The Paladins of All Worlds, Beginning with Pirates

Chapter 105 Whitebeard's Search

Chapter 105 Whitebeard's Search ([-] more)

After the Luluses massacre, Roy has been listed as a pirate who is as dangerous as Beast Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, and the reward of 5000 billion [-] million is completely worth it.

Moreover, the Navy now believes that Roy's behavior is very similar to that of Beast Kaido. He likes to go alone. His accomplices will choose to support at critical times, and they are all so invincible...

Ahe's request to find Alessia was quickly approved, and he immediately took his female army to go.

But a few days later, according to Polusalino's investigation, after Alessia arrived at her destination, she bought a small boat by herself, and she didn't know where she went, so the clues were cut off.

After thinking for a while, Ah He decided to go around the surrounding sea area twice, try his luck, and then report back to the headquarters.

Two days later, another big news came. The Roger Pirates and the Flying Pirates broke down again in negotiations. , but the two sides had already had a collision, but the battle was suspended due to the intervention of a third party, Whitebeard.

The Roger Pirates and the Golden Lion Fleet left the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates, but it was only a matter of time before they met again.

After Roger and the Golden Lion threatened to leave, Whitebeard was going to find Roy to settle the account of killing his lovely son, the former captain of the second squad, Druzzi.

He also read the recent news. After the massacre of Lu Ruses, Roy's bounty has surpassed any of his captains. Although the bounty does not represent strength, Roy is definitely not any of his captains. It can be dealt with, but it seems that you have to do it yourself.

It's just that the intelligence capabilities of the Whitebeard Pirates are top-notch among the pirates, but they are far from reaching the level of the world government. The environment of the new world is also very complicated. It is not easy to find Roy. things.

Whitebeard was not stupid enough to cast the net and throw all his people out to search, but concentrated his strength, more than 30 ships, more than [-] pirate groups under his banner, all concentrated in the nearby sea area, For a while, it became a super fleet not inferior to the Golden Lion, the number one pirate fleet in the sea.

With such an impregnable lineup, drifting on the sea, only a small number of people are sent as a search force.

It has to be said that Whitebeard is really smart. If he casts the net, he will definitely not get Roy's information first, but his own people will be killed first.

It is the correct way to concentrate most of the power and search with a small number of people.


After a week, Roy sensed through the holy light that Alessia had stayed in one place for more than three days. There was no doubt that she had arrived at the ruins of the Kingdom of Concordia.

"What a long wait, Alessia!"

Roy took a swig from his beer glass and ordered Plank to speed up.

It's really exciting. Even the world government wants to destroy a country for this purpose. It's like destroying O'Hara's demon-slaying order to protect the world's 100-year-old secret in the future. Interesting, such an interesting thing, in the end what is it

The Kingdom of Concordia, which was originally called the "Kingdom of the Sky" and has a unique scenery, is now in ruins, but it can be vaguely seen from the collapsed buildings that this place must have been very prosperous.

In the north of this country or this site, there is a icy lake surrounded by craters. Just standing next to it, you can feel the layers of cold air emerging from the lake.

A woman in white casual clothes with slightly curly flaxen hair was sitting next to a rock on the shore. The heavy clothes wrapped around her body could not conceal her graceful figure.

On the surface of the lake, occasionally there are still the ruins of the country's buildings floating. This frozen lake is like a cemetery, dead silent and cold.

Suddenly, in the dense fog, footsteps sounded. Alessia turned her head and looked behind her, and saw two figures of a man and a woman appeared in the thick fog. The man was 1.8 meters tall and wore a white windbreaker. Fluttering in the wind, the woman is wearing a blue magic robe, and her figure is not under Alessia.

"Here, was it also destroyed by the World Government?" Jaina glanced at the lake full of wreckage, and the chill spread from her body.

"Ah... yes!" Roy replied.

"The world government is really irritating, it seems to destroy it quickly!" Jaina's impression of the world government has been extremely bad.

Alessia looked a little excited when she saw Roy's arrival. She didn't know why she felt this way, but after seeing Jaina, she felt a little lost again, and she couldn't explain the feeling. Hearing the conversation between the two Afterwards, Alessia said: "This is the place where I used to play when I was a child. Now, it has been destroyed. All this is thanks to the world government and the navy that helped the evil..."

Alessia's words made both Roy and Jaina feel a sense of sentimentality. Although Roy is a murderer, he can kill 3 people without blinking his eyes, but it is for the resurrection coins. Can that be called killing?That's called purification, and those who take up weapons must be ready to die at any time, right?

But Roy is a person with feelings after all. If his homeland is destroyed, the sadness and hatred will be deeply imprinted in his bones and cannot be erased.

"There shouldn't be people from the World Government and the Navy following them, right?" Alessia asked after looking around.

The Kingdom of Concordia has disappeared from the map. The current map does not mark this place, and there is no permanent pointer record of coming here.

It took a lot of effort for Alessia to come here, and she barely found it based on the old map ten years ago.

"What are you talking about? If that's the case, I would have been killed by the navy. The navy is so scary~" Roy imitated the yellow ape's tone and adjusted the atmosphere.

"Anyway, you can't be killed anyway, it doesn't matter!" Alessia smiled and regained her freedom. She has also been happier recently.

Roy and Jaina walked to the edge of the frozen lake and admired the scenery here for five seconds. Roy said, "Where is the thing? It can't be at the bottom of the lake!"

"you are right!"

Alessia walked to Roy's side and stared at the frozen lake: "At the bottom of the lake, there is a very hidden mechanism, which can only be opened by people with royal blood and the method my grandfather taught me!"

"Hurry up and start!"

Alessia stopped talking nonsense and jumped into the frozen lake. It seemed that this was not the first time she had done this.

"Jianna, watch from above!" Roy also jumped up and jumped down after speaking.

Except for some ordinary freshwater fish, there were no ferocious animals in this icy lake. In Roy's eyes, Alessia was like a mermaid from Fishman Island, moving quickly towards the bottom of the lake.

When they reached the bottom of the lake, Roy and Alessia stabilized their bodies together. From Roy's perspective when he came here for the first time, there was nothing under their feet except stones and garbage.

(End of this chapter)

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