Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 888 The old house was on fire, and it was out of control

Chapter 888 The old house was on fire and it was out of control

The air is all silent.

Originally, it was actually a simple and caring sentence, but it sounded a bit strange when it was said by two grown men and women who had some past.

Lin Hua shook her head lightly, wanting to leave, but he gently grabbed her slender arms.

She turned around.

Wang Jingyao's voice was particularly hoarse: "It's late, don't worry me. Don't think about it too much, there is a guest room on the second floor, and the little bastard has lived there occasionally."

Lin Hua pursed her lower lip, but her gaze was still on his face. After a long time, Wang Jingyao said, "Is there something that makes you distrust me? If you don't trust me, why would you ask me for help? It's such a big deal."

Lin Hua finally nodded slightly.

Wang Jingyao was a little excited for a moment, he hadn't come here for a long time with the opposite sex, not counting Xiaobai and Zhou Yu, one was a little bastard and the other was an old friend, Lin Hua was different from them.

The old brother could have asked his subordinates to come and take them to the guest room, but after thinking about it, he brought it himself. The room is next door, and the layout is not small. It has a living room, a study and a bathroom, which is quite complete.

Wang Jingyao simply took her around and smiled: "I don't have pajamas, so I'll get a shirt and you'll be fine for the night."

Lin Hua was surprised: "Isn't there any here? The ones left by Anxi are fine."

The elder brother laughed again: "You don't know her yet? She's like a monkey all day long, putting on her original clothes after taking a shower, why is she so particular about it, and she doesn't come here often, once or twice she was with Xi Chen of."

Lin Hua nodded.

Wang Jingyao went to get a shirt and handed it to her: "Go to bed early."

After he finished speaking, he turned around, and Lin Hua suddenly called out to him, "Jing Yao."

Wang Jingyao's body froze, and he asked in a hoarse voice after a while, "What's the matter?"

Lin Hua stood behind him, holding his shirt in his hands, and said softly, "If you have any request, I... can do it too."

The old brother took about five seconds to digest her words, and then he became very unhappy, "What are you talking about, am I like that?"

He was dumbfounded and didn't continue.

—He is such a person.

It is impossible to say that there is no evil intention.

He was a little angry, and this anger was not at her, but at himself.

Looking at Lin Hua, he said angrily, "Hurry up and go to sleep, we'll talk about things tomorrow."

Lin Hua didn't make a sound, but Wang Jingyao's voice was louder: "Okay, I'm leaving."

She still didn't speak, her eyes were a little watery, and the old brother suddenly lost all anger, and sighed: "I didn't want to do anything to you, you are still like a little girl when you are so old, I don't treat that little bastard like that." Gentle, she throws things at every turn, but she is tough, she never cries, she only pissed me off."

The old brother felt a little wronged when he thought about it, but this grievance was beyond words, so he could only endure it by himself in the end.

Lin Hua shook her head: "I'm fine."

Seeing her like that, elder brother Wang felt pity in his heart again, and at this time there was no one else, so he couldn't help but stepped forward and gently hugged her in his arms, and said a few words of comfort.

This consolation, something big happened.

...Volcanoes, rockets, trains, high-speed rail, roaring past...

I can't even stop it.

For the old brother, the middle-aged old house was on fire, and all the projects and tricks were left behind, leaving only the beauty under the lamp...


It was slightly bright, and there was movement in the villa. The female sports car made the servants startled and suspicious. It was only after people spread the word that it was Miss Lin Hua who had visited and stayed overnight.

Everyone was beaming. It seemed that there was going to be a hostess in the family. Compared with that Dr. Jiang, they liked the easy-going Ms. Lin. She had a good family background and was a good-looking person. I had no fate with Mr. Wang before, but I did. People always walk together, and the servants don't care if there are two rooms upstairs, rounding it up means that Miss Lin is going to be Mrs. Wang.

Downstairs was beaming, and in the guest room on the second floor, Wang Jingyao sat up slowly while touching the phone beside the bed.


Not young anymore, still so impulsive, very rare.

He got up lightly, and without waking Lin Hua up, he went back to his bedroom alone. This was also his waking time, and he couldn't wait longer if he wanted to. There were a lot of things waiting for him to do in the office. , Jing Chuan went to enjoy the blessing again...

When the elder brother changed into formal clothes and shaved, he suddenly thought of Wang Jingchuan, so he went to close the bedroom door, went to the bathroom and dialed Wang Jingchuan's cell phone while shaving with one hand.

The Secretary-General Wang over there is living fast, why, because following Mr. Gu does not require working hours, just arrive at ten o'clock in the morning, so he usually sleeps until eight o'clock, and diligently follows Wang Jingyao or something Having enjoyed such a blessing during the time, the secretary-general simply didn't want to go back.

At this moment, he just received a call from his boss early in the morning. Wang Jingchuan immediately sat up, thinking that there was some important task. How could he know that as soon as the call was connected, the boss over there began to talk to him one, two, three, and listened. After a long time, Wang Jingchuan finally understood——

Mr. Wang has done a great job.

"Jing Chuan, you said that my current relationship with Lin Hua... is she willing or because of Feng Sheng?" The elder brother listened carefully to the Secretary-General, who was also a past person, like a little boy in his first love.

This... Well, Wang Jingchuan has listened to it back and forth, and actually knows it in his heart. It's too late for Lin Hua to be sad now. There is no time to rekindle the old relationship with you. It is probably because I have something to ask you, and you are like that. People just push it halfway, do you really think you are attractive?

However, this was what Wang Jingchuan said in his heart, and he didn't dare to say it out to make his boss furious, so he said vaguely: "If a woman is willing, she probably has feelings. It's up to you."

Wang Jingyao looked at himself in the mirror after shaving, and smiled faintly: "What are you looking at me for?"

The secretary-general swallowed hard: "You don't want to be responsible, do you? This matter is a foregone conclusion. Miss Lin Hua is also from a famous family and an artist herself. Didn't you respect her in the past so you didn't add her in Feng Hua Xue Yue? Friendship?"

Wang Jingyao put down the razor, and asked calmly, "What kind of responsibility?"

The secretary-general took it for granted: "Of course I marry Miss Lin."

The secretary-general, this wonderful person, began to get up one, two, three, "you can't be covered with paper, no one may know that Ms. Lin came here last night, but if she goes out from you during the day, it will definitely spread , At that time, the reputation will be bad, and something will happen to the Feng family, if you don’t protect her, who will protect her, unless you really have no feelings for her at all.”

(End of this chapter)

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