Campus almighty ace girl

Chapter 913 Like Straight Men, Can Be Frustrated to Death3000 words

Chapter 913 Like Straight Men, Can Be Frustrated to Death3000 words

Gu Anxi continued, "Uncle, why are you here?"

Sitting beside her, Bo Xichen smiled, "Assistant Lin said you came here for dinner."

He looked at the empty space in front of her, "Why didn't you ask for food?"

"I've eaten, and I ordered one for you." I was about to call the manager, but the manager had already delivered the meal automatically, smiling, "Professor Bo, your favorite."

Bo Xichen thanked him, and then bowed his head to eat. He ate very quickly, but he was still elegant. Gu Mingzhu was taken aback for a while, and then asked, "Brother Xichen, you can eat this, it's really good." Do you want to eat?"

Bo Xichen raised his eyes, puzzled: "Is there a problem? The restaurant in the hospital has a high rating."

Gu Mingzhu's expression was indescribable, and after a while she said, "But this is incomparable to the chefs in Siyuan."

"You can't always live at home. You have to go out." Bo Xichen said with a pun.

Gu Mingzhu fell silent, lowered her head and worked hard to eat the food she was not used to...

Gu Anxi continued to play the game until Bo Xichen finished eating and there were a few small potatoes left, so she took a fork and ate them.

Seeing that Gu Mingzhu was dumbfounded again, Gu Anxi actually ate the leftover food from Brother Xichen, doesn't she think it's dirty?

Of course Gu Anxi didn't dislike it. After eating, he wiped his mouth and asked Gu Mingzhu, "Send you back?"

Gu Mingzhu sat in the car with her bag in her arms.The little face was tense.

Bo Xichen was driving, and Gu Anxi was also sitting in the back seat, and said coolly, "You don't think I won't keep you for the New Year after you lose your temper, do you?"

Gu Mingzhu turned her face away and looked out of the car window.

Gu Anxi sighed softly: "Sister, you have to go to school and you have to write scripts, what are you doing with me, playing games with me or going out to fight with me?"

Gu Mingzhu said quietly: "I know you don't like me."

"That's right, I don't like you." Gu Anxi said bluntly, "I like you so there's something wrong with it."

Gu Mingzhu fell silent, Gu Anxi sent her to Gu Changqing's villa, and sent a message to Gu Changqing——

"Pay attention to Mingzhu's mood, it doesn't feel right."

The car stopped, and the villa was deserted, and there was no one there.

Obviously, Gu Changqing hasn't come back yet.

Gu Mingzhu stuck to the car seat and refused to get out of the car.

Gu Anxi looked up, and then suddenly said: "Gu Mingzhu, let's have a relationship, you are too lonely."

She squeezed her little face hard: "Someone will be willing to accompany you." '

Gu Mingzhu was so angry that she immediately jumped out of the car.

When the people ran away, Bo Xichen lit a cigarette and opened the car window a little, and drove while smoking: "What's the matter, this is, you are so angry with her."

Gu Anxi crawled to the front and sat down, sighing softly: "Uncle, she looks so pitiful."

Bo Xichen smiled: "You don't want to pick it up again, do you?"

"No, I won't pick her up even if I throw her at Min Xin's place, I don't want to serve the princess." Gu Anxi smiled, then turned her head to look out of the car window: "But she should see a psychiatrist Alright, I'll give my brother a suggestion later."

Bo Xichen asked lightly: "Since you know her heart knot, why don't you help her?"

"I don't feel well myself." Gu Anxi murmured, "Uncle, I don't want to treat myself harshly. Besides, I didn't cause all this. I've done a good job."

He smiled and murmured.

She said very milky again: "I'm the poor little one born who doesn't care about her mother."

After finishing speaking, the car stopped with a squeak, and then Uncle Bo hugged the little creamer into his arms...

"Uncle." She was a little embarrassed.

Still on the road, still in the car.

Bo Xichen bowed his head: "Didn't you say that no one loves you."

"No, no, no, I'm mentally healthy." She groaned, lying on his shoulder coquettishly: "You are the best."

Professor Bo smiled and said nothing more.

After a while he said: "I heard that Mr. Wang will hold a wedding next week, have you heard?"

"Well, I know a little bit." Gu Anxi whispered, "Sister Lin Hua wants to invite us to be the best man and bridesmaid, but I actually want to refuse."

Bo Xichen grunted and turned her face away.

She just laughed: "I'm afraid that when my uncle comes out, others will think that you married Sister Lin Hua. My old brother's old face is too old."

Bo Xichen patted her as punishment, and smiled again: "Don't say that."

Gu Anxi was still smiling, and put his arms around his waist: "Uncle, I have to take care of you. Dr. Jiang is hopeless now, and he is looking for someone everywhere."

She raised her eyes: "She went to see Chen Ming today, you know, she killed Chen Ming's mother."

"Is there such a thing?" Bo Xichen smiled: "But even if Chen Ming is with her, they won't be together in the future. The three views don't agree."

Gu Anxi was lying in his arms so comfortable that she wanted to sleep, her eyes were closed to absorb the temperature of his body: "What about him and Song Jiaren, I saw that Song Jiaren has also come here in the past few days, and the person who dispensed this medicine and that medicine also By the way, look at Chen Ming."

Chen Ming is really a piece of wood.

Bo Xichen lowered his head: "I don't know about this, I only know..."

He pulled her over and said a few words softly.

Milk Jing Gu: ...It was gone in an instant.

When they were talking, Jiang Chaoge was indeed in Chen Ming's ward, caring for Chen Ming's body sincerely, and brought some expensive supplements there. Fortunately, Chen Ming's mother was not there, otherwise the scene would have been very beautiful.

