Chapter 285 Test
When Sun Yixie woke up, it was early morning.

He wasn't woken up by the tickle of some small animal crawling on his face, nor by the freezing cold air of early spring, but rather ordinary, woken up with enough sleep.

This is of course not because he has ascended to heaven, but because at this time he is staying indoors, lying on a bed with a quilt covering his body.

After opening his eyes, Sun Yixie slowly sat up and began to recall the last thing he remembered.

Although he had a fever before his death, there was no lack of memory. He clearly remembered that the cargo ship he and Hayato were on was hijacked by Japanese pirates, and they were the only ones who survived. In the end, Hayato was captured by Japanese pirates, and He was thrown into the sea.

Thinking of this, Sun Yixie touched his forehead again, only then did he belatedly realize that his fever had subsided, and the joints all over his body were no longer painful.

So, he lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

There was a pair of shoes by the bed, he tried them on and they fit.

Just like the clean new clothes he was wearing at this time, they fit well.

In this situation, Sun Yixie can naturally guess that he should be rescued by someone or some people. After all, clothes and quilts will not run on him by themselves, so his most urgent task now is to find him. Ask yourself about your situation, and thank the other person by the way.

The room he stayed in was not big, and the door could be reached within a few steps. After Sun Yixie opened the door and went out, he found that there was a larger room outside, with tables and chairs in the middle, and tea on the table.

It's fine if you don't see it. After seeing the tea, Sun Yixie suddenly felt very thirsty. He didn't care about it, picked up the teapot on the table, and drank it directly from the spout.

At this time, he would no longer think about things like poison in the water, because if the owner of this house wanted to harm him, he would have already done it while he was unconscious, so there was no need to do these things.

While pouring tea into his mouth, Sun Yixie began to look around; he found that in addition to this "living room" and the bedroom he was in, there were several other rooms in this house. Except for the kitchen, which has no door, the doors of the other rooms are all closed. I don't know what they are for and whether there is anyone inside.

After scanning around, Sun Yixie's eyes finally stopped on the door of this room.

How could he know that this was the door out of the house?It's very simple, the two windows next to the door are propped up obliquely at this time, and the light coming in through the outside of the house can tell that there is the exit.

"Is anyone there?" Sun Yixie shouted into the room when he put down the teapot.

But he yelled a few times, but no one responded to him.

Sun Yixie thought about it, and it seemed inappropriate to search the savior's house when no one was around, so he walked to the door and decided to go outside to have a look.

It's okay not to open the door, but he would be startled when he opened it.

There are steps outside the door of this house, and they are the kind of very steep stone steps without handrails. If he steps out without thinking, maybe a trampling person will roll down.

Sun Yixie looked down the stone steps, only to see a road spreading diagonally downwards, sandwiched by the mountain walls on both sides, zigzagging and leading to the distance.

He hesitated for a moment, but still stepped out and went down the stairs.

After walking for a while, the front finally became clear, and at the end of the steps, a beach came into view.

At this time, the sun has fully risen.

Sun Yixie glanced over and saw two figures on the beach tens of meters away, standing on the edge of two large wooden shelves, doing something.

When he took a few steps closer, he saw clearly that they were two hunchbacked old men, at least in their 70s, drying fish by the sea.

"Two old men!" Sun Yixie walked nearby and called out to them at the top of his voice.

The two old men turned their heads and looked at him.

Then the taller old man was the first to say, "Well, young man, you're awake."

"En." Sun Yixie responded, "May I ask if you two saved me?"

"Probably." At this time, another shorter old man also turned his head and said, "We saw you washed up on the beach by the tide, and we picked you up while still breathing."

"Oh! It turns out there are really two of you. I'm my next son, Sun Yixie. Thank you for your life-saving grace!" Sun Yixie said, bowing immediately and giving a deep salute.

Seeing this, someone might want to say, why is Brother Sun so polite now?Ordinarily, with his upbringing and personality, even if the leader of the martial arts world saved him today, he would at most clasp his hands and say a few words of "I will repay you someday", right?

