Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 901 Ecstasy, Wang Jingyao means getting engaged

Chapter 901 Ecstasy, Wang Jingyao means getting engaged

Jiang Chaoge hated him to death, but there was nothing he could do.

At this moment, Bo Xichen and Lu Heng came over together, they were equally good-looking, and they were very eye-catching when they walked together.

Bo Xichen's speech was impeccable no matter when he spoke. He greeted all the female elders with a slight smile, and then looked at his little wife: "Did you disturb the elders?"

"No." Gu Anxi raised his hand and showed him his new baby with a smile: "Mother Lin gave it to him. "

Bo Xichen patted her little head, "Naughty."

He said very politely: "I will take her to the house to return the gift another day."

Lin's mother said lovingly: "Don't blame her, I hit it off with her, and I am really happy to see her. Lin Hua is ten years older than her, and she will be her older sister in the future, and I will love her too."

"Then thank you, Aunt Lin." Bo Xichen changed his words, and patted the little guy again: "Mr. Wang seems to be here, do you want to meet?"

Gu Anxi's face suddenly looked like he was constipated, and he touched his nose: "Well, I'm not the host today, so I don't mind seeing you."

Bo Xichen smiled and didn't force her.

He had just greeted Wang Jingyao, and seeing that Old Brother Wang was in a good mood, he probably wouldn't be angry with her.

Here, as soon as Jiang Chaoge heard that Wang Jingyao was coming, he couldn't care about Gu Anxi and Lin Hua, so he immediately signaled to Lu Heng that he wanted to introduce him. When Lu Heng left, he gave Gu Anxi an extra look.

Gu Anxi gave him a grimace.

Want to eat fart.

Lu Heng's eyes turned cold, and he followed Jiang Chaoge away.

After they left, everyone's eyes fell on Lin Hua, with a hint of sympathy or a gesture of watching the show.You know, the Jiang family is well prepared tonight, and with the project and a talent, Jiang Chaoge's position in Wang Jingyao's heart is irreplaceable, and he will definitely be Wang Jingyao's most capable helper in the future.

Lin Hua didn't have much expression on her face, she just sat quietly beside Lin's mother. Lin's mother patted her, smiled faintly, and was very calm.

Gu Anxi was quite impressed, she was only sure if she had the information, and Mama Lin probably just knew that Lin Hua spent the night with Old Brother Wang, and she was still so calm under the current situation. amazing……

On the other side of the gorgeous hall, Jiang Chaoge wore a fiery red dress, leaned against Wang Jingyao, and introduced with a smile: "Jingyao, this is the Lu Heng I often mentioned to you, very capable... blah blah blah, a string of names Head, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Wang Jingyao looked very interested: "Dr. Lu is really a young talent, I have admired him for a long time."

He smiled like a spring breeze, and after a while, he said to Jiang Chaoge as if he was blaming: "Chaoge, this is your fault. It's your fault that you didn't introduce such a talent to me until today."

Jiang Chaoge explained with a smile: "Didn't Senior Brother Bo help you in the past?"

"Xi Chen is capable, but I don't mind having one more." Brother Wang patted her hand lightly, looking very fond of her.

Jiang Chaoge smiled a bit reservedly: "That's indeed my fault, I'll punish myself." '

Probably in order to show her femininity, she is obsessed with the goblet, and her drinking posture is really good-looking. Brother Wang looks a bit like a Yazi who has been teased.

Jiang Bin smiled brightly: "Jing Yao, why did you come here alone, where is Jing Chuan?"

Wang Jingyao glanced at him.

The people around were also sweating for Jiang Bin. Isn't this a little too bold, even Jingyao called?

Fortunately, Wang Jingyao didn't look angry, and smiled lightly: "Jing Chuan is no longer with me, don't you know? I thought Chao Ge would tell you."

After finishing speaking, I looked at Jiang Chaoge, it looked very sweet.

Jiang Chaoge smiled, holding his arm, with a hostess attitude in it.

Wang Jingyao didn't shake her off, and started chatting with Lu Heng like this with a very face-to-face look.

Lu Heng is indeed talented, and after saying a few words, Old Brother Wang couldn't stop admiring: "Dr. Lu should have returned to China long ago."

Lu Heng smiled lightly.

Although he was smiling, he always had a sense of arrogance.

Wang Jingyao didn't seem to care.

After a long time, he raised his hand and looked at his watch, and said, "Ladies and gentlemen will come soon."

Jiang Chaoge was surprised, "Mr. and Mrs. are coming too?"

She covered her face, "I'm not even prepared."

Brother Wang smiled: "They have something to do."

He looked at Jiang Bin again: "You don't mind having a special use here tonight, do you?"

Jiang Bin is a smart person, once he thought about it, he understood——

The old man and the old lady came here specially, and they have something special to say, that is...

He was very excited in his heart, and he also looked at Jiang Chaoge, signaling that she should keep it a little tonight.Be sure to put it away, she will be Mrs. Wang in the future, and she will be very different from the past.

Jiang Chaoge was also terribly excited, she didn't expect happiness to come so quickly, she touched her heart and spoke incoherently: "Jingyao, you didn't tell me...why didn't you tell me sooner? I wasn't prepared at all."

Brother Wang smiled heartily: "It's too late to know now."

He patted her hand with a very affectionate look; in this scene, let alone the Jiang family, everyone present would feel that Jiang Chaoge had stabilized, and at the moment, everyone's expressions were very subtle.

Men are envious of elder brother Wang who can marry a beautiful wife in his thirties when he is in his forties, women are envious of Jiang Chaoge flying on a branch to become a phoenix. At the moment, these emotions are put aside and they all revolve around Jiang Chaoge, not to be explicit but It's flattery inside and out.

Jiang Chaoge was very useful.

Wang Jingyao was chatting with the men, and Jiang Chaoge said briskly, "By the way, Lin Hua is here too. Jingyao, I'll go and accompany her. Lawyer Feng just had an accident recently, and she's in a bad mood."

The people present had to point their fingers up, look, this is demeanor, this is magnanimity, big room magnanimity.

Everyone in Beicheng knew what happened last night, but Jiang Chaoge pretended not to know.

This temperament is not ordinary people.

There seemed to be approval in Wang Jingyao's eyes, "Chao Ge, you are still considerate."

(End of this chapter)

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