Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 902 Demonstration, Jingyao, let's introduce Lin Hua's boyfriend

Chapter 902 Demonstration, Jingyao, let's introduce Lin Hua's boyfriend

Jiang Chaoge smiled and said considerately, "Then Jingyao, do you want to go and see Lin Hua together?"

Wang Jingyao looked surprised, as if he couldn't let go of what he was talking about, but in the end, he looked like he was accommodating Jiang Chaoge, and indulged helplessly: "There is really nothing I can do about you."

The women present were almost screaming. Who wouldn't yearn for such a handsome and powerful man to give him favor? Jiang Chaoge is lucky. Jiang Bin and Mrs. Jiang are the ones who come and go. He was polite to Jiang Chaoge and Jiang Mu.

Jiang Chaoge soared into the sky.

Jiang Chaoge walked towards Lin Hua step by step in the envy of everyone. At this time, Lin Hua was sitting beside his mother, quietly... Although she didn't go to the front hall, the gossip of the ladies had already passed. It was heard that she was in a very bad situation, and now Jiang Chaoge brought Wang Jingyao to demonstrate again.

Feng Sheng's mother sneered: "You can't live without doing your own crimes."She didn't do her job properly, she insisted on provoking a man like Wang Jingyao, now she's fine, she's been slapped in the face, but it's a pity that her son's reputation will be ruined by Lin Hua after leaving.

On the other hand, Jiang Chaoge's mother was actually quite worried, fearing that her daughter would be too flamboyant. Although she was not as knowledgeable as her daughter, she always had a lot of food and knew more about men than her daughter.

If a man like Mr. Wang really has something with Lin Hua, then no matter what, you should not refute Lin Hua's face outside, otherwise you will be slapping Mr. Wang's face and looking for Mr. Wang's dissatisfaction. happy.She thought in her heart, Chaoge should understand this truth, right? "

However, Jiang Chaoge is really young and energetic, and he is so tense that he doesn't show off to Lin Hua, an 'outsider'. Besides, she is also an ordinary woman. Although it is said that marrying Wang Jingyao is mostly for profit, but she She also really likes him... How could she bear Lin Hua's entry into the house?

At this time, Jiang Chaoge probably forgot that the person was actually invited by himself.She doesn't care, she must let Lin Hua understand who is the hostess.

Jiang Chaoge took Wang Jingyao's arm, smiled triumphantly, and faced Lin Hua.

Lin Hua felt a little uncomfortable seeing Wang Jingyao.

They... After that, this was the first time they met. Although it was only a short day, it felt like a long, long time.

Especially when the four eyes met, Wang Jingyao looked at her with a slightly meaningful gaze.

There are also some wild and spicy.

Lin Hua's side is actually quite simple, and it's no match for elder brother Wang's view. Soon, she drooped her neck and looked very docile. Then take it home and cherish it...

Lin's mother wasn't always sure, but when she saw the look in Wang's eyes, she knew that there was nothing wrong with it. No matter how the rumors spread now, Lin Hua was sure.

Each mother has her own thoughts, Jiang Mu and Lin Mu are not easy to express their views, and they are both young people's battlefields.

From Mother Jiang's point of view, Wang Jingyao just made his statement. After a while, the old lady will come over, and the matter will be settled.

It's just that she feels sorry for her daughter. Before she got married, her husband already ate it outside. No, he took it home and ate it. Now that she is still in front of her, she looks at Lin Hua affectionately. Mother Jiang's mood It's also beyond words.

Jiang Chaoge wasn't too stupid, so he could see it naturally, so he looked up at Wang Jingyao, and said softly and considerately: "Jingyao, you know a lot of people, so choose a reliable person for Lin Hua, she will also have someone in the future. rely on."

Wang Jingyao looked down at her and then at Lin Hua. He smiled, "Why, isn't Lin Hua relying on her? She still relies on men?"

Jiang Chaoge glanced at him complainingly, and then said: "Girls always want to marry, they can't stay single all the time, what do you think Jingyao?"

After speaking, she looked at him a little nervously.

At this moment, she admitted that she was forcing him to make a decision. She is also a woman, and no woman would be willing to look at her husband and still want to find another room. As long as he said to introduce Lin Hua, so many people would she I don't think he will look for Lin Hua again. In the future... he can look for anyone, but Lin Hua is not.

When Jiang Chaoge was nervous, Wang Jingyao smiled dryly, and then smiled deeply: "Chaoge, you are right, girls need a home." '

After finishing speaking, he actually sat down, patted his trouser legs, and turned his head with a very good temper: "Then Lin Hua, tell me, what kind of one do you want to find, as long as you tell me, I will definitely pick one out. "

Jiang Chaoge was also quite enthusiastic, sitting next to Wang Jingyao, smiling: "Yes, Lin Hua, don't be polite, Jingyao is a nostalgic person, and will not treat you badly."

These words are really magnanimous and extremely mean.

Lin Hua said softly, "Thank you, Mr. Wang, for your kindness. I don't have such thoughts at the moment."

Wang Jingyao intentionally teased her, and laughed: "Then you must have someone you like, so tell me, and I'll take care of it." '

Lin Hua looked up at him.

There was a moving light in her eyes, that cold and infinitely delicate look really fascinated the old brother, but I hate that Jiang Chaoge is still clinging to him like a tigress, if she didn't want to give Lin Hua some Surprisingly, he didn't bother to talk to this woman.

(End of this chapter)

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