Chapter 106 Roy's Confidence

At this moment, Alessia put her hand to her mouth, bit her fingertips with her teeth, and placed it on an insignificant stone.

The moment Alessia's blood-donating fingers lightly touched the stone, the stone that should have been everywhere turned crimson in an instant.

Then, Alessia first twisted the stone clockwise for a half circle, then counterclockwise about 30 degrees, then clockwise another [-] degrees, and then released it.

It reminded Roy of a fantasy movie called "The Mummy."

Immediately, Alessia got up and swam to an adult-sized rock two feet away, and slammed this ordinary rock hard, and a channel was suddenly formed on the rock wall to isolate the lake water.

Alessia and Roy walked in one after another.

When Roy walked to the gate, he found that at the secret door, there were bubbles that felt very similar to those on the Chambord Islands. The method was adopted to prevent the lake water from flowing into the same way.

But to be honest, this kind of insurance method is still very good, not only setting the secret passage of the agency in such a place, but also using the blood of the royal family as the double insurance of the key.

"Did your so-called grandfather teach you how to open this mechanism?" Roy asked as he walked to Alessia.

"Grandpa" is not Alessia's real grandfather, but a king's confidant who ran out when the country was destroyed. In order not to expose her identity, she chose to die at sea after bringing Alessia out. He was one of the thief's subordinates, and before he died, he grabbed Alessia's hand: "The world government will inevitably perish, live on, and wait until that day..."

It is precisely because of this that Alessia mustered up the courage to live until now.

"Yes, it was a secret letter from my father that he gave me. After I learned the contents by heart, I destroyed it in the first place!" Alessia lamented.

After the two walked through a section of damp stairs, they passed through the second door and entered a vast space.

It looks very dilapidated, like a slum, it can be seen that no one has been here for a long time.

In Nuo Da's space, there was only one thing standing, a huge red stone tablet nearly three meters high, engraved with black runes that even Roy didn't know at all.

Roy and Alessia paced up, and Alessia hugged the stele as if embracing a relative, with tears streaming down her eyes, "My father, and my country, died because of this, so perish..."

As he said sobbing, Roy patted her shoulder with his hands, and then touched her head. Alessia couldn't bear the grief that had been suppressed in her chest for so many years, then turned around, and The son saved Roy, buried his head in Roy's chest and cried loudly.

"Please... please... must help me... revenge!"

"En!" Roy stroked her back: "Don't worry, you will definitely see with your own eyes that the world government will be wiped out, and you will definitely see the head of the Tianlong people hanging on the cliff of the Red Earth Continent. Brand new ...New World!"

After a while, Alessia wiped her tears away from Roy's chest.

Roy also turned his attention to the stele, and whispered to himself, "Is this what the world government wants? This, what is it..."

After observing for a while, Roy put his hand down from the red stone tablet, and said to Alessia: "If you want to overthrow the world government, you need not only ideas, but also strength. You are too weak now! "

Roy's words made Alessia startled. She didn't know that her power was so weak that even a small kingdom could not be shaken, let alone the world government!

"But don't worry, the holy light will make you stronger slowly, accept the gift of the holy light!" Accept the gift of the holy light, said, Roy raised his left hand and poured a holy light into Alessia's body .

Alessia closed her eyes, and suddenly felt an incomparably pure force start to stir in her body, which made her feel stronger than ever.

"This is..." Alessia suddenly opened her eyes.

"The power given to you by the Holy Light!" Roy simply explained, and there was no need to elaborate, because Alessia herself could feel the specific power.

"For your dream, and of course our common ideal, now I have a task for you!" Roy said.

"Please speak!" Alessia's eyes shone with golden light, and the holy light had completely baptized her body, and there were actually two red tear stains at the bottom of the corners of her eyes, which were the same as "Sally Matwynn".

"The Scarlet Crusade Project, I need you to create a Scarlet Crusade, don't be too anxious, we still have a lot of time!" Roy said after thinking for a while: "I believe in you!"

Roy said with a big wave of his hand, and directly took the blood-red stele in front of him into his system space.

Alessia was not surprised by this, because she hadn't recovered from the sudden power of the Holy Light, and then Roy bent down and kissed Alessia on the forehead before getting up and leaving.

"Aren't you afraid that I will betray you by giving me such great power?" Alessia finally said.

Roy laughed loudly: "I believe not, because, that night, you were already mine, weren't you?"

After hearing this, Alessia blushed: "Don't worry, great lord, I will complete the task!"

Roy waved his hand, his body turned into a golden light and disappeared in place.

Not long after, on the coast of the ruins of the Kingdom of Concordia, Roy sat on the throne on his ship and looked up at the sky. "I got something more precious than treasure. Next, how will I play with the government?"

While Roy was thinking about it, Jaina suddenly said: "Lord, you gave such precious power to that Alessia, in case she has evil intentions!"

Seeing Jaina's sour look, Roy was really happy, "Don't worry, since I can give her the power, I can naturally take it back!"


Two days later, when Roy finished drinking a glass of beer and wanted to pour out another glass, he found that there was only the last bottle of beer left. It’s too bad, I really hope that the system can come up with more games, I’m tired of playing auto chess..."

And a few kilometers away from Roy, on a patrol scout ship of the Navy, when they saw Roy's big iron ship, the scouts immediately reported the situation to the supreme commander of the warship.

After thinking about it for a while, the major general felt that he should choose to remain invisible. He would not do things like throwing eggs at rocks, so let's report Roy's location to the headquarters first.

(End of this chapter)

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