night and the distance.

After being silent for about half a minute, Lin Hua lowered her eyes and slowly walked up the stairs.

She has always been elegant, but recently she has lost a little weight and looks even more fragile and beautiful. Wang Jingyao looked at it quietly for a while, thinking that she should change the bathrobe on her body, but then gave up.

The sound of Lin Hua's footsteps was getting closer and closer. He walked into the living room and happened to bump into Lin Hua.

The four eyes met for a moment, and when Old Brother Wang wanted to pick up his usual measure, he felt that it was too fake, so he put it down and became very casual: "Lin Hua, why are you here so late?"

Lin Hua lowered her eyes slightly: "I have something to do with you."

"What's the matter, sit down and talk about it." Wang Jingyao beckoned her to sit down, just at this moment, someone from downstairs also came up, brought two cups of hot coffee, and thoughtfully brought over snacks.

After the people left and closed the door again, Wang Jingyao said softly, "Did the Feng family make things difficult for you?"

Lin Hua shook her head, "No."

After all, Old Brother Wang is a sentimental person, and he already has a good impression of Lin Hua. Now that she is very pitiful, she is even more affectionate in his heart, and even more gentle when he is not enough: "Is there anything you want me to do for you? , Lin Hua, if you tell me, I will definitely do it for you."

Lin Hua stared straight at him.

Be good, my old brother's heart was beating wildly, why didn't he realize that Lin Hua was so beautiful before, and it didn't mean she was beautiful on the outside, it was the kind of feeling that made a man's heart ache, probably because she was too dazzling in the past, Let him ignore that she also needs to hurt, not that he needs to be passed around.

I also regretted it before, but now that I am with him, the feeling in my heart is even different.

As soon as he spoke, Lin Hua bit her lower lip, but still took out a document and put it on the coffee table and pushed it to him.

Wang Jingyao looked at her, then smiled: "This is..."

He reached out to open it, looked at it for a while and slowly closed the file...

Lin Hua stared into his eyes and said softly, "Will Mr. Wang do me this favor?"

A big man like Wang Jingyao didn't answer directly, but lit a cigarette and burned it between his fingers for a while, and then said: "Lin Hua, this is a transnational case, and even I, on the surface, are not If you want to intervene, you can intervene. This time Feng Sheng's accident, I know it is related to that case. He provoked someone who should not be provoked, but the Feng family will seek justice for him. I heard that Feng Mian took over this case, yes no?"

Lin Hua's voice was harsh: "It's good for Fengmian to take over, but he can't avenge Feng Sheng, neither can the Feng family, and I can only ask Mr. Wang, and only Mr. Wang has the ability to help me."

Wang Jingyao leaned on the sofa and looked at the beauty carefully under the lamp. After a while, he smiled, "Lin Hua, we have known each other for many years, and you still call me Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang, so big Things, you are embarrassing me."

The other party is a particularly powerful figure in Italy, and it is not easy to move, but what Lin Hua wants is to get rid of the person behind him.

When he said this, Lin Hua understood in her heart, and she lowered her eyes: "I know that I don't have enough friendship with Mr. Wang, and I was the one who was abrupt."

She is really pitiful.

Wang Jingyao was a little distressed, but also angry, she was fascinated by that boy Feng Sheng in just a few days, and she was like this after Feng Sheng left, so what was he before?

Although he was angry, his rationality told him, why should he bother with a deceased person, besides, Lin Hua is not his wife...Suddenly, Wang Jingyao was stunned.


He couldn't help but think of the words of that little bastard again. The little bastard said that he even sacrificed himself.Immediately, thousands of thoughts ran through the old brother's mind, each of which was extremely dangerous.

He felt that he was a bit despicable, and he shouldn't have thought about it when Lin Hua was at his most vulnerable, but he... couldn't stop thinking like this with confidence.

Originally, it was a man who was unmarried and a woman who was not married.

Poor, Jiang Chaoge has long been thrown out of the sky by him.

Although Old Brother Wang said he felt pity, but he is not an impulsive young man after all, and he has passed the age of becoming a beauty when he is angry. This time it was Lin Hua.

He knows that this favor can be helped or not, but if he doesn't help, he will have no face to ask others in the future, but if he helps... it will be a bit expensive.

Wang Jingyao was silent for a long time, and Lin Hua kept looking at him, making him unbearable, and said in a hoarse voice, "Let me think about it, this is not a small matter."

"Thank you, Mr. Wang." Lin Hua said softly.

Wang Jingyao smiled: "Why, am I not worthy of you calling Jingyao?" '

Lin Hua's lips moved slightly, but in the end she didn't say a word.

Wang Jingyao got up: "It's getting late, don't go back, sleep here."

After speaking, Lin Hua was stunned.

Seeing her stunned, Old Brother Wang was also stunned...

 It was originally changed on the 7th, but the time has been changed again, and it has been changed to the 14th~ I won’t change it anymore~ If I change it again, I will be bored~~



(End of this chapter)

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