Why is he so polite to two ordinary old men now?
In fact, if you think about it a little bit, you will understand that just because these are two ordinary old men who don't know him at all and have no interest in him, their act of saving him is the purest act of kindness.

If the person who rescued Sun Yixie today was someone who knew his identity, or if Sun Yixie had not been robbed of all his money before he was thrown into the sea, then the other party was suspected of fame and fortune.

"Hey~ It's a little effort, there is nothing to thank." The tall old man replied casually, without even looking at Sun Yixie, and went on to fish.

"Yeah, we're busy right now, let's talk about what's going on after we're done." The short old man also answered.

"Then... let me help too." Sun Yixie has a strong ability to perceive words and emotions, and he knows to climb the pole as soon as he hears this.

When the words fell, he had already taken two steps forward, rolled up his sleeves, quickly grabbed a fish, and started fishing together with the two old men.

"Hey! Kid, I didn't see it. You have very sharp hands and feet." The short old man was quite surprised to see Sun Yixie come up to help him, "Your family is also a fisherman?"

"That's not true." Sun Yixie said back, and the speed of his work did not slow down, "But I can do a little bit of work related to aquatic products."

"Oh..." After hearing this, the short old man turned his head to look at the tall man calmly.

Two seconds later, the two stopped.

"In this case, then you can do this job for the old man." The short old man continued.

"Ah?" Sun Yixie didn't expect that these two were really rude to him, but no matter what, they were also his life-saving benefactors, and at such an old age, now that the other party opened his mouth, he was too embarrassed to refuse. "Uh... okay."

"Hey! That's great!" The tall old man immediately smiled at the short one when he heard the words, "Then let's go back to the house and rest."

After all, the two turned around and were about to leave.

"Hey! Wait, two benefactors, I still have something to ask you." Sun Yixie offered to help just now, just to ask them some questions while working with the two old people, who knows Right now, these two guys were about to leave as soon as they waved their hands, which really caught him off guard.

"Why don't you come up to the room to ask after the work is done, it's still a while away?" When the other party replied to him, he had already walked a long way, obviously he didn't intend to give him any room for bargaining.

Strange to say, the two old men didn't seem to be walking fast, but in a blink of an eye, they had already separated a long distance from Sun Yixie.

In the first few seconds, Sun Yixie didn't think too much about this scene, but when he watched the two old men walk up the steps between the mountain walls, a question suddenly flashed through his mind-the stone steps are so Steep and so long, how did these two frail-looking old men carry me from the seaside to the house on the mountainside?
There are many explanations for this question.

For example, the residents in that room are actually not only the two old men, but also other young and strong people, but Brother Sun has not met yet.

For another example, the bodies of these two old men are actually not as weak as they look. Although they are hunched over, they are quite strong.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is...these two old men are actually hidden masters.

If you think about it this way, combined with their "walking away in the blink of an eye", Sun Yixie is a bit inclined to the last hypothesis.

"Damn chicken... Could it be that I encountered the legendary 'dream plot of surviving a catastrophe and then picking up the old man'?" Sun Yixie said to himself in his heart.

After having this idea, he tasted the words and deeds of the two old men just now, and the more he tasted, the more he felt the same.

Because the attitude of the two of them is a bit too calm and arrogant...

According to common sense, the party who rescued someone from the sea should be more eager to ask the other party than the rescued party.

After all, no one knows whether he is saving a good guy or a bad guy. What if he saves a pirate who fell into the water or a prisoner who escaped?

You saved him, what if he changed hands and killed your whole family?Even if he hasn't lost his conscience to this point, what if he steals your money and runs away at night?
In this world, such things do not exist.

However, the two old men, one tall and one short, seemed less interested in Sun Yixie, a stranger than Sun Yu, and they always spoke calmly with him.

Just because of their "no doubt" and "no fear", Sun Yixie also highly doubts that they are superhuman beings.

