magic eye doctor

Chapter 1013 That's so angry (2 more

Chapter 1013 That's so angry (2 more

Le Yun was shocked by the information from the little fox, and silently touched the frightened little heart, which was beating very fast.

After being silent for a few minutes, he asked gloomily, "Little fox, you said that the jade is hidden thousands of feet underground, can you dig it out?"

"Yes, isn't there something called explosives? You move tens of thousands of tons of explosives and bury them on the seabed, and then ignite them, and the mountain that keeps the seabed collapses, or you throw the bomb into the crater of the seabed, causing the volcano to explode, and the jade is still the same. will come out."

The little fox spoke calmly, and Le Yun's back was sweating like rain, he really dared to speak!

The global temperature is warming, the Antarctic glaciers are melting, and the sea level is gradually rising. The future of the world is facing a huge survival crisis. The operation of the little fox really blew up the Antarctica. At that time, the glaciers will collapse and melt, and the sea level will rise rapidly. How many places, how many casualties are caused, doing so is tantamount to destroying the world.

Whoever bombed Antarctica to dig jade is definitely a sinner through the ages and an enemy of all mankind. If mankind is not extinct, that person's name will be engraved on the list of shame forever and enjoy eternal infamy.

Le Yun feels that she is too insignificant to be the public enemy of all mankind. At most, she will go to countries that are not good for China to dig some precious plants. Bingyu is precious, she doesn't have the guts to bomb the South Pole, and she must never go to the South Pole, she still understands the reason why her lips are dead and her teeth are cold.

Therefore, don't think about the ice jade buried deep under the Antarctic strata, just have this piece in front of you, and you will be content and happy.

"Little fox, if you blow up there, hundreds of millions of people in my country will also be displaced. This earth will be in chaos. I can't be a hero who saves all mankind, and I don't want to be the enemy of all mankind, so the ice jade there is still left to the world. future generations."

After wiping off the sweat, Le Yun put the little fox to stand on the reef, lay down on the rock by herself, and took out the pliers to untie the knot of the steel cable.

"What are you afraid of, you have a blessed land, even if this world collapses, you can still take your family and go to other worlds." The little fox idly stroked his beard, he was just teasing her, the stratum under the ice continent is hard, Ten thousand tons of gunpowder will not help. If it is really going to blow up, the jade will be destroyed. That kind of behavior is more stupid than killing a chicken to take its eggs.

"I love my world, and I don't want to be a homeless wanderer." Le Yun snorted with her nose, untied one knot, and then another. Carry it back to space with jade.

Move the treasure back to the space and put it on the lawn first, and then go out to appreciate the other treasures brought back by the little fox. The little fox pulls the treasure that is tied to the other end of the steel cable to the reef. It is a meteorite, about five or six meters long, black There are a few strands of gold mixed in.

The meteorite fell into the sea and was buried for many years. When the little fox dug it out, there was still mud in the concave holes of the stone, and some shells and sea plants were stuck in several places.

Le Yun: "..."

Part of the material of that black-black meteorite is the same as her black-colored water tank, and some are different. Her black-colored water tank is a mysterious meteorite without any impurities.

The aura of the meteorite is not as rich as the halo of the flaming marrow ice jade, but it is also extremely dazzling. Without saying a word, Le Yun took it back to the space for storage, and then prepared to receive others.

The little girl was transporting the star stone, the little fox took the opportunity to drag the tail, and dragged the barbed wire bag to the reef. When the little girl came out of the cave again, he dragged the rope hard with her, and dragged the barbed wire bag to the shallow water area. It was stuffed full of stones, shells, coral and seaweed.

Most of them are stones of different sizes, including ice jade, rocks, fossils, ores, and stones covered with moss.

Ice jade is the jade that has been transformed into ice after countless tens of thousands of years. It is also called cold jade. There are two kinds of ice jade stuffed in the wire net pocket by the little fox. The glass is so transparent, and some pieces are as transparent as mirrors.

