Chapter 678 Heroes debut

Captain America is the hero they have always been in awe of, this glorious hero in the history books...

It actually did such a thing!

"This is a cross-century attack. The one who awakened is not a hero who saved the world, but a demon from the last century. He used his appearance to perfectly cover up the darkness in his heart. In addition, here is his photo. If you meet him..."

On the LED screen of the building, the newscaster still condemned with an impassioned voice, and every sentence was like a heavy hammer hammering into the hearts of the people.

This news spread across the country in an instant through television, mobile phones, the Internet and other tools.

In the minds of many people, Captain America is a belief, but now, when this belief has become a false image, the people's hearts have collapsed, and after the collapse, there are ensuing condemnations over there.

The invective about Steve Rogers mushroomed like mushrooms and went viral across the country.

"The villain of the century!"

"A symbol of justice? This is simply a lie blinded by the glory of history!"

"Those superheroes will give him the harshest punishment!"

Looking at the scenes that happened on the Internet, the corners of Roy's mouth in the church curled up, revealing a slight smile.

"You seem to have guessed that they would do this?" Nick Fury's low voice sounded in the church.

Roy turned around and shook his head: "It's not that they guessed, but they can only do this!"

"Oh?" Nick Fury had a look of doubt on his face.

"The night before yesterday, I asked Tony to modify the motherboard and at the same time let him hack into the surveillance system of S.H.I.E.L.D., erasing my existence, and also made them a surveillance video of Steve failing to replace the template. This is selling Giving them a flaw is also giving them a sense of crisis!"

"And then, I asked Tony to erase all traces of Rogers' activities on the Internet, even erasing the video of him going to the canteen to buy milk and being monitored by surveillance!"

Speaking of which, Nick Fury already understood what Roy meant.

"In this way, Hydra, whose news has been blocked, has to use the means of the public to hunt down the captain, and at the same time advance the power of the [Insight Plan], how good or bad are you..." Nick Fury squinted his eyes : "Fortunately, you are not the enemy."

Roy nodded, "That's right, and with Tony's superb technique, they didn't even know that the main board had been replaced. They didn't realize until after the space carrier lifted off that the guns were aimed at themselves. The garbage Hydra personnel in the world will also be obliterated in an instant!"

"In that case, why did you expose Steve?" Nick Fury was still puzzled.

Roy smiled slightly, stretched out his fingers and waved: "Do you still remember our plan goal?"

Nick Fury was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously said, "Destroy Hydra completely, and let S.H.I.E.L.D. appear in front of the world as a hero!"

"That's right, a hero who stood up against public opinion and condemnation in order to save the world, and a hero who came back from the dead." The corners of Roy's mouth curled up. "Isn't that heroic enough?"

Nick Fury was slightly taken aback, he had almost realized what Roy meant.

When the world was in crisis, a hero who was framed and misunderstood by people not only did not escape, but stood up to save the world. Isn't such a story that people will remember?

At this moment, Nick Fury also realized that this is a chess game arranged by Roy, a chess game full of traps.


In the dark underground factory, all kinds of machinery are busy running, and the mechanical male voice is reporting in a cold tone on the radio on the ceiling.

"Entering the final stage of launch! The guidance system is ready, and all personnel are on the launch pad!"

Half a month has passed since Captain America's last attack. During this half month, they accelerated the construction of the aerospace carrier, and finally today, he is finally going to take off.

"How was the flight?" Gentleman Pierce said.

"It's good, but it's not so good when you come from the airport!" The woman who thought she looked mature replied.

"Unfortunately, S.H.I.E.L.D. cannot control everything, there will always be some uncertainties!"

"Including Captain America?" an elderly bald man next to him interjected.

Pierce curled his lips helplessly, "Don't worry, as long as the insight plan is perfectly launched today, Steve Rogers who escaped will pay the price for what he did."

After speaking, he pushed the badge to the four members of the council.

If you want to implement the insight plan, you must control the council. This badge is equipped with a device, which is not just as simple as identity verification.

It has enough high-temperature energy, as long as the button is lightly pressed, this small device can emit high temperature instantly, burning the wearer's chest, as long as the council says no to Pierce, he will press the button , Take away the dog's life of the other party.

He brought the four of them into the meeting room, and the detailed description of the "Insight Plan" was displayed on the screen.

"I know it's been a bumpy process. Some of you may have disliked me for a long time, but we are finally here, and the whole world will be grateful!" Pierce smiled like a gentleman. After the speech, he held the The goblet moved slightly.

"You have to drink a glass for today's scene!" As he said, he drank the champagne in his hand.

So did several other council representatives.

And at this moment, a male voice familiar to Pierce came from the radio.

"Attention all S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, please note, I'm talking about S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, I'm Steve Rogers, and you've heard a lot about me during this time, and some have even been ordered to arrest me, but I think I'm going to tell you the truth!" Steve, according to Roy's plan, sneaked into the S.H.I.E.L.D. broadcast and took control of the studio.

"SHIELD is not what you imagined, he has been infiltrated by Hydra, and their leader is Alexander Pierce!"

Steve's voice was so infectious that it was broadcast to every corner of the Trident building.

But the result Roy wanted was far from this. He stabilized the headset and spoke lightly.

"Tony, do it!"

Tony in his own villa sighed, "Why do I have the feeling of being ordered by you?" After complaining, he pressed a button.

"Jarvis, capture Captain America's voice channel and connect it to the national voice channel."

"Sir, such an approach will have a certain impact, are you sure you want to do this?" Jarvis reminded Tony with the same tone.

Tony smiled lightly and pressed another button at the same time.

At the next moment, Steve Rogers' calm and powerful voice resounded in the streets and alleys of the entire United States!

(End of this chapter)

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