magic eye doctor

Chapter 1003 Surprise

Chapter 1003 Surprise
Le Yun was dumbfounded.

Do you know what the gift from the visa officer is?

The gifts that the visa officer handed over on his behalf are air passenger cars that can fly in the sky: AW109GrandNew helicopter, EC-225 helicopter!
The AW109GrandNew helicopter is the latest and most advanced one in the AW109SP family developed by the Agusta Westland Aviation Manufacturing Company in the United States. It is equipped with the most advanced global navigation system and the price is about 855 million US dollars.

EC-225 is a product developed by European Helicopter Company. It can carry 24 people, has a take-off weight of more than 11 tons, and a load of more than 5 tons. It is equipped with the world's most advanced autopilot and instrument display equipment, and has all-weather flight capabilities.

It can be used in a variety of places, such as search and rescue on the sea, land, or high mountains and snow peaks. It can also be loaded with weapons and equipment for military defense, or for medical rescue. helicopter.

Because of its many advantages, it is currently the top helicopter in the world and also the most expensive helicopter. The price is about 2900 million US dollars, which is equivalent to about 1-6 million yuan. In addition to tariffs, it takes more than 1 million yuan to land. .

Student Le Xiao doesn’t understand mechanical things, but she can’t help but have a Miro Tuhao. When she was in the West Island, Miro Tuhao and Amedeo gave her knowledge classes, explaining in detail the world’s top various machines. Helicopters developed by major aviation manufacturers, count which models have the best performance, and which models have certain advantages.

The result of being caught trying to make up knowledge is that Le, who was only fond of plants, now takes her to the stage and acts as a temporary explainer, counting out more than a dozen brands of helicopters.

Seeing the name of the gift from Mr. Ferrari, Le Yun stared with disbelief. The old Mr. Ferrari said that there was a small gift for her. She thought it was a Ferrari car, but it turned out to be a helicopter!
It was surprising enough for Mr. Ferrari to give a helicopter as a gift. He gave two for one gift. That guy is not as simple as a Tuhao. He is clearly a big Tuhao with huge golden legs.

The huge surprise was like a pie falling from the sky, which knocked little classmate Le dizzy. He looked at the document again foolishly, and murmured involuntarily: "AW109GrandNew helicopter, EC-225 helicopter, what a mistake, it's really AW109GrandNew, EC-225."

Straight...helicopter? !

Even if Yan Xing was mentally prepared, he was secretly surprised. He thought the gift might be a valuable car or world-class top jewelry, but he didn't expect it to be a helicopter. His brain rang, Little Lolita's foreigner friend gave her a helicopter? !

Those who can afford helicopters must be very rich, and those who are willing to give them away must be VIPs among the very rich. What is the purpose of a foreigner giving a helicopter to a little girl?
In an instant, Yan Xing felt a deep sense of crisis in his heart. The foreigner was protecting the little girl, and at the same time gave her a helicopter with huge sums of money. He was definitely trying to plot something wrong and kidnap the little girl.

"?" Mrs. Chao and Mrs. Chao looked at Xiaofentuanzi when she was screaming. When she heard her talking to herself, a bold question mark appeared in her mind. Did they hear correctly, Xiaolele said helicopter?

The sweet and lovely girl yelled in surprise after reading the file, and she looked very happy. Francisco smiled and looked at the cute little girl with soft eyes, as if looking at his own child.

No one spoke, Le Yun, who was shocked, got carried away with excitement for a while, blinked her watery beauty's almond eyes, and showed a cute and innocent smile: "Sir, are you sure this gift is really for me?"

When the little girl laughed, her eyes shone with starlight, like a pure elf. Francisco smiled and nodded kindly: "Yes, it is a birthday present from Mr. Ferrari from Sicily to the lovely lady. I hope the lady likes the one he gave. Gift."

The old Mr. Ferrari gave himself a huge surprise. Le Yun was overjoyed and expressed his happiness happily: "I like it very much. I like it very much. Mr. Ferrari is a generous, kind and gentle gentleman. He gave me a Huge surprise."

"Mr. Ferrari must be very happy to know that Miss Dongfang likes the gift he gave." Francisco was very happy. Mr. Ferrari was not at ease when he asked the embassy to transfer the gift, worrying that Miss Dongfang would not like small planes.

Mrs. Chao and Mrs. Chao exchanged glances and confirmed that they heard correctly. Someone really gave Xiao Lele a helicopter as a birthday present.

Yan Xing's heart was stuffed, and he was so stuffed that he bet, who would give this to that, he and his brothers didn't seem to have anything to give, this comparison doesn't make them seem too shabby and stingy.