The rocks are strange stones with special materials, some of which are of a single color, some of which are colored stones, and some of which are ordinary stones covered with lichen plants; there are only three or four of them, which are gold and platinum ores.

Fossils are the most numerous type of stone, including animal bone fossils, permanent fossils formed by mixing animals and plants with soil or ice, and the most frightening thing is an ice fossil with a penguin sealed in ice.

The penguin in the ice was still a cub, and it should have been frozen instantly, because it didn't show any signs of struggle, its eyes were closed, and it seemed to be sleeping peacefully, maybe it was really frozen in sleep .

Le Yun dragged the net bag closer, untied the net mouth immediately, and took away the ice jade to save the crushed lichen plant. After taking away a few bone fossils and ice jade, he found that there was a piece of ice jade that had frozen a penguin Fossils, when I almost dropped the lichen-covered rock.

The reason why she was frightened was that the penguin was so lifelike, as real and natural as a little penguin lying alive on a stone, which made her think that the little fox was naughty, so he caught a penguin and brought it back to her.

Dust in the ice penguins are small, about a month old by visual inspection, with a white spot on the eyes, orange-red pecks and flippers. According to the species, they belong to Gentoo penguins, also known as Gentoo penguins and white-browed penguins.

Le Yun, who was startled, froze for a moment, threw the rock with lichens back into the space, threw a few fossils into the space, and carried out the fossil with the little penguin.

The ice fossils are not big, weighing about [-] jin, and they are irregular in shape. They fell in the sea and touched the silt. Some parts were assimilated by the soil and turned grayish brown. Some of them were ice jade of ice and snow quality.

The image analysis of the fossils scanned by the special function of the eyes has an age of more than 800 million years, which means that the little penguin was accidentally frozen into ice 800 million years ago, and finally formed a fossil.

The evolutionary history of animals and plants is a history of competition for survival. Behind the beautiful fossils is an unknown disaster. Behind the rare penguin fossils there must be an earth-shattering change.

Fossils are beautiful, and Le Yun’s heart is heavy. Human beings consume the earth’s resources excessively. If human beings don’t reflect on it and only care about the immediate interests without regard to the future, if the earth cannot bear it and changes drastically one day, after 800 million years, maybe human beings will too. become a fossil.

Worried about the future survival of the world, however, the will is insufficient.

Silently, Le Yun sent the ice fossils with baby penguins back to the space, continued to carry stones, removed relatively bulky rocks and fossils, and then moved corals. There were more than a dozen jade-like corals and more than a dozen bundles of seaweed.

Empty a space, and then arrange the shells, at first she only saw part of the shells, took away the coral covering them, shells piled up together occupy a corner of the barbed wire bag, there are various types of shells, including clam shells, snail shells, conch shells, White jade shells, etc., are jade or petrified shells, not lifeless shells left by molluscs after death.

There are four huge pearl oysters and two conch shells, and five white butterfly shells are used by the little fox as containers for krill, green leaf sea snails and seven or eight kinds of sea fish. The edges are wrapped and sealed with sea silk grass, and one pearl oyster is filled with Natural pearls, a large scallop is used as a pot to hold prawns and crabs, and edible sea plants are used to stuff the seams of the scallop.

The little fox didn't forget to look for food while digging for treasures. Le Xiao couldn't laugh or cry, so he hurriedly brought them back to the space, and then quickly moved the shell fossils.

After moving the brittle shells, I cleaned up the strange stones, emptied the items, put them in the net bag, picked up the little fox and hurried back to his one-acre three-point land, and immediately fetched water to help the little fox take a bath.

The little fox was carefully taken care of by the little human girl. He was so happy that his beard was up and down. He was tossed and washed three times in the bath, and his body was very fragrant. When the little girl dried her hair by herself, he squatted on the grass and hugged the little girl. The precious gemstones "clicked and clicked" were gnawed crisply.

