Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 903 Unfortunately, the bride is not you 1

Chapter 903 Unfortunately, the bride is not you 1

Lin Hua said softly, "Excuse me, I'm going to the bathroom."

She left, and everyone was amazed.

It's really pitiful for a daughter of a famous family to be humiliated like this today...

Especially Feng Sheng's mother couldn't stand it anymore.

She doesn't like Lin Hua, and thinks she is really inappropriate, but now she is being bullied by Jiang Chaoge like this, she still sighs a little bit, it hurts when Feng Sheng held her in the palm of her hand, Feng Sheng is gone, she looks for Whoever is not good has to mix with the surnamed Wang, well, now it is at a disadvantage!

Feng Sheng's mother wanted to leave, she couldn't see that scene, Lin Hua used to be Feng Sheng's fiancée, now that she was humiliated, she felt that her son would also be humiliated, she wanted to leave, but was stopped by Madam Jiang, so she had to keep her words down.

Over there, after Lin Hua went to the bathroom, she thought she had to leave for a while while washing her hands. Who knew what was going on behind Wang Jingyao... Lin Hua was a low-key person, she didn't want to show off or lose face in a high-profile manner.

After washing her hands, she was ready to call her mother.

But turning around, she saw Jiang Chaoge behind her, she wiped her hands, and looked at Jiang Chaoge quietly.

Jiang Chaoge is also very polite, the superiors always have special tolerance towards those who look down on them.

She said softly, "Jing Yao and I are getting married."

Lin Hua didn't make a sound.

Jiang Chaoge smiled lightly: "I know what you have with him, I don't blame you, it's normal for a man like Jingyao to have a woman's concern, I just deal with one and the next, so I'll just make love, Lin Hua, you If you are smart, you know what to do and what not to do. Now that you have a good opportunity to meet a good man, you should go down the steps and stop doing inappropriate actions, otherwise I can’t guarantee What kind of ending did you end up with?"

Lin Hua raised her lips: "Dr. Jiang is very confident."

In the past, Jiang Chaoge would still have left room, but today she doesn't want to leave room. Wang Jingyao has already expressed her intention to get engaged tonight, so she won't give Lin Hua any chance.

So, she was very straightforward: "I said, we are getting married, Miss Lin, please respect yourself."

Lin Hua smiled and nodded: "Okay, it looks like there will be some special events tonight, so I won't bother you and Mr. Wang. I wish you a happy marriage for a hundred years."

She was so generous, Jiang Chaoge was not easy to get angry, but in the end he couldn't bear his temper and said ruthlessly: "Anyway, please Miss Lin, please don't destroy my happiness."

Lin Hua smiled lightly, turned around and left lightly, but Jiang Chaoge grabbed her.

Lin Hua frowned: "What else?"

Jiang Chaoge said softly, "I don't believe you."

She said slowly, "I want you to witness the engagement ceremony between me and Jingyao."

Lin Hua had a half-smile: "Jiang Chaoge, will you make things difficult for others by doing this?" '

"Whether it is difficult for others or not, I have the final say, if Miss Lin knows practical things." Jiang Chaoge finally tasted the taste of power, and his whole body was extremely happy.

Moreover, her strength was astonishing, Lin Hua couldn't even break free.

Just when her hand was hurting, Old Brother Wang touched it from nowhere, and smiled when he saw this scene: "Chaoge, why are you holding Lin Hua's hand?"

Jiang Chaoge was taken aback. She didn't want Wang Jingyao to think she was not a lady, so she immediately explained in a soft voice: "Jingyao is like this. Lin Hua wants to leave, and I want to keep her for a while."

She observed his expression, and asked cautiously, "You don't blame me, do you?"

Wang Jingyao said softly, "Why?"

He paused and smiled, "The old gentleman and old lady are here, let's go to the living room."

After he finished speaking, his gaze swept across Lin Hua's face.

After all, Lin Hua is also someone who has a close relationship with him. When his eyes met her, she realized what he wanted to do. She instinctively wanted to back off. This is the Jiang family's banquet. What does he want to do?

Lin Hua wanted to leave, but Wang Jingyao didn't stay, but Jiang Chaoge stayed for him instead, "Lin Hua, if you leave now, you have a problem with me, and Jingyao will also blame me, thinking that I have done something to you, isn't it right? Are you embarrassing me?"

Lin Hua thought she had a good temper, but at this moment, she really felt that Jiang Chaoge was really a white lotus, and that this doctor was in vain... His vision was so low, and he couldn't wait to slap the enemy to death.

When Jiang Chaoge said this, Wang Jingyao still helped her, and smiled lightly: "Yes, Lin Hua, this is your fault. How could you not participate in my engagement?"

Lin Hua: ...

Wang Jingyao took a step back and walked out first, and the voice came over: "Okay, hurry up, the old lady is not very patient, and I will blame you later."

Upon hearing this, Jiang Chaoge immediately followed her with her skirt, and she couldn't care less about Lin Hua.

Lin Hua stood for a while, then walked out slowly.

In the banquet hall, there was joy, and the entire Jiang family looked as if they were about to ascend.

The old man and the old lady are here, they are generous, they are not alone, all the relatives of the Wang family have come, and the gifts are piled up like a mountain, which blinds the eyes of the Jiang family.

It's a big deal, Mrs. Jiang kept saying to Jiang's mother: "Your family is blessed with Chaoge. We don't usually see such good things."

There was a bit of envy in her words, Jiang Chaoge happened to come over and heard it, and said casually: "Whatever Auntie wants, just pick the right one."

After she finished speaking, she realized that the etiquette was wrong, so she quickly smiled to cover it up.

The old lady heard this too, and she didn't show it on the surface, but she looked down on her in her heart. Which family's girl is so inexperienced and unreserved?

She looked at her son, "Jingyao, this is the last time to worry about your affairs, there will be no next time, so take good care of your daughter-in-law this time, and we can't afford any changes."

Wang Jingyao wanted to speak, but his throat seemed to be blocked, and it took him a long time to make a hoarse voice: "Let the old lady worry."

The old lady laughed again: "I can't talk about it, I just hope that you treat the girl well and live a good life in the future. Don't worry if you have children or not, just let nature take its course."

"That's right. I think so too, old lady." Brother Wang nodded.

Later, the old lady explained a lot of things, saying that the elder brother nodded once, and the old lady felt that the back and forth was almost done, so she said, "I have been talking for a long time, what about the child?"

Everyone looked at Jiang Chaoge, Mrs. Jiang even pushed Jiang Chaoge forward, and said beamingly: "Old lady, Chaoge has been here all this time, our family Chaoge is really lucky, to have someone like you in the future Just to mention, the old lady is not boasting. When Chaoge was born, the bright clouds in the sky looked like a phoenix. The fortune tellers said that her fortune was very good, that she was very rich. If you don’t believe it, you have to believe it today.”

After finishing speaking, Mrs. Jiang still covered her lips and smiled.

Jiang Chaoge was also a little embarrassed: "Auntie, those are not credible." '

The old lady nodded: "It's really unbelievable. Now let's talk about science."

Mrs. Jiang was taken aback, a little unable to get off the stage, and so was Jiang Chaoge, but they quickly adjusted and found the steps to get off.

But at this time, how could the old lady listen to what they said, she was only thinking about getting her son engaged...

What about Lin Hua, where did that child hide?

Could it be that Jingyao hasn't told her yet?

(End of this chapter)

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