Thinking of this, Brother Sun became excited.

Although he hasn't read many books, he has read some martial arts movies and TV dramas, so he understands that these eight achievements are the kind of "adventures" that can make a kid in the rivers and lakes soar into the sky!

When the opportunity came, he had to seize it, or he would regret it later, so he quickly started the task at hand without saying a word.

Sun Yixie knows this kind of thing very well. Drying fish is just a form. In fact, the two old men are "testing" him, wanting to see if he will really keep his promise and finish the job after he promises to work.

In this way, Sun Yixie worked there with all his might for nearly an hour, and finally finished the work. Moreover, he kept his eyes open and deliberately hid two fish from him... a bit of laziness .

why?Because he was worried that if he really did all the work and didn't cheat at all, the other party would think he was too straightforward and not smart enough, so they wouldn't teach him anything.

After finishing all these, Sun Yixie thought again and again, and after constructing various questions and corresponding answers that the two "experts" might ask him in his mind, he turned and walked towards the house on the mountain.

clap clap-

This time because someone was in the room, Sun Yixie knocked three times first.

"It's just the three of us here. If you have anything to knock, come in." After a short breath, the voice of the short old man sounded from inside the door.

When Sun Yixie heard this, he pushed the door open and entered.

As he expected, the two old men were sitting in the living room drinking tea and waiting for him. Seeing that the tea in the cup was still steaming, it seemed that they had just brewed this pot of tea.

"Both benefactors, I have finished my work. I don't know... can I ask you a few words now." When Sun Yixie said this, his attitude was still very respectful. Not only did he not have the slightest intention to sit down, Still clasped fists there.

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, the short old man sitting near the door suddenly picked up a cup of hot tea in his hand and splashed it in his face.

This move caught Sun Yixie unexpectedly, but his reaction was quick, he immediately stepped sideways to avoid the tea, and made a defensive posture.

However... the old man's speed was unbelievably fast for him. Before he could get into his stance, the other party took advantage of his evasive movement to cut behind him, and... gave him a naked choke.

Ladies and gentlemen, please pay attention, this is a "naked choke", not an ordinary strangle.

Sun Yixie, who was caught in the trick, was shocked. First, he was amazed that the other party could use this kind of locking technique that he thought only he could do, and second, he was amazed by the old man's physique.

Because the other party has been hunched over and wearing thick clothes, Sun Yixie hadn't seen through the real figures of the two old men before. Now he feels it after being locked up by the other party. Let's describe it this way...he feels like It's like being locked by the turtle fairy in the form of a muscle explosion.

"Boy..." The short old man locked Sun Yixie with his pair of powerful arms, and said in a breathless state, " you think we are fools? ! What are your plans?"

Sun Yixie really didn't know where the other party's hostility came from this time. With his face that was gradually discolored due to lack of oxygen, he managed to squeeze out a sentence from his throat: "Senior... I don't are... …say what……"

"I don't know? Hehe..." At this time, the tall old man who was still sitting at the table drinking tea sneered, and said, "Young man, someone with excellent inner strength like you just saw us on the beach After performing the lightness kung fu, can't you see our ability?" He paused, "According to common sense, why should you immediately catch up with us and ask us a few words... But you actually endured it and pretended to be If you don’t know, finish the work we entrusted to you first, you must have a conspiracy..."

Hearing this, Sun Yixie already scolded in his heart: "Damn! I calculated for a long time like predicting the options of GALGAME, but did I choose the wrong branch at that place? So I just caught up to ask about it at that time. Is it right?"

"I don't dare to brag about other abilities in my life, but I still deserve the word 'cautious'." At this time, the short old man took up the conversation again, and said in Sun Yixie's ear, "Now, I will give you one last can still say a word, as long as you are willing to tell the truth and tell your true thoughts and intentions, maybe you can still live."

The words have reached this point, and Brother Sun can't help it. He brought it up with a bad breath, and said something from his heart: "Damn it! You will die if you die! I just guessed you two bastards!" They are all experts in the world, so I want to pretend to be a grandson and let you teach me some skills or benefits!"

