Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 912 I just bullied you, how about it?

Chapter 912 I just bullied you, how about it?

Gu Mingzhu bit her lip: "I've heard from many people that that woman was an artist under the guidance of sister Ding Ning before, isn't she mad?"

Gu Anxi nodded: "It's quite angry! But I don't think Ding Ning is impulsive, maybe she won't leave in the end."

"Why don't you go? If it was me, I would go. How can I bear it?" Gu Mingzhu cried with a sad face.

Gu Anxi looked at her small appearance, a little amused: "Hey, when did you become so kind? Selfishness, as long as you live comfortably is what Gu Mingzhu should be like, please don't do this, I'm not used to it .”

Gu Mingzhu was furious, and her voice became louder: "You think I want this, Gu Anxi, if it weren't for you, I would still be the same as before, others would praise me for being cute." '

"A cute black-hearted apple." Gu Anxi laughed at her.

Gu Mingzhu became even more angry, and said, "You bullied me."

"Where did I bully you? If you want to say bullying, you came here yourself." Gu Anxi said with a smile while propping her head. In fact, she was quite happy seeing Gu Mingzhu's cowardly look.

Gu Mingzhu refused to leave, just as if she wanted Gu Anxi to uphold justice. Later, Gu Anxi became furious: "Gu Mingzhu, you have had a good life, don't you, can you figure it out?" '

She poked Gu Mingzhu's forehead with her finger: "You are taken in by Brother Changqing now, how dare you meddle in his business?"

Gu Mingzhu flinched for a moment, but remained silent.

Gu Anxi is right, she is just a poor little girl who depends on others, and she shouldn't meddle in other people's business, but she... She looked at Gu Anxi, and her voice softened: "My brother seems to like Sister Ding Ning very much, Sister Ding Ning You should like him too."

Gu Anxi played the game again, and said slowly: "So... Gu Mingzhu, do you lack a brain? They like each other and separate. It is obviously the problem of the two of them. It has nothing to do with others, or whether they are not It's directly related, how dare you think that if I say a few words, they will be together again?"

Gu Mingzhu was so fierce by her, she had a bad temper, but this time she didn't dare to answer a word, and felt that Gu Anxi seemed to be right.

Gu Anxi felt that it was almost done, waved his hand, and said with disgust: "Okay, okay, you should go back and study hard."

She is only one year older than Gu Mingzhu, but she speaks old-fashioned at this time.

Gu Mingzhu just stayed here and refused to leave: "I haven't eaten yet."

"Go back and eat by yourself, there are many people in the family cooking, don't rely on me." Gu Anxi said not very politely.

But Gu Mingzhu is like a cowhide today, she will not leave even if she dies.In the end, Gu Anxi had no choice but to stand up: "Okay, let's go to the restaurant of the hospital to eat. I warn you that there are no delicacies from mountains and seas. If you dare to say that one is not delicious, I will knock out your teeth."

She closed the notebook, put the handwritten copy in her pocket and went out first, Gu Mingzhu followed behind like a follower, quite unmotivated, the assistant outside looked at it and suppressed a smile: "Mr. Gu, where are you going?"After a while, Professor Bo's operation was over. '

Gu Anxi pointed to the latter one: "Take her to dinner." '

The assistant smiled and watched them leave.

Gu Anxi kept walking in front, and Gu Mingzhu was behind. When they got downstairs, Gu Anxi stopped: "Why didn't you follow?"

Gu Mingzhu hummed: "I don't want to walk with you."

"That's right." Gu Anxi nodded in agreement: "If you hadn't begged me, I wouldn't have wanted to go with you."

She squeezed out a smile: "Isn't it?"

Gu Mingzhu came forward bitterly, and walked with her, Gu Anxi said venomously: "I know I'm a little more beautiful than you, so you don't want to walk with me, just like you don't want to admit that you are with me." Born by a mother, but that's the way it is, sorry. '

She was so angry that no one paid for her life. Gu Mingzhu's temper came up and she didn't want to eat. Gu Anxi grabbed her hand: "Are you angry? Gu Mingzhu, without Tang Yuan taking care of you, you will be so angry in the workplace in the future You can bear it, unless you are willing to be a rice bug all the time, but if you think about it carefully, Gu Changqing and you are not related by blood, and his future wife may not be able to tolerate you, so are you sure you want to blow up at this point?"

Gu Mingzhu stared at her, dead.

