Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 890 Who is the woman staying in the villa

Chapter 890 Who is the woman staying in the villa

Wang Jingyao heard his mother say this, his eyes were reddish, and he felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

The old lady usually doesn't talk much, and he is also busy. When he seldom visits them, the old lady even said that he won't force him to get married, and don't expect it. At this time, the old lady is so happy that he knows that he won't force him to marry. It was because the old lady didn't want him to give up, and Jiang Chaoge was his takeover, now thinking about how much the old lady loves him.

Wang Jingyao sighed in his heart, a little sour, and after a while he thought of Lin Hua, and he couldn't help but soften again.

In a word, the old house is on fire.

Early in the morning, the driver Yuan Sheng picked him up. Yuan Sheng looked at him in the rearview mirror and smiled cheerfully: "Mr. Wang looks different today."

"Oh, what's the difference." Wang Jingyao hung up the phone, put the phone aside, and said lazily.

Yuan Sheng just laughed: "It's just that it feels different. As for the difference, I can't tell. If Jing Chuan is here, he must be very discerning."

Old brother Wang smiled: "Don't mention him, he's just too shrewd."

He played with his phone again, checked the time after a while, and wondered if Lin Hua would wake up, and what she would think when she woke up, but after a while he thought she wouldn't wake up for a while.

In this way, the old brother was so preoccupied with work and meetings that he made many mistakes, especially looking at his mobile phone from time to time during meetings, he looked like a teenager who fell in love for the first time...

The newly appointed interim secretary-general kept sighing and dared not say anything.

Until 10:30 in the morning, the old brother's phone finally rang. He was overjoyed and picked it up before he could look at it. "Are you awake?"

Over there, it wasn't Lin Hua, but Gu Anxi. Gu Anxi took something that the old lady told Wang Jingyao to give to Wang Jingyao. It took a long time, and she kept forgetting it in the trunk. If she happened to be passing by right now, she would call him and tell her. , but the voice on the phone is not right, why did you wake up?

On the other side, Gu Anxi immediately said, "It seems that Dr. Jiang is going to be Mrs. Wang soon."

"Come on, what are you talking about?" Brother Wang said angrily, "What's the matter?"

Gu Anxi said something, and looked outside: "I'm going to your villa soon, should I leave it with the guard or bring it in? The things are quite expensive, you can decide."

When Wang Jingyao heard this, his heart trembled.

This can't be done, if Lin Hua wakes up and bumps into him right now, Lin Hua's thin skin must be too shameful, and besides, he hasn't planned to make a public noise about it.

Brother Wang immediately said, "Just let the guard go."

Gu Anxi just said hello lightly, and the car stopped at the entrance of the villa. When she opened the door and got out of the car, the guard came over and said with a smile, "Why didn't Miss Anxi drive the car in?"

"Bring me something." Gu Anxi opened the trunk, the guard moved the things, and came again: "Are you leaving? '

Gu Anxi slid down the car window: "Well, there are still some things."

She suddenly asked again: "Did Lin Hua come over last night?"

The guard didn't dare to say, he was still afraid of Wang Jingyao, but his expression still betrayed his master, Gu Anxi smiled, took a bag of good things from the co-pilot beside him and threw it to him: "This is for you."

After speaking, he stepped on the accelerator and ran away.

The doorman stood there, looking at the things, there must be twenty thousand, Xiao Gu is always so nice and gives him good things every time he comes.

Over there, Gu Anxi already knew that it was Lin Hua who stayed here, and that Lin Hua hadn't left was enough to explain Wang Jingyao's plan. Lin Hua was definitely Mrs. Wang, so someone would be in trouble.

She also thought that the reason why Wang Jingyao made such a decision so quickly was probably due to Wang Jingchuan's involvement in it. This Wang Jingchuan is not a bad person, even the pair of master and servant are quite funny, one is hanging Jiang Chaoge and the other is undercover. With her, no one thought that Lin Hua would show up in the end.

Gu Anxi smiled, very happy...

In the villa, it was still quiet, all the servants did not dare to speak loudly, and they worked very carefully, not making any noise, for fear of disturbing the future mistress.

At around eleven o'clock in the morning, Lin Hua finally woke up.

When she opened her eyes, she saw the light beige ceiling, and the white curtain beside the bed fluttered lightly, stirring her face once and for all. She turned her head and looked at a white bathrobe casually thrown on the bedside. .

It belonged to Wang Jingyao.

Memories, surging like tides...

Her face was a little hot, she got out of bed and went to the bathroom, turned on the faucet and flushed her face, she looked at herself in the mirror and was a little afraid to look... her face became hotter, she hurriedly changed her clothes and went downstairs.

In fact, she didn't want to face the servants of the Wang family. She was an orthodox woman, she didn't know what others would think of her, and she also knew what price she would pay if this matter got out after today.

The Feng family looked down on her, her mother didn't understand her, and Jiang Chaoge would suppress her when he gained power in the future, and she probably would have no place in Beicheng.But these are not important, she doesn't want Feng Sheng to die in vain, she can't do anything by herself, she doesn't mind exchanging herself...

Lin Hua went downstairs slowly with her thoughts in mind, and the housekeeper just came down and said kindly: "Miss Lin is awake, shall we have breakfast or lunch now?"

Lin Hua was taken aback, and subconsciously said, "I won't eat, I'm leaving now."

The housekeeper smiled: "It's what I mean, sir, you call him when you wake up, and your car is sent for maintenance, and the car dealer will send it back in the evening. What you mean by sir is that you have a good rest today. Will be back with you."

Lin Hua was a little shocked.

She thought it was a deal, but did Wang Jingyao stay here because she wanted her to be with him all the time? Jiang Chaoge didn't have to be with him anymore, and he wasn't afraid of being known?

Of course, she didn't want to get angry at the servants of the Wang family, so she had to sit at the dining table, and the butler had already served lunch quickly, which was very nourishing and very good for women.

Lin Hua drank a small bowl of soup and lost her appetite, so she took out her mobile phone and dialed Wang Jingyao's number.

Wang Jingyao picked it up almost immediately.

The moment the phone was connected, neither of them knew how to speak. After all, the relationship was different. After they had known each other for more than ten years, he knew her, Yu Wei. She was only a little over 20, full of talents, and he also had a wife by his side.

Ten years later, his wife passed away, and he failed her expectation, but it was just a confusion, and he went back.

Wang Jingyao was in a complicated mood, a little sour and a little sweet, so he spoke first: "Are you okay?"

Lin Hua lowered her eyes: "Still..."

He laughed: "It's okay, that's right, your car has been sent for maintenance, so don't go out when it's very hot during the day, and rest more in the villa. I have a lot of books in my study that you can browse at will." Look."

Lin Hua said absently, "How long do you want me to stay with you?"

How long?

Wang Jingyao was stunned for a few seconds and then became angry. What does it mean to stay with him for a long time... Is he that kind of man?

He was still gentle, "What do you think?"

He threw the question back, and Lin Hua didn't know how to answer it for a moment, so she remained silent.

The old brother relieved his anger, and changed his tone softly: "Okay, let's talk when we come back tonight, huh?"

Lin Hua said yes.

But she is not the kind of woman who is submissive, she left first in the afternoon, and the servants did not dare to tell Wang Jingyao, and when he returned, she just rushed to nothing...

(The latter will be updated at [-]:[-] tomorrow morning ~ the first two chapters will be updated in the early morning)

(End of this chapter)

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