Chapter 710 You Are Blessed

Ye Fan looked away, and the deceased's abdomen was cut a lot, exposing the white intestines. The corpse should have rolled on the ground, and the intestines were still stained with sand, like white sugar sprinkled on the blood sausage.

His eyes suddenly fixed on the sand on the intestines, and something flashed through Ye Fan's mind.

"Ugh..." The intern forensic doctor finally couldn't help tearing off his mask, ran to the side and vomited.

Xia Dong frowned, and didn't complain aloud. Although he didn't make the last step, it exceeded his expectations. After all, not everyone is as perverted as Ye Fan.

"Ye Fan, what are you thinking?" Ye Fan called twice, but Ye Fan didn't respond. Xia Dong raised his hand in doubt and shook it in front of her eyes, and followed her gaze to the corpse on the dissecting table.

Ye Fan's thoughts were interrupted, and he couldn't grasp the thoughts that flashed in his mind. He just touched a little inspiration, focused his eyes, shook his head and said, "It's nothing, I was thinking about Li Lanke's murder case. Discussed, a little new discovery."

Xia Dong nodded, and shouted to the intern forensic doctor, "Hua Ming, have you finished vomiting?"

Hua Ming, an intern forensic doctor, quickly wiped his mouth clean and ran over, squeezed his clothes nervously, lowered his eyes and said, "Mr. Xia, I'm sorry, please give me another chance, I will definitely..."

Xia Dong raised his hand to stop his promise, and almost made him cry, but Xia Dong raised his finger and pointed at Ye Fan, and introduced, "This is Consultant Ye."

Hua Ming was nervous and annoyed just now, and didn't notice that there was another person. He heard Xia Dong's solemn introduction, and before he could take a closer look at him, he quickly bent down and introduced himself: "Consultant Ye, hello, I'm The new trainee forensic doctor Hua Ming."

Because he just vomited, the mask on his face has been taken off, revealing a young face, not too handsome, not ugly, Chinese character face, good features, um, a face that has been met once Face.

What a fate.

Ye Fan sighed secretly, nodded and replied, "Hello, I'm Ye Fan."

Hua Ming snorted, the name was so familiar, he just heard it this morning, and he couldn't help but look at her inquiringly.

Because Ye Fan was wearing a mask, she couldn't see her face clearly, but judging from her eyebrows and figure, she was a tall young woman, but she was very similar to that Ye Fan, but how could it be...

Although Xuemei Ye Fan was lucky enough to be favored by the dean, she was only a first-year freshman. This Consultant Ye was solemnly introduced by Mr. Xia, the head of the forensic team. To be called a consultant, she must have worked for many years.Maybe it's just that it's well maintained and looks young.

Thinking of this, Hua Ming stopped his probing gaze and stood obediently.

Xia Dong naturally heard Hua Ming's surprise, winked at Ye Fan, and asked silently: What's going on?

Ye Fan shook his head, changed the subject and said, "Brother Xia, do you want to continue?"

Speaking of this, Hua Ming became nervous again. He is currently a graduate student at school and has studied with Dean Yue for a year. He thinks he is ready to be a teacher. This time he finally won the opportunity to practice in the Department of Criminal Investigation and Forensic Medicine. She came full of confidence, with the arrogance of wanting to become a blockbuster, but in the end... her face hurts.

Xia Dong originally thought of this. After all, he just wanted to kill the spirit of this intern and let him correct his mentality. He is actually quite satisfied with being able to do this.

But since Ye Fan is here, it can be regarded as this kid's fortune, young people, stimulation is good for physical and mental health.

"Continue, next, you will take over." Xia Dong's mouth behind the mask showed a deep smile, his eyebrows and eyes were bent, he patted Hua Ming's shoulder, and said with a light smile: "Boy, you are blessed."

Originally, when Hua Ming heard the continuation, the blood on his face faded completely, and his stomach was still churning, but the next sentence made him inexplicably agitated, and he even suppressed the emotion. Disgusting, although he didn't understand what he was getting excited about, but it sounds like this Consultant Ye is very powerful.

"Brother Xia, you are too exaggerated." Ye Fan was speechless in his admiration for Xia Dong's brainlessness, but he walked towards the dissection table without refusing.

Hua Ming walked forward quickly, even a little impatiently, and looked at the bloody corpse again, he didn't seem so uncomfortable.

Ye Fan just listened to it for a while. She didn't comment on Hua Mingcai's autopsy. She always had a humble attitude. No matter how much others praised her or how high she was, she knew clearly Realizing her own shortcomings, her experience is not enough to be a teacher.

Therefore, she only conducted a comprehensive autopsy on the corpse based on what she had learned.

However, she didn't know how amazing she was in Hua Ming's eyes.

It’s not how powerful she is or how thrilling the autopsy process is, but how calm and meticulous she is. No matter how bloody and bloody the corpse is, her eyes have not changed from the beginning to the end. She is very stable and expresses every point of the process. Everything was just right, and the analysis and deduction were precise, which made him listen with fascination.

Looking at her slender hands caressing the body of the corpse with precision and without a trace of hesitation, the blurred facial features, exposed viscera, and broken limbs did not give her the slightest impact. It is clear, the words are correct, the accent is round, it sounds good, and it has a charm.

Hua Ming thought for a long time, and only one word came to his mind to describe her—You Fan, a kind of temperament that cannot be described in words, the person who can make him feel this way, except for his mentor, Dean Yue, she is the second.

Ye Fan's mind was immersed in the autopsy, and everything around him was left behind. Although the corpse was terrifying, the autopsy was not difficult, and the cause of death was clear, and it was completed almost without stagnation.

Even Xia Dong couldn't help admiring that Ye Fan was really born to eat this bowl of rice, and his progress was too fast. From the first time he and Feng Lao entered the dissection room to today, in less than half a year, she She is already calm and meticulous enough to look like a veteran who has been in the industry for more than ten years. If she is given a few more years, she still does not know how far she can grow.

No wonder the headquarters of the criminal investigation system held her like a baby and got her favor. The criminal investigation team in Lucheng has been exchanging shotguns for cannons these days. , Just like the real son of the headquarters, the criminal investigation brigades in other provinces and cities are so envious that their eyes are red.

"The sand on the large intestine of the deceased is white fine sand..." After the autopsy, Ye Fan turned his gaze to the gravel on the large and small intestine, picked up a few grains and rubbed them between his fingers, his calm brows moved slightly, There was a look of thought in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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