After he yelled this sentence, he immediately fell to his knees due to loss of strength, and gasped for breath.

Of course, the short old man didn't let go of him until this moment, but he had already let go when he said the first four words of this sentence.

Obviously, after hearing the curse at the beginning, the other party knew that his whole sentence must be the truth. As for the intention behind what he said, it didn't matter, because no matter what intention he had , are not a threat to these two old men.


Just as Sun Yixie knelt down like a dog and panted, the short old man sat back at the table, picked up the teapot as if nothing had happened, and poured himself another cup.

At this time, the tall old man smiled and said to the short one, "Heh... see, I guessed it right."

"All right, I owe you two taels again." The short one curled his lips and took a sip of his tea with a displeased face; but he didn't know whether the "two taels" in his mouth was gold or silver or something else.

On the other side, Sun Yixie, who had recovered a bit, also stood up again.

This time, he was no longer polite. He walked two steps forward together, held on to a bench by the table, straddled it, sat at the same table with the two old men, and talked to himself. He poured himself a cup of tea.

"You two are really in a good mood." Sun Yixie took a sip of tea and continued sarcastically, "It was just a bet that almost killed me, so next time you two want to play again Something else, am I afraid that I will be eaten by you at the moment?"

"Huh?" The tall old man looked at Sun Yixie, raised his eyebrows and said, "Good boy, are you still sitting down? Do you think that we let you go now, just let you go?"

"What else?" Sun Yixie asked rhetorically, "Since you have believed in me now, the most you can do is not teach me and drive me away. There is no reason to kill me, right?"

"Heh..." The short old man laughed when he heard the words, "Then what if the two of us are demons who purely enjoy killing people?"

"Ha!" Sun Yixie also laughed, "Then I'm dead, so there's no need to pretend to be a grandson anymore, right?"

"Okay!" The tall old man continued, "You are courageous and knowledgable, and you knew to be lazy on purpose when you were drying the fish just now, and you have even calculated our tempers, which shows that you are quite deep... I I really want to teach you a little bit."

"Like teaching or not." Unexpectedly, at this moment, Sun Yixie continued to drink tea with his mouth curled up in a nonchalant manner.

"Okay." But the short old man saw through him at a glance, "The acting is not bad, and you know how to use the aggressive method? All right... I will accept this apprentice."

"Master is here! Disciple..." Sun Yixie's movements were so quick, one second he was holding a teacup arrogantly, and the next second he was kneeling on the ground and changed to serving tea with both hands, ready to take advantage of the situation apprenticeship.

"Hey~" But the tall old man stopped Brother Sun again at the very moment, "Boy, you don't even know your master's name, what are you praying for?"

"Oh, do you dare to ask the two masters Gao's name?" Sun Yixie asked casually by borrowing the donkey from the slope.

"Heh... well, my name is Zhao Yunlong, and his name is Chen Haihuang. Thirty years ago, people in the Jianghu called 'The Two Immortals of the Sea of ​​Clouds' were..." The tall old man, that is, Zhao Yunlong, answered half of the words, and suddenly realized What, "Eh? Why is it 'two masters'? It was Lao Chen who said he wanted to take you in, but I haven't said so yet."

"Then Master Zhao, do you... have any more requests?" Sun Yixie asked again.

"I..." Zhao Yunlong thought for a while, then glanced to the side, "Then I'm just hungry, so you go to the kitchen and get me a bowl of fried noodles, and we'll talk later."

"Hey, okay, you two wait a moment." Sun Yixie agreed, and ran to the kitchen; Guy, it's like someone else...

After Sun Ge stepped into the kitchen, Zhao Yunlong and Chen Haihuang, who stayed in the hall, just looked at each other and gave him an evaluation in unison, and this evaluation was also what the two immortals of Yunhai wanted to test on Sun Yixie One last quality: "Okay, shameless enough..."

(End of this chapter)

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