magic eye doctor

Chapter 1002 Meet the visa officer again

Chapter 1002 Meet the visa officer again

When they came to Chao’s house, they could not only save food but also drink herbal tea. Ji Lao and the others were in a good mood. They knew that the little girl was preparing food for No. [-]’s banquet. They were so cute and drove the little girl to the kitchen, and let Butler Hu do the work. They had biscuits to eat and tea to drink without company.

There are guests, butler Hu wants to arrange lunch, and the host goes upstairs to do his own work as the guests do.

Little Loli drank two cups of tea with her, then went to make another pot of tea, brought out a plate of homemade biscuits, and asked Uncle Hu to accompany the guests, and she went into the kitchen to do her own work.

Yan Xing was kneading bread in the kitchen, guarding the oven, and changing the oven when the bread was fully baked. When he finally saw little Loli came back, he gave him what he thought was the most handsome smiling face: "Little Loli, my great-grandmother also has a birthday gift Here you are, still on the way, and may not reach the capital until the eighth at the latest."

The He family gave her a birthday present?

The eyeballs rolled, Le Yun had a flash of inspiration, and the blessing came to his heart: "Small steamed buns, did your grandma's send you Cordyceps?"

"Ah, you guessed it right again, so there's no sense of mystery anymore." Yan Xing was very regretful, the He family wanted to surprise little Lolita, but she guessed it right, so I can't pretend to be mysterious to catch people's appetite now.

At the beginning of May, the He family sent Xiao Er of the He family to take people to camp in Province Z. Xiao Ba and Shi Shi of the He family also went to Province Z when they went to Kaishan to dig the caterpillar fungus. He Xiaoba led people to buy fresh Cordyceps.

The little doctor's 16th birthday is a very important day, the He family would never miss it, and planned to buy a batch of Cordyceps as a birthday present for the little doctor.

Yan Xing originally wanted to keep the gift from his great-grandmother's house a secret, because someone else gave the little Lolita a gift, and the little Lolita received the gift as happily as if she had found money, which made him so jealous that he couldn't help showing his mouth.

"It's so obvious that you don't need to waste your brain cells at all." The grandmother of the He family, He Xiaoshiwu, is a native of the Cordyceps area of ​​Z province. The He family wanted to dig the caterpillar fungus because it was close to the water. If the He family wanted to give her a gift, it must be a caterpillar fungus. , Who told that that thing is a regional and seasonal medicinal material, which is only produced in Z province and some parts of the province in China, so it is rare and expensive.

"Who will come to your grandma's house? Give me a hint, and I will prepare it in advance, otherwise I will not prepare enough dishes, what a shame."

"My parents want to come but are embarrassed to come, let my eighth brother Xiao Shiwu and I be representatives." Yan Xing's ears were slightly hot, in fact, the great grandma and third uncle all wanted to come to Chao's house, for fear of causing trouble for little Lolita , so only let the children of the great-grandchildren be representatives.

"Oh, there are three people in the He family, it seems that there may be five tables of guests." There are about two tables in Gu Xiu's family, and Brother Chao's friends, there are six big bosses outside, and there must be at least three tables of pure guests.

Only prepare five tables?
Yan Xing almost jumped up, Little Lolita only prepared five tables, what if a lot of people came?He wanted to remind him to be more prepared, but he didn't know what to say, so he didn't say anything.

Mr. Ji, Mrs. Chou and others were drinking by themselves, enjoying themselves. After about an hour, Mr. Chao and Mrs. Chao came back. They went to two cars and brought back some cages.

The old couple of the Chao family returned to Chao Er's house, went to the first floor to greet the guests, Fang's mother, Aunt Li, and others carried boxes and baskets, and most of them were sent to the small hall on the first floor for the little girl to deal with, and Shao Li took them back to the kitchen on the second floor, and immediately started lunch .

Xiao Yisun of the Chao family didn’t specialize in herbal cuisine at noon. They ate home-cooked food, but there was herbal bread. Ji Laoqian and the others ate happily, and when they were about to eat, Ji Laozhou and others discovered that Yan Shao was also with Chao Erye Home, I'm a little confused, isn't that Young Master Yan a military officer, why did he come to Chao's house to do odd jobs?

The six bosses also knew that the little girl was brewing medicine, so in order not to affect her work, they hurriedly left after lunch.

Mrs. Chao and the old man send away six big crocodiles in the jade world, thinking that they can take a nap for a while, but who knows that the six guests have just left on their front feet, and then another strange guest arrives on their heels—the staff of the embassy of the country of Yi in the capital of Huaxia. door.

After receiving a call from the guard at the gate of the villa area, the old couple were stunned. They hurried downstairs to find Xiaofanzi and told her that a rare visitor had arrived.