Song Jiaren was not feeling well these days, and she came to the hospital to get medicine almost every day, and it was the same today, so let's take a look at Chen Ming.

When she arrived at the door, she saw Jiang Chaoge was there, and she was sitting with Chen Ming having supper affectionately. She knew that the matter between Jiang Chaoge and Wang Jingyao was blown up, and now Chen Ming was ready to take over?

Song Jiaren turned around and was about to leave, but Chen Ming saw her, and hurriedly put down his things and came over, "Duo Duo."

His speed was really fast, but he accidentally used his left hand, which caused a pain.

Song Jiaren turned her head, with a white lotus smile on her face: "My name is Song Jiaren, please don't call me Duoduo, and I seem to be bothering you."

"No, no." Chen Ming rubbed his nose, "I happened to be hungry so we ate something together."

He said softly again, "Are you hungry?"

"Not hungry." Song Jiaren looked at him: "However, I advise you to have a bit of backbone in life, don't take orders, especially Mr. Wang's orders, and you work next to him, and you will inevitably be laughed at. I watched the last time The innocent girl in the photo is fine, that's your thing, Dr. Jiang sold you and you counted the money for her."

Chen Ming smiled uncomfortably: "I didn't mean that."

"Not the best." Song Jiaren snorted, turned around and wanted to leave.

Chen Ming was behind her, "Are you here to see me?"

"No." She glared at him, "let go of me."

He didn't want to let go, and kept grabbing her hand.

Song Jiaren was a little annoyed, "Chen Ming, you need to show some face."

Chen Ming's eyes were fixed on her: "I have given up my heart, but you have been provoking me. Song Jiaren, you said you came to get the medicine. Is there anyone like you who keeps coming to get the medicine? If you like me, go straight Say."

Just finished speaking, a slap was thrown on his face.

There was a snap, really loud.

Chen Ming was stunned by the beating, and turned his head with a bit of hostility on his face: "Why are you squinting so crazy?"

"What's the matter with beating you? You said you like me, is that why you like me, eating supper with others in the middle of the night, and holding vegetables, it's really affectionate, Chen Ming, your liking really opened my eyes." Song Jiaren also said Very hot.

The veins on Chen Ming's forehead popped out, and he roared, "Don't you think I'm poor?" '

'Didn't you say that I like you because I come to see you every day?Are you secretly cool, are you mad at me for eating supper with others? ’ Song Jiaren took the shoe and beat him very fiercely: "I don't care about you like this."

Chen Ming kept retreating until it was impossible to retreat. He leaned against the wall and gasped for breath.

The anger in his eyes was enough to burn her.

Song Jiaren had had enough, stepped back a few steps to put on her high heels, and then stepped back to leave.

Chen Ming grabbed his hand.

He hoarsely said: "Ask you again..."

"You don't need to ask." Song Jiaren broke away from his hand and said softly, "I've already said it."

She went anyway.

Jiang Chaoge came out at this moment, and looked in the direction of the elevator with Chen Ming, Jiang Chaoge said softly, "You really have a big temper."

Chen Ming looked at her, lost his mood, and walked towards the ward.

Jiang Chaoge followed behind him: "Actually, Chen Ming, you deserve better girls." '

Chen Ming picked up the water glass and took a sip of water, then said softly, "What is better? It's not what I like, so what's the use?"

This time, Jiang Chaoge was stunned.

Chen Ming packed his things silently, and then said to her: "Chaoge, today I also used the friendship I grew up with to accompany you to eat, and I didn't mean that, so don't misunderstand."

The corners of Jiang Chaoge's mouth twisted slightly.

Chen Ming smiled lightly, a little helplessly.

Jiang Chaoge did not leave immediately, but suddenly hugged him from behind.

Chen Ming's body froze for a moment, and he didn't respond for a while, and he forgot to push her away.

Jiang Chaoge put his face on his generous back, and murmured: "Chen Ming, maybe we can try."

She was a little tired and wanted to find a man to take a break for a while. She didn't think about marriage for the time being, but she also wanted someone to care about her. Chen Ming was the best choice.

Chen Ming was even more stunned. Just when he was about to turn his head around, the mysterious Song Jiaren came back.

Her earrings fell off, come back and look for them.

When I came back, I saw this picture.

She looked at it quietly for a while, then turned and left holding the earrings...

When Chen Ming turned around, she was no longer there.

"Chaoge." Chen Ming pushed Jiang Chaoge away, and said with a little embarrassment: "You are probably in a bad mood. If you are really in a bad mood, you can go out for a trip and find friends to go out and relax. Let's not force it."

Jiang Chaoge stared at him: "Why are you reluctant? Chen Ming, didn't you like me very much before?"

Chen Ming was quite gracious, and smiled lightly: "That's all in the past, Chaoge, don't do this in the future."

He opened the door: "Okay, it's getting late, you should go back."

"You drove me away?" Jiang Chaoge asked in disbelief.

Chen Ming coughed lightly: "It's getting late, it's not appropriate."

While talking, a nurse came over, saw Chen Ming and said, "Miss Song came over again just now, she ran downstairs, her foot seemed to be sprained, Team Chen, would you like to go and have a look?"

Many people in the hospital knew about Chen Ming and Song Jiaren's affairs. The couple looked tired, both seeming to be both interested and not at all interested, but Miss Song's ankle was twisted and she came over to talk about it.

When Chen Ming heard this, he was stunned.

"She sprained her ankle?"

"where is she?"


(End of this chapter)

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