After receiving a surprise, Le Yun was so sweet in her heart that she quickly browsed the documents and signed her name where it should be signed. There was a handover letter, customs documents, household registration, after-sales service registration, etc. The staff at the National Embassy of Yi have all the necessary procedures ready. She only needs to sign and receive it, and then send the registration form to the Huaxia National Aviation Management Office for filing. Then she can pick up the plane at any time. fly.

Shua Shua, sign the name on the document, and with the help of Mr. Assistant, dipped in ink to press the fingerprints, pressed down a few fingerprints, and the two helicopters with a total value of several hundred million became the bag.

The Chinese girl is cute and sweet, and she does things neatly. She is as cute as her people. The young assistant was very surprised. He helped the little girl to sign the documents, put away the documents that should be given to the ambassador, and put them in the briefcase. Go back to the ambassador and drink black tea quietly.

Putting away the documents, Le Yun made another pot of tea, brought home the fruit-flavored cakes and fruit salad that she baked, and accompanied the visa officer to drink scented tea and eat dessert.

Francisco, his assistant, and the driver were very happy. They ate dessert and black tea. It was not too far from the time to work in the morning. He repeatedly explained that if he had any questions about picking up the plane, he could ask the staff of the embassy to help him solve it, and then the host left.

Mrs. Chao and Mrs. Chao politely saw off the guests, and Le Yun went to bring the prepared gift box and sent the visa officer to the gate of the courtyard, sent the three people to the car, and gave them gifts, one for each, everyone has a share.

The three gentlemen who received the gift were pleasantly surprised again, cherishing the gift and saying goodbye to the hosts, and reluctantly left.

The car drove forward, then turned around and walked out of the villa area along the avenue. Outside the villa area, the assistant looked at the gift box and found that it was beautiful truffle bread and biscuits. He happily expressed his joy to the ambassador.

Francisco had already guessed that the gift must be the little girl's homemade bread or pastry, and happily chatted with the assistant about the little girl's cooking skills.

Mr. Chao sent the guests away, heaved a sigh of relief, to be honest, he would rather go to the deep mountains and old ridges to study geology than deal with people in politics, it's too tiring.

When the guest's car was out of sight, Mrs. Chao hugged Xiaotuanzi, who was smiling like a flower, in her arms, pinched her face and touched her head: "Someone actually sent a plane to Xiao Lele, Xiaotuanzi is amazing!"

"Grandma, I will work as hard as I can after receiving the gift, and I'm not ashamed to charge people too much for medical expenses. I have to contribute a lot of pills. Thinking about it, my heart always hurts." Le Yun, who laughed foolishly She pinches her cheeks, protects herself with her head and face, oh, it’s a pleasure to receive a gift, but a gift cannot be received in vain, now, she must make Mr. Ferrari as healthy as a cow so as not to disappoint Mr. Ferrari high hopes.

Ok?Yan Xing's originally depressed mood suddenly brightened, so who gave the little loli a gift because he wanted to ask the little loli to save her life?Not for other reasons?
"I was wondering why someone would send a plane to Xiao Lele. It turned out that they were looking for Xiao Lele to see a doctor. He must have a rich man." Mr. Chao realized clearly, so he just said, well, he would send a plane to Xiao Lele. I have something to ask for.

"Yeah, grandpa, grandma, you don't know, that man is a super rich man, his legs are golden thighs," Le Yun smiled, holding her grandpa and grandma's arms Going back: "Originally, I wanted to charge him [-] million euros for medical expenses. He gave me gifts and used his connections to get me a visa for Yemen. Now I am too embarrassed to charge too much for hard work."

"My God, [-] million?" The old couple almost choked on their saliva. What kind of intractable disease caused Xiao Lele to ask for hundreds of millions of medical expenses?
Yan Xingwangtian, 8 million euros is almost equal to [-] million, doesn't it mean that someone's disease is more serious than his grandma?

"That's right, it's [-] million. Datuhao's precious child is sick. For his child's illness, I traveled all over the four continents of Europe, Africa, America, and Asia to find medicinal materials. I was either flying in the air or running all over the world. Meals The wind eats the dew, trekking through mountains and rivers, my legs are thin from running, is it easy for me?"

"Yeah, our Xiaotuanzi worked so hard, and we received [-] million, which is not much, not much, not too much." Mr. Chao put away his shocked face, and instead unconditionally believed that Xiaotuanzi did the right thing, and taking [-] million was not wronged.

The old lady Chao laughed so hard that her branches trembled wildly, it was rare for the old man to be unprincipled sometimes.

The old couple was about to go home with their pink and tender little grandson in their arms, when they heard the video phone ringing at the upstairs door, because Fang's mother was waiting on the second floor, they didn't care, and when they walked inside, they heard Fang's mother answering the phone, Instead, Fang's mother shouted down: "Old man, old lady, there is another gift for the fourth girl. The car has arrived at the gate and will arrive soon."