Hearing what the old man of the Chao family said about the guest coming, Yan Xing had an epiphany, then who is the one that Little Lolita is waiting for!He looked at Little Lolita, and as expected, Little Lolita's eyes were as bright as stars, and she was about to fly with joy.

"Grandpa, grandma, I know, that's the person who gave me the gift, don't be nervous, Handsome Yan, help me to go to the door and wait for the reception, I'll make preparations." Le Yun heard that a foreign guest came to visit, and there were thousands of flowers in her heart Thousands of flowers bloom together, which is too beautiful to behold.

"Oh." Mrs. Chao's heart suddenly stabilized.

"Okay." After being appointed as a receptionist, Yan Xing was in a good mood for a second, washed his hands, tidied up his appearance and went to the gate of the villa to receive guests.

Mrs. Chao and Mrs. Chao also went to wait under the eaves of the villa building to welcome the guests.

Le Yun ran to the small hall where things were kept, took out a prepared set of tea sets, poured hot water into the pot to make tea, then put the fruit on a plate, put the things first, and carried the kettle to the coffee shop.

Chao Erye’s coffee shop is actually a reception room for literati and elegant guests. There is a set of wooden tables and chairs made of whole wood, as well as a few potted plants, calligraphy and paintings, etc., which are mainly elegant.

Putting the pot of hot water next to the tea set cabinet, Le Yun went into the kitchen again to prepare the ingredients for cooking at any time. At the same time, she kept watch over the oven, the bread inside would be baked soon, so the power could not be cut off.

While Little Lolita was doing reception work, a dark blue Fiat car drove into the villa area, and drove under the guidance of a guard. The guard on the road went back to be on duty, and the car moved forward slowly.

Yan Xing walked out of the courtyard of Chao Erye's villa, stood at the entrance of the courtyard to observe the vehicle led by the guard, and when he saw the vehicle approaching, he raised his hand to signal.

The driver of the Fiat car saw someone raising his hand outside the villa in front of him, and he also gestured back, slowed down, and drove to park outside the gate of the villa.

Yan Xing acted as a car boy once, and stepped forward to help open the door of the back seat to welcome the visitors.

The guest got out of the car and was a fat elderly gentleman with typical Mediterranean facial features, wearing a short-sleeved shirt and tie, very formal attire, with a friendly face and sharp eyes.

The door on the other side was pushed open, and a young man about 30 years old got out of the car, holding a briefcase, and quickly ran around the front of the car towards the entrance of the villa.

Yan Xing, who was the driver of the car, picked up the passengers and gave a welcome speech in fluent English: "Welcome, sir, Mr. Chao and his wife are looking forward to your visit. Miss Le Yun is making toast in the kitchen. We have guests visiting, we are preparing refreshments for the gentlemen, and it will take a few minutes before we leave the kitchen."

Francisco got out of the car and was amazed when he saw the handsome Chinese youth. When he heard him say that the lovely lady was making toast in the kitchen, a warm smile appeared on his face, and he shook hands with the youth enthusiastically: "Thank you, young man Handsome sir, has the lovely lady returned to China?"

"Yes, I just came back from the gentlemen's homeland two days ago." Yan Xing politely shook hands with the guests, then with the foreign youth who ran over, and then with the driver who got off the car, and invited the three guests into the host's house.

Francisco happily strode towards the villa, and his entourage followed quickly. Accompanied by a handsome young man from Huaxia, he entered the courtyard of the master's house, and saw an elderly couple standing in front of the building.

Mrs. Chao and Mrs. Chao stood under the eaves, and when they saw foreign guests approaching, they went up to meet them. Mr. Chao was the host. He greeted the guests first, shook hands with them, and spoke fluent English.

Yan Xing was an interpreter, telling the guests that the old man and the old lady were the father and mother of the owner, and the young man who followed the ambassador was busy as an interpreter and introduced the ambassador to the owner.

Francisco is Yi's second ambassador to China, that is, the deputy envoy to assist the diplomatic ambassador. His name is too long for Mr. Chao and Mrs. Chao to remember, so he can only be called "Mr. Ambassador". The two are accompanied by the prefix "handsome".

After meeting each other, Mr. and Mrs. Chao led the guests to the elegant hall.

Le Yun heard voices and footsteps in the kitchen, and it happened that it was almost time to bake the bread, so she turned off the power to the oven, turned off the stove for cooking medicine, took off her apron, washed her hands, and walked quickly to the elegant hall to meet the guests.

She hadn't reached the elegant hall yet, but when she met the guests coming along the corridor, she greeted the guests with a bright sunny smile: "Welcome handsome gentlemen, Mr. Lombard, very glad to see you again."

As soon as he walked out of the corridor, Francisco saw the lovely and beautiful Chinese girl with a smile on his face. When he heard her call out his full name in Italian accurately and word for word, he felt like a peony blooming, with a smile on his face. Smiles piled on top of each other, never piled up again.

