Chapter 709 Too Perfect

"To tell you the truth, before I went to Dai's house, the first person I suspected was not Dai Lumao, but Liang Yunyue, because she was the person with the most motive for committing the crime."

He Pingfei finished drinking the water in the glass, threw the water glass into the trash can, and continued: "But after talking with Liang Yunyue, I completely changed my thinking, overturned my doubts about her, and felt that a weak and kind person like her Even if a woman knows about her husband's betrayal, she will not commit such an extreme thing as murder, and even feels sorry for her, being deceived and betrayed by her husband."

Hearing what he said, Ye Fan raised his eyelids slightly, and his expression moved slightly. He Pingfei is an old criminal policeman, and his personality is a bit stubborn. When he was suspicious in his heart, Liang Yunyue relieved him with only one conversation with a statement recording. The suspicion in her heart, this point, whether she is true or kind or acting, is very powerful.

"What happened later that made you suspicious of her again?" He Pingfei hesitated, there must have been an accident that destroyed Liang Yunyue's image in his eyes.

He Pingfei nodded, and sighed a little: "When we got up to leave, there was a crisp sound as soon as we reached the door. It turned out that a maid accidentally broke a cup when she was clearing the coffee table. It's a small matter, but that maid was the first to kneel on the ground to admit her mistake to Liang Yunyue, her feet were covered in debris, so she just knelt down without hesitation."

Ye Fan raised his eyebrows, and He Pingfei sighed: "I'm surprised, I was also taken aback at the time, the servants in today's society are not the servants of ancient times, they kneel down at every turn, let alone this maid not long ago I have praised the benevolence of the master and treated her as my own family."

"Liang Yunyue went to help the maid herself immediately. I noticed that she didn't look flustered, it was very natural, and her eyes showed worry and distress at the right time. Do you know what I felt at that time?"

"Creepy?" Just listening to his description, Ye Fan felt a chill in his heart.

"Yes, it's creepy, and the back of the neck feels cold." He Pingfei couldn't help shaking his body again when he thought of the scene at that time: "The maid who was lifted up by her looked terrified, her body stiffened, and she even twitched. It was an expression of extreme tension, but after being comforted by Liang Yunyue, she quickly calmed down again."

"Liang Yunyue's explanation is that the maid is timid and has been subjected to domestic violence, so she will be subconsciously afraid when she sees the cup broken, and her body will respond by conditioned reflex."

"Do you believe her statement?" Ye Fan asked thoughtfully.

"I checked and found that the maid was indeed a victim of domestic violence, and her statement still has no flaws, but..." He Pingfei frowned and said, because of this, he was not sure if it was a problem, It's just that he always felt that something was wrong, and the creepy feeling he had at that time was by no means an illusion.

"But no loophole is the biggest loophole. Liang Yunyue performed too perfectly. When the maid knelt down, you were all present. Her performance was too calm, her reaction was too calm, and her explanation was too perfect." Ye Fan smiled slightly , pointing out the irrationality in it.

The image Liang Yunyue gave people before was that she was dependent on her husband, trapped in a small family structure, the gentle and kind Mrs. Dai, she was calm and composed in the face of the police, it can be said that she was brought up since she was a child, and she has a clear heart, but in the maid In this matter, she reacted and handled it too quickly and perfectly, without any surprise or surprise.

Is it because the maid habitually breaks the cup in front of the guests, so she is used to it?

No, she was afraid of revealing her true emotions in front of the police, so she could only continue to maintain a perfect mask, but forgot that she was supposed to respond to emergencies.

And that maid who knelt down without even caring about the fragments under her feet, showing extreme fear, was it really just because she had been domestically abused?She is skeptical about this.

He Pingfei clapped his palms and shouted: "Yes, it's too perfect. The more I think about it, the more wrong it becomes. There is definitely something wrong with this Liang Yunyue."

"If Liang Yunyue really has a problem, the servants must know something, but their confessions are so uniform, they are either threatened or bought, and we can start with them and their family members." Ye Fan thought for a while, and said with a serious face: "Witnesses will lie, but evidence will not."

"Okay, I'll have someone check it right away." He Pingfei hurried away before he had time to say a few words to Ye Fando.

Ye Fan originally wanted to discuss a few more words, but when she looked up, the person ran away, leaving her standing alone and laughing.

If Liang Yunyue was really a duplicity person, then she must not be as scheming as she appeared, and perhaps she already knew about Li Lanke's existence.

What kind of reaction would a woman who is good at disguising find out that her husband was stealing food outside and had children?

Could it be... a killing intent in his heart, wishing to cut people into pieces?

Relying on the support of her natal family, a husband who started from scratch and became a master, would he hide things for his wife and give false confessions because of a mistress who was tired of playing?


Of course, it was just her guess right now, she just suspected that there was something wrong with Liang Yunyue and his wife, but there was no solid evidence to point to them, everything had to rely on evidence.

I stood there thinking for a while, sorted out the thoughts in my head, and then went to the forensic team.

Xia Dong hadn't gotten off work yet. With Xiao Fang and an intern forensic doctor doing an autopsy on a body that died in a car accident, this was the victim of another case. The case was not complicated and the cause of death was obvious. The study of newcomers in a group is too challenging for people's psychological endurance. After all, it is a corpse that has been knocked beyond recognition and lacks arms and legs.

The new trainee forensic doctor just came to report today, and Xia Dong dragged him to the dissection room before everyone in the team recognized it. He asked him to perform an autopsy on a body that had been hit and died. After all, the general teachers in the school did not have such a bloody visual impact.

When Ye Fan changed into his white coat, put on his mask and gloves and came in, the intern forensic doctor was tremblingly touching the sunken head of the deceased, speaking in an unsmooth tone.

Ye Fan stood by and didn't bother him in the past.

Seeing Ye Fan come in, Xia Dong nodded to her, and did not speak, his brows were slightly frowned, but he did not interrupt the intern forensic doctor.

Looking at this scene, Ye Fan suddenly sighed. If she hadn't picked up Cai Qianqian's body in the wilderness, and then was accepted as an apprentice by the old man and entered the criminal investigation brigade, would she be like this intern forensic doctor five years later?

The circumstances of life are truly amazing.

When the intern forensic doctor moved his hands to the exposed large and small intestines of the deceased, he turned his head and couldn't help feeling sick.

Ye Fan looked over, and the deceased's abdomen was cut a lot, exposing the white intestines. The corpse should have rolled on the ground, and the intestines were still stained with gravel, like white sugar sprinkled on the blood sausage.

(End of this chapter)

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