The Paladins of All Worlds, Beginning with Pirates

Chapter 679 This world is of 9 snakes

Chapter 679 This world belongs to Hydra

From the audio booths on the side of the street to the LED screens hanging on tall buildings, Steve's speech is being played at this time.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. has been infiltrated by Hydra, and so have Commando and Insight, or not just S.H.I.E.L.D., Hydra may exist in every corner of the world, we don't know how many of them there are, nor Know exactly where they are, they may be hiding somewhere, or they may be standing next to you!"

Steve's tone was slow, but exciting. With these words, all the people who heard the speech couldn't help but look at the people around them.

"They almost got what they wanted, absolute control, Nick Fury's murder is just the beginning, they can bring a nightmare, an unimaginable disaster, unless we stop them, I know it's hard to do, the price of freedom It is always very expensive, but... I am willing to pay such a price!"

As soon as the words fell, the agents of SHIELD were already stunned. They had never believed that the national hero had killed their director. At this time, the speech from Steve Rogers let them know the inside story.

Hydra, an organization that has existed in the last century, has now infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D., and may be lurking all over the world, and this hero, who has been sleeping for 70 years, is the only person who has discovered the inside story.

No wonder he was charged with killing the chief.

All of this is a Hydra conspiracy!It's all because of Hydra that such a hero becomes a criminal.

Those people were not only shocked, but also moved and guilty.

This Captain America, even though he is stigmatized and misunderstood by the world, still wants to save the people.

And the people like me have greeted this hero thoroughly in the past half month, and all kinds of insults have been spread on the Internet crazily.

How can this make them not ashamed, how can it make them dare not move?

"The effect is great!" Looking at the expressions of the citizens on the street, the corner of Roy's mouth curled up.

Compared with the simple birth of a hero, a hero who has gone through hardships and stands up again is more recognized, and Steve is like this.


"You son of a bitch!" The pale-haired council representative looked at Pierce in front of him and cursed.

Obviously, what was just broadcast through Steve made him feel very angry.

But the expression on Pierce's face didn't change at all. He crossed his hands on his chest and looked at the four people in front of him. Behind him, a team of commandos walked in one after another.

"Catch them!" a council member ordered immediately.

But those commandos didn't listen to the director's words, and even pointed their pistols at the four directors directly.

Pierce shrugged, and said with a joking smile on his face: "It seems that I have the final say!"

He poured a glass of champagne, walked slowly towards the middle of the four representatives, and said to him, "Let me ask you a question."

"If Pakistan invaded Mumbai tomorrow, and you knew they were going to take your sons and daughters to the football field and execute them, and you pressed a button to stop it, would you press it?" He said, handing the champagne to Looking at the other party, he glanced at the other three at the same time: "What about you?"

The middle-aged man who took the champagne looked angry and said sharply: "I don't need your button!" He threw the champagne out with a crisp sound.

Instead of being angry, Pierce smiled. He took a team member's pistol and pointed it at the representative: "Cool answer, but it's out of date!"

"Oh? But I think this opportunity is just right!"

At this moment, a hoarse and steady male voice sounded.

Then, under Pierce's shocked gaze, Nick Fury in a black windbreaker came in from the door.

He was looking at the hunting knife over his shoulder, holding a micro punch in his left hand, with green smoke still rising from it.

"Long time no see, Pierce!" Nick Fury said lightly.

Although Pierce was very shocked, he still pretended to be calm: "Ah, long time no see, have you received the flowers I gave you?"

"You mean the carnations placed in front of the tombstone? Then you are too careless to give a carnation to a man?" Nick Fury smiled, as if reminiscing with an old friend.

He knows how strong Nick Fury is now, not to mention a commando team, even if there is another team, it will be free.

"Don't talk nonsense, I know you are here to stop me, but I regret to tell you that you can't organize the space carrier!"

As he spoke, he pointed to the three behemoths slowly rising outside.

"Of course I didn't come to stop you, otherwise I should be on the Helicarrier right now!" Nick Fury said lightly, and under the aim of several guns, he actually sat down on a chair.

"I'm just here to catch up with you," Nick Fury said.

"Oh?" Pierce showed an interested smile on his face, "So you're still on my side?"

"No, no, no, I said it, I just came to catch up with you, and your old friend, who is also an old comrade-in-arms!" Nick Fury took a sip from the champagne bottle, "I want to know, why did you ask me to do it?" Director?"

Pierce and Nick Fury are old acquaintances, and he took over the director of the marinated egg from him. The relationship between the two was very close before.

Pierce smiled lightly, picked up the champagne and made a toast gesture: "Because you are the most ruthless person I know!"

"Do you still remember a mission a long time ago? How old were you at that time? 23 or 25? I can't remember. I only know that we traveled through mountains and rivers and were trapped by the enemy in the wilderness. There was no food or water."

"As time goes by, some classmates have died first, but unexpectedly, you didn't even give up the corpses and took them with you. I thought you were too sad and burdensome, but when I saw you After what I did, I realized I was wrong!" Pierce said with a smile: "That's only because you are hungry! You are a devil! So I chose you, because only the devil would approve of the insight plan, and now, this The goal will be accomplished!"

He opened his arms wide, like an eagle spreading its wings, and in the window behind him, three Helicarriers had already taken off.

"This world will be controlled by Hydra!" Pierce said.

On the map displayed on the glass plate, circles of red dots spread rapidly at a terrifying speed. They were captured by satellites, and now, they have finished searching for the target.

"Downspin weapon ready, target capture complete!"

(End of this chapter)

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