"Ah?" Le Yun touched her head in a daze, who is this gift giver?

"Oh, it's not surprising that there are many gifts, come on." Mr. Chao was so calm that he couldn't be more calm. Xiao Lele even received the helicopter, so what's so strange about people giving gifts?

Mrs. Chao thinks so. Xiao Lele turned 15 last year and a lot of people came to give gifts. This year, when she turned 16, some people gave big gifts. The popularity of Xiao Tuanzi is so high!

Yan Xing: "..." Sure enough, this is a rhythm that will make him feel ashamed.

Someone came to give a gift, what should I do?

Mrs. Chao and Mrs. Chao happily took Xiaofen Duanzi to the gate of the villa and stood there to see who Fang Sheng was. Yan Xing went to the kitchen first and saw that the bread was baked. Who gave the little loli a gift.

Fang's mother reported the news of the old man and the old lady, and went back to the house to inform Uncle Li and others to prepare. She and the man hurried downstairs to the hall to clean up the tables and chairs and prepare fruits and vegetables.

This side was just getting ready, a guard trotted with a truck and turned into the road in front of Chao Erye’s villa, the guard withdrew after finishing leading the way, and the truck drove along the hardened road to the villa building, to the open courtyard Seeing someone in front of the villa building, guessing that the owners knew it, the driver drove into the courtyard, reversed the car in front of the building, and turned the rear of the car towards the building.

The truck is a medium-sized van, and the seat is limited to four people, and there are also four people sitting, two drivers, and two follow-up personnel.

The car stopped, and the four got out of the car.

Yan Xing commanded the car to back up, and when it stopped, he went to greet Little Loli first, and accompanied the four of them to meet the owner.

The person in charge of the merchandiser is a middle-aged man in his forties, and his whole body is neatly tidied up. When he sees two energetic old people and a fair-looking little girl, he knows who the customers are. Beforehand, I said hello to the old man and the old lady first, and showed the most modest smile to the little girl: "You must be Miss Le Yun, we are the staff of a transportation company in Hong Kong City, and a foreigner from the recipient country of our company A friend entrusted you with some rough jadeite from Myanmar, please inspect the goods first, miss."

Emerald rough?Could it be the masterpiece of Godfather Miro?Le Yun was slightly taken aback, and smiled brightly: "Thank you for your hard work, it is not easy for you to travel thousands of miles to send things to Beijing. Please come in and have a cup of tea. What is your name, sir?"

"Miss Le, you are welcome." The four responded politely, and the person in charge responded enthusiastically in Mandarin with Cantonese accent: "My surname is Chen, you can call me Xiao Chen, and the old man who entrusted the consignment of the rough stone asked us to try our best. It was delivered before noon. We originally arrived outside the capital yesterday. We were not familiar with the roads in the capital. We took the wrong road and made a big detour. There was a traffic jam on the road. Please forgive me for being late."

"Don't worry about the little details. The roads in the capital can make people dizzy. Let me drive. I can turn around the inner ring road for a day and can't find the right direction." The delivery staff said that there was a detour, and Le Yun understood them. Thank you for your hard work, please enter the living room on the first floor.

Mrs. Chao and Mrs. Chao warmly greeted the four young people to sit down and asked them if they had lunch and what kind of drinks they would like to drink.

The four young and middle-aged people politely said that they had eaten while they were stuck in traffic, and Fang's mother made tea; Hu Shu followed the little girl's order to get biscuits and bread, and treated the guests to snacks.

Yan Xing sat on the side as an accompanying guest, and got a piece of delicious bread by the way.

The four delivery personnel accepted the master's kindness, ate snacks, and after eating snacks, their tired hearts were instantly healed. They drank two more cups of tea, and without delay, they took out the documents and gave them to them, which were as delicate as a newly opened redbud flower Same little girl.

The document is a detailed record of the original stone. Each stone has a photograph, marking and weight, each drawing is signed, and there is a general catalog.

Seeing the signature, Le Yun blinked her big watery eyes and smiled knowingly, it was indeed Miro's godfather's watch!Milo was a dick, and so was his godfather.

There are more than 50 large and small rough stones, the largest is more than 300 catties, and the smallest is two fingers wide. The small jadeites are all semi-braised and bright materials.

After browsing through the catalog and pictures, Le Yun went to inspect the goods with the four of them. When he opened the cargo compartment, the big one in the middle was printed in front of his eyes, and there was a wooden shelf under the big one.

The small stones were packed in baskets, and the stones filled most of the cargo compartment.

Without further ado, Uncle Hu went to push the forklift, and together with Young Master Yan helped unload the goods, and let the courier and Miss Si inspect and accept them.

(End of this chapter)

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