Chapter 590 Three Years of Spring and Autumn
Lianwei knew that Zhan Changfeng would not die so easily, most likely because he was trapped in Xiaolijie, but the word "no news" was enough to cut off all kinds of relationships established before, even if it was herself, she had to do well. Changfeng won't come back for a long time, and he doesn't even plan to come back.

Zhan Changfeng handed over Shang Dinghui, Day Clan, and Jin Buhuan to her before, but she never strictly controlled them because she thought like everyone else that she would come back soon.

So she was just a temporary guardian in the eyes of Shang Dinghui, Day Clan, and Jin Buhuan, and she herself thought that was the case.

Times have changed, and when they thought that Zhan Changfeng would not come back, they naturally stopped following her arrangements and did their own thing.

If she wants to keep these powers, she must make changes.

Lianwei's slender eyebrows were deeply locked, and her jade-like fingers brushed against the bronze lamp. She remembered Zhan Changfeng once said that the day clan would practice the military way, and she remembered that she said that Jin Buhuan came out of the mountain to fight to the death for her personal ideals when her birthday was approaching. .

What Zhan Changfeng instilled into the military thinking by means of exercises, discipline and various means is to expand the territory and defend the country.

What Jin Buhuan wants is to make the most of the world's wealth, and what he wants is to become the next God of Wealth.

They all need someone who can stand at the pinnacle of power to provide them with protection and guidance.

However, in the past seven years, she has not conveyed this message to them, and she has not said that even if Zhan Changfeng is not around, they can continue to walk on the path in their hearts.

Confused slightly, she didn't realize until now.

Then, to keep these powers, she can only centralize and then decentralize power, truly replace Zhan Changfeng's position, concentrate all the power in her hands, give them the promise they want, and then let them return to their respective positions. Find an island to recruit people to train soldiers, and Jin Buhuan will continue to make money and accumulate wealth.

…As for why she expended all her energy to do these things, Lian Wei recalled that Zhan Changfeng once stood in the courtyard, and Yun Qingfeng said calmly, "The masters in runes, alchemy, refining tools, mechanisms, formations are all Most of the key points in the work are in the hands of various forces, and a few live in seclusion. With my current conditions, it is difficult to hire one. It is better to create an organization and invite these talents to join in order to exchange ideas and discuss together. Master, supplemented by the consignment of their own things, as the organizer, I will take [-]% to [-]% of the profits from the consignment, and I can also provide them with raw materials."

Shang Dinghui is actually a Daoist Association, the purpose is to gather all kinds of like-minded craftsmen, and help these craftsmen sell their finished products, and at the same time provide them with raw materials.

At that time, Zhan Changfeng Xu visited the ink academy and learned that it was difficult for masters to pass on their skills. They were stuck in their own way, so they wanted to change, to promote mutual understanding of various skills, and to help them pass on and innovate, so that Baigong could bypass the road. Less tough.

She still remembers her saying, "If a road has to be attached to another road to continue, it will be destroyed sooner or later, just like you, it is impossible to be by my side all the time, if the skill inheritance of these side roads can be combined, it will become a side road own umbrella."

Zhan Changfeng handed over the Shang Dinghui to her, and to some extent gave her a protective umbrella. If the Shang Dinghui develops, it may be able to gather the connections of the masters, and the masters such as formations and crafting are the guests of various forces. , The power of this net is undoubtedly enormous.

With this net, even if she has no other extra support, she can still stand in this world with the skill of making space equipment, and even reproduce the Spring River Pavilion.

But the foundation of the current Shang Dinghui is too weak. It needs financial resources that cannot be exchanged for gold, and it needs the force of the day clan.

Jin Buhuan needs the contacts of the Shang Dinghui and the force of the day clan.

The day clan needs her as a master, and needs the financial resources that cannot be exchanged for gold.

Sitting quietly with her hands on her forehead, her heart was indescribably complicated. She suddenly understood that what was more terrifying than calculating people's hearts was controlling the situation. She had been with Zhan Changfeng all along, and she had never seen her say anything to her subordinates. What to do more, It's like "You're here, then stay and do your best", very casual.

But there is invisible connection between everyone and everything, prompting them to go in a predetermined direction.

Zhan Changfeng once said that Shang Ding would be handed over to her in charge, and once said that when she was away, she would directly govern the Jin Buhuan. Day Clan.

Is there really no connection between these two sentences separated by several years?

At least for now, for the sake of the Shang Dinghui, she must subdue Jin Buhuan and the Day Clan so that they can play their original roles.

And it was the qualification given by Zhan Changfeng that she was able to conquer them in an upright manner.

A person who doesn't care about people's hearts has swayed everyone's hearts and achieved a general trend.

Thinking about it carefully, Zhan Changfeng himself has very little management. After giving Jin Buhuan a starting resource, he let him play. After setting a series of rules for the day clan, he let it go, including fluct lights belonging to the day clan. The Corps was either thrown to Shuo Prison, or thrown to a few members with commanding power. The Shangding Club also laid a solid foundation. After finding Ling Weichu to sit in the town, let a few stewards take care of it, and it is scheduled to be handed over to her for management .

The more Lian Wei thought about it, the more he felt frustrated, this person didn't care about anything, and let the people under him to work hard and fight.

Unfortunately, they are all constrained on the track, moving forward in the direction of the track, and if they want to get off the track, they will correct their own mistakes.

Now she has to take on the responsibility of correcting mistakes.

After another three years, Lianwei reorganized several parts of his forces, discarded the chaff and kept the essence, and grasped the greatest right to speak. The princes of the mountains and seas were beaten to death. Training soldiers on a remote island, Jin Buhuan resells various resources, making things very popular.

At this time, ten years have passed since Cangmang Doufa. According to the genius law of ten years of life and death, most of the people in Fanxinglu have become strong in the realm of life and death. The most famous one is Ning Qiwu. Although Ning Qiwu failed the test of reincarnation, he is the successor of the Nanjiang Dynasty, and his own strength is also strong. Ning Wuhou.

The more famous general is Yu Shen, who is now a minister of Wu Qu, and the famous minister is Bai Xunsha, who entered Nanjiang as an official.

The most slanted sword is Jiang Jinjiu. He and eleven friends who are also turbulent form a team of detectives to sweep away the secret realms and blessed places in various star worlds. He hates to be called a bandit.

The monks of the sect lived in the mountains all year round, and there was little news about them, such as Xuan Cheng, Fang Tuo, and Sui Qinghan, it was as if they had disappeared.

Zhan Changfeng also disappeared, but people who were well-informed thought she was trapped in the small world, or even died.

In the adversity of the Spring and Autumn Period, Ling Xiaozi never stopped preaching the Daoist scriptures for five full years. When the turmoil outside gradually subsided, the winners continued to maintain their high spirits, and the losers left sadly.

After speaking, he left, "I have taught you everything I can teach you."

The Daoist scriptures talk about the myriad phenomena of the universe, and the content is huge and complex. It is Taoism’s cognition of everything in the universe. Zhan Changfeng has benefited a lot. Sitting in the pavilion, he combined his own understanding of the world and slowly digested it.

Before she knew it, she had a mysterious epiphany.

 It's hard to say. I went to eat crack in the middle of the code at seven o'clock, and then sat for a while, but fell asleep, and woke up in the early morning!Who am I, where am I, blah blah, I'm sorry fellow daoists, I'm sorry for my full attendance.

(End of this chapter)

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