His slightly obese body moved, and he ran forward in a way that was almost running, warmly hugging the beautiful and lovely girl, and happily said, "Ah, lovely lady, I am so happy to meet you!"

After sticking face to face three times, then Shan took the girl's hand and kissed the back of her hand, her sharp eyes turned into a pool of tenderness, and there was uncontrollable excitement and excitement.

The Chinese girl can speak Italian fluently, even the pronunciation and tone endings are the same as those of the natives of the country, and even the tone has a slight local characteristic of the Lombardy region. The two young people who accompanied the ambassador also widened their eyes in shock. I finally understand why Mr. Ambassador always says that a certain lovely lady is a little angel. Listening to her talk feels like being in my hometown.

Mrs. Chao and Mrs. Chao: "..." Who will tell them why that foreign friend is so excited all of a sudden?

The melancholy in Yan Xing's heart stagnated into a river. The little loli could speak bird languages ​​in several countries, knew everyone well, and was popular everywhere. What kind of face did they have for guys who were once called geniuses?
Feeling that he couldn't survive, he backed away silently and went around to the kitchen to see if there was any place where he could use his strength.

Mr. Gentleman was too enthusiastic, Le Yun silently respected his etiquette and customs, met the old gentleman, and then extended his hand to shake hands with the two young gentlemen to extend his welcome.

The two young men gave a hand-kiss salute, clinging to the girl's delicate little hand, they kissed the back of her hand tenderly, without hugging or touching their faces, because the girl is a girl, and they tried their best to respect the customs of Huaxia Kingdom.

Expressing welcome, Le Yun invited foreign friends to sit in the elegant hall, then turned around and went to the side hall to serve fruit plates and tea sets, and then went to bring a plate of biscuits and make tea to entertain the guests.

The lovely lady understands Italian, but the old man and the old lady only know English. Francisco communicates with the host in English. His English is not as fluent as Italian, so communication is no problem. Moreover, he also knows some Chinese, mixed together.

Le Yun asked the guests and knew that they hadn't had afternoon tea yet, so she hurried into the kitchen and started a fire to cook meals for the guests.

Yan Xing went back to the kitchen to take the bread out of the oven to cool down, put a new batch in to bake, and when he saw the little loli came back, he leaned over and took the initiative to find something to do: "Little loli, is there any work that needs to be done?"

"Help me get the dumplings and heat them up." Le Yun was busy cooking the soup for the noodles, but she couldn't mix it well, so it was natural that someone could order her around.

Yan Xing cheerfully agreed, put a steamer on the stove, boiled water on high heat, and then ran to the small hall to take out a few plates of dumplings from the refrigerator and heat them in the steamer, and then went to get a plate for bread.

Le Yun first makes the vegetable salad, makes the soup for the noodles, and then scalds the hand-made dried noodles made by herself in boiling water, arranges them one by one, and then pours the toppings.

Prepare the food, put it on a tray, and take it to the elegant hall. Each person has one side, one vegetable salad, one plate of dumplings, four breads per person, and red wine.

Francisco smelled the fragrance, his eyes were clear, and when the master said it could be started, he and the two attendants elegantly started eating, tasting the delicious meal made by the girl himself.

Mrs. Chao and Mrs. Chao couldn't resist the temptation of delicious food, and happily accompanied the guests to drink afternoon tea.

With the help of foreign guests, Yan Xing can eat delicious medicinal food. Yan Xing started happily, and found that the noodles are more fragrant than when he tried it in the morning. What a bias!

The old lady Chao and the old man Chao only ate noodles and had no stomach for dumplings and bread.

The three foreign gentlemen didn't even care about their favorite red wine. They ate noodles, dumplings and bread beautifully. The Chinese girl didn't prepare butter, but there was a salad dressing. The dumplings and bread mixed with salad dressing were very delicious. The order was completely eaten, the fork and spoon put on a positive look, and they did not hesitate to drool, and enthusiastically praised the food made by the lovely lady.

Little Lolita and the two parents listened politely and said "thank you" with bright smiles from time to time.

The tone of the three men's compliments was as enthusiastic as the sun's rays, and they scribbled hundreds of good words. Then they happily tasted red wine, ate crispy biscuits, and chatted happily.

After about half an hour, Francisco returned to the subject: "Lovely lady, I am entrusted by a gentleman from our country to pass on a gift to the lady, please accept it by the lovely and beautiful lady."

The young man who was the assistant opened his briefcase, took out a stack of documents and handed them to the Huaxia girl for review, and gave one copy to the ambassador. If the Huaxia girl had any questions, he could discuss with the ambassador.

The document was in triplicate. The original text was in Italian, with a Chinese translation for comparison. Le Yun read the original text, turned to the name of the gift, and widened her eyes in surprise: "Oh, my God!"

(End of this chapter)

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