After a long time, she turned her face away: "I know I'm not as good as you, and I'm nothing now, so you don't need to remind me with fake kindness."

"I'm not pretending to be kind, I just have no heart." Gu Anxi let her go and walked into the restaurant slowly.

At this point, there were not many people in the restaurant, but the two of them came in together and attracted everyone's attention.

This, the world is fantasy.

Mr. Gu actually had dinner with Gu Mingzhu, isn't he a rival?

Gu Anxi didn't care about these gazes, and picked a seat to sit down. Gu Mingzhu was still a little picky, but Gu Anxi looked over, she didn't dare to fart, wiped the table and sat down.

When the manager of the hospital restaurant saw Mr. Gu coming over, he immediately stepped forward, "Why does Mr. Gu order this? What do you want to eat?"

Gu Anxi took out her mobile phone, and pointed at Gu Mingzhu while playing: "Ask her what she eats, and also pack a bento for me, just the dishes that Professor Bo likes."

The manager said yes, and then asked Gu Mingzhu, the daughter of Gu Mingzhu, who was always used to delicacies from mountains and seas, asked the manager to bring the menu, and the manager went to get it. When she saw that it was all home-cooked dishes, she couldn't help being disappointed and had no appetite.

While playing games like crazy, Gu Anxi said, "It's good to have something to eat, don't pick and choose, it's because Ms. Tang got used to you."

Gu Mingzhu was furious, and while ordering a few dishes casually, she became annoyed: "Gu Anxi, you are enough."

Gu Anxi shrugged his shoulders: "If you insist on staying here, you have to get used to it."

Gu Mingzhu became even more angry, but she couldn't help but swallowed her anger.

The manager smiled and went to prepare.

The two were silent for a while, only the sound of Gu Anxi playing games frantically was left. Finally, Gu Mingzhu couldn't help it anymore, and coughed lightly: "Gu Anxi, are you really not going to school anymore?" '

"No more." Gu Anxi thought for a while, and said, "I'm about to leave for Jiangcheng. If you have anything to do later, you can go to Min Xin directly, or let Brother Changqing solve it for you."

Having said that, it seems that these days Gu Mingzhu always calls her when there is nothing to do. It is all trivial matters. Gu Anxi feels that she treats her like an old mother, please don't, she is only [-] years old.

After she finished speaking, Gu Mingzhu fell silent.

Gu Anxi played the game for a while, noticed something was wrong, moved the phone away and smiled: "What's wrong? Don't you like being Min Xin's daughter very much?"

Gu Mingzhu lowered her head and was silent for a while before slowly saying: "He is not my father. I have nothing to say to him, and he doesn't like me either. He said to take care of me because of your words. I haven't said anything until now. So self-indulgent, and besides, he has a wife and will soon have a child, what am I?"

Gu Anxi's lips moved. Originally, she wanted to be mean to Gu Mingzhu, but she swallowed the words again.

Gu Mingzhu looked a little pitiful at the moment.

As soon as her heart softened, Gu Mingzhu came up, pursed her lips: "Gu Anxi, can I go to Jiangcheng with you?"


Gu Anxi's eyes widened.

At this moment, the manager personally delivered the food. Gu Anxi took it and put it in front of Gu Mingzhu with a smile: "Let's eat, don't think that there is nothing left. It's better for us to maintain the 'good' relationship before. Not ready to be your nanny."

Gu Mingzhu's eyes were a little watery, she stared at Gu Anxi for a long time, and then said softly: "Actually, you are the only one I have."

Min Xin, it doesn't count, he has his own family.

She also knows that she is shameless like this, but she really has nothing to do, she feels very lonely, she is the only one in this world, no one cares about her, Brother Changqing is very busy, besides, he takes care of her because of Gu Anxi .

After Gu Mingzhu finished speaking, Gu Anxi felt a chill all over his body.

After a while she asked carefully, "Are you okay?"

Gu Mingzhu was about to cry, and took a breath: "There is nothing wrong with me. '

Gu Anxi fell silent.

She actually felt that Gu Mingzhu was a little different from before, and she was a little different mentally.But she didn't make a sound, just put down her phone and watched Gu Mingzhu eat.

Gu Mingzhu hated the food in her heart, but Gu Anxi didn't dare to show a little bad taste when she was here, and kept working hard...

It wasn't until a slender figure stood beside them that Gu Anxi raised his eyes: "Uncle?"

(End of this chapter)

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