Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 889 Wang Jingyao is ready to marry Lin Hua

Chapter 889 Wang Jingyao is ready to marry Lin Hua

"Why not?" Old brother Wang was very unconvinced: "Jing Chuan, do you think I'm such a casual person?"

Well, Secretary-General Wang is hard to say.

Old brother Wang was furious: "Jing Chuan, if you don't say anything, you mean I'm doing it casually?"

The secretary-general immediately smiled and said, "How could it be? You are the one who respects women the most, and you are the one who protects Ms. Lin the most. In this situation, you will naturally love and protect her."

These words seem to be compliments, but they are actually helping Lin Hua. Wang Jingchuan knew that Lin Hua probably didn't mean that, but just wanted to use Mr. Wang's power to avenge Feng Sheng. Her own reputation and She didn't care about the situation herself, and she didn't think of marrying Mr. Wang at all.

It stands to reason that an old fritter like Wang Jingchuan has long since lost his intention to hide himself, but he was able to stay by Wang Jingyao's side all these years, thanks to his bloodiness, he followed Wang Jingyao's eye, and the soft and hard cooperated very well.

Wang Jingchuan and Lin Hua have known each other for a long time. Knowing that she has been waiting for many years, Mr. Wang also admires her a lot. It is a pity for Mr. Wang to miss him. Now that the process has come to this point, it would be wrong to let it go... and he is I really sympathize with such a woman, she should be happy.

The two talked like this for a while, and Wang Jingyao fell silent. He looked at himself in the mirror and sighed softly, "Jingchuan, if it was before, I would have married Lin Hua without saying a word."

Secretary-General Wang had a clear mind, and he immediately understood that this call to him was not an emotional hotline, but a temptation. The undercover agent is here to find out.

Wang Jingchuan has been following Gu Anxi for a few days now. Although Mr. Gu didn't say anything, he occasionally heard Secretary Tang say that the focus of the second half of the year is in Jiangcheng. There is a medical project that is very important. In half a year, I will focus there, and Mr. Gu will follow.

The secretary-general is a careful person, and after thinking about it back and forth, he understands.

I am glad, and even more admired.

No, before he reported it, Mr. Wang came to his door. Mr. Wang made a good mistake, and it was just in time.

Wang Jingchuan smiled, very calm: "Mr. Wang, you just put 120% of your heart into managing your marriage. As for your status, there are so many capable people around you, why are you afraid of being held hostage by a Jiang family?"

Wang Jingyao shook his hands, and wanted to follow up on the question, but he was a steady person after all, and it involved that little bastard, so he had the backbone to not ask further.Fortunately, Jing Chuan has already obtained the letter of approval, and the old brother is full of enthusiasm——

He squinted, finally he didn't have to deal with that woman Jiang Chaoge anymore, of course he couldn't do too much.

He is extremely smart. If Jing Chuan meant that Xi Chen was having a show, then he would try his best to cover his eyes. As for Lin Hua, can he develop it underground first? After all, he needs to cultivate his relationship before getting married, more or less. A week or two... (My brother didn't feel fast at all.)

After hanging up the phone, the old brother felt a little happy. The reason why he decided so quickly was also because of what the little bastard said to him. The little bastard said that he sacrificed himself and sacrificed Lin Hua... No, he picked it up again up.

Although it was a little out of character, he really didn't want to miss it.

The old brother walked out refreshed, put on his watch as he walked, and even whistled when he went downstairs.

When having breakfast, the servants in the family were very cautious. Seeing that Mr. Wang was in a good mood later, they all felt a little happy and bold, and their words were more or less beaming.

Wang Jingyao put down the newspaper in his hand, and smiled: "You guys are well informed. Okay, everyone has worked hard these days, let's give each of you an extra two months' salary, and you can remember Lin Hua for this kindness. She treats you well." Always generous."

A bold one stepped forward, "Is Miss Lin going to be Mr.'s wife?"

Wang Jingyao froze for a moment, then laughed: "You little clever ghost."

He paused, and then said, "Don't scare her about what's going on in the future, and don't talk about it everywhere, or I'll expose your skin."

The servant naturally said yes, and then he was beaming again.

Mr. Wang treats people well and is generous. Everyone was worried that Jiang Chaoge would be the hostess at first, but now he is replaced by the kind Miss Lin. How could they not be happy?

Wang Jingyao gave such instructions, and someone said cleverly: "Of course we don't talk about it. We never spread the news about Mr. Wang."

Wang Jingyao nodded in satisfaction, took a sip of milk and then looked upstairs, then lowered his voice and said, "Don't wake her up, let her sleep more, and ask her to call me when she wakes up. "

The next one held back his smile: "Good Mr. Wang."

Wang Jingyao looked at them again, and coughed lightly: "There is no need to treat them specially, don't be scared."

After finishing speaking, he straightened his tie. He was going directly to the office, but after thinking about it, he went upstairs to the guest room.

Lin Hua was still asleep, lying on her stomach in a deep sleep, wearing a men's shirt.

He sat by the bed and looked at her quietly, feeling that she had indeed lost a lot of weight.Feeling a little distressed in my heart, I reached out and touched her face lightly, and smiled lightly——

Although she is not short of money, she only lives with her mother. Now that Fengsheng has an accident, she is in a bad situation. Later, she has to be supplemented by someone to raise some meat back.

After looking at it for a while, he went to work in the car with satisfaction.

In the car, I just closed my eyes and wanted to take a rest. After all, I went to bed late last night and didn’t go to bed until about three o’clock. My brother is not a young man anymore. coming.

Wang Jingyao reached out to take it, and his voice was a little lazy: "What did the old lady want from me so early in the morning?"

Over there, the old lady heard the news from Jingchuan, but she didn't say it outright and kept her attitude, and said coolly: "Jingyao, I made one last night, and dreamed that a plant was planted in front of our house. A cycad tree, this cypress tree, is still in bloom. When I got up early in the morning, I saw a few birds of good news at the door. I thought your father and I were not happy anymore, so I came to ask you if there was any good news. "

Wang Jingyao laughed when he heard his mother make up like this: "The old lady has heard Jing Chuan's report?"

The old lady pretended not to know: "Why, Jing Chuan was driven away by you?"

"If you don't take him with you in the camp, you're in Han." Wang Jingyao smiled lazily: "The old lady must have gotten some news from him. This Jingchuan is very lively now."

The old lady took the opportunity to say: "I have been with your sister for a long time, and she is not so rigid."

Wang Jingyao was still laughing, with a low voice, and the old lady, as a mother, naturally understood him, and she was really happy to feel him, not enough to make her eyes blush.

The old lady was strong all her life, and this son was so outstanding since he was a child. Although she didn't spoil her son, she felt from her heart that her son deserved the best, and that Jiang Chaoge was definitely not worthy of her son. Her favorite was always Lin Hua. As for Anxi, she has to scold her son for being old and immoral.

(End of this chapter)

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