Taking good care of the little fox, student Le Xiao didn't take a breather, and hurriedly moved out a few big clam shells and placed them on the open space in the east where the soil was exposed. Yansui ice jade and meteorites were put into three giant clam shells respectively, and some stones were placed to plant marine plants, and the krill, fish, and sea snails in the shells were also placed in the water for breeding.

Placed the plants and live seafood that needed to be placed urgently, wiped the forehead, and was about to breathe a sigh of relief. I felt that something was different in the space. I ran to the Podocarpus tree to have a look. Several holes were dug in the flower garden by some kind of animal. Two people died of ginseng, and a clump of dendrobium was trampled.

You don't need to think with your brain, you can guess with your knees that it is the masterpiece of the big-eared little fox.

Le Yun ran to the fish tank and around the clam shell, and saw water stains on the ground, and there was a dead fish and a scratched fish in a tank, and she was not very well.

I took the flower hoe for digging plants and went into the flowerbed of the Podocarpus pine tree, and dug in the place where the animals had dug the soil. After digging a few times, I dug out two dead fish.

Simply pissed off!
Seeing the dead fish buried in the soil, Le Yun was furious. She hadn't returned to the space for half a night, and the big-eared little fox ran out lawlessly and harmed the fish and her medicinal plants.

Feeling angry, I dug up the other two passive places and dug out a few more fish. Those fish were all wild fish raised in well water, and they were just spoiled like that.

He was so angry that he vomited blood, ran to pick up the fish in a pot, covered the soil, and went to other places. He dug up the buried rabbit in the flowerbed of ginkgo trees. When he moved to the medicine field, he found that even the medicine field It was also poisoned, and several holes were dug, and more than ten kinds of medicinal plants were ravaged and scattered.

Le Yun held back her anger and dug, and the big-eared little fox buried five rabbits in the medicine field!Dig out the rabbits, clean up the soil, take them to the place where the rabbits are kept, and pack the rabbits moved by the big-eared little fox in a basket, and put the others in a basket, cover it with a bamboo sieve, and press the top with a stone. live.

The fish was killed by the big-eared little fox, so he simply washed it and put it aside, and kept it as food for the big-eared little fox.

After tidying up the medicine fields that had been messed up by the big-eared little fox, Le Yun held back his anger and did not catch the big-eared little fox. The little fox said that the big-eared little fox was stupid, but he was really stubborn and had no spirituality.

She decided to release the little fox with big ears when she went to the desert to look for desert plants in a few days. It doesn't matter if you can't learn to be a little helper, just keep it as a small pet, but it has the fox fairy to teach it, but it doesn't know how to understand it, and it will destroy it without looking at it for a while. Such a stupid fox must not be taken in.

Holding back his anger, Le Yun watered the plants, left the space when it was about to dawn outside, climbed to the road, took out a mountain bike and rode back to Sydney along the coastal road.

The little fox gnawed off the gems that the little girl gave him as snacks, and then gnawed off a gold bar, and climbed into the hole of the dragon's blood tree to sleep. Out of fish and rabbits, the whole fox is bad, so what's wrong with that fox cub, why does it want to die?

It is not a big deal for a young fox to steal a rabbit or a fish. It should never bury them in the soil. It would be no big deal if they were buried in other places. At most, it would make the little girl jump in anger. The rabbit is buried in the medicine field, so it shouldn't damage the little girl's medicine plant.

The little girl transplanted ginseng under the unicorn tree, and would water and observe it herself when she was free, hoping that they would grow to a year equivalent to thousands of years outside the world for medicinal use. The little fox buried food to death and destroyed two plants The oldest ginseng trampled on her Dendrobium candidum, which was equivalent to cutting the flesh of a little girl.

The little girl masked the aftermath of the frost, and left quietly. The little fox silently lit a candle for the big-eared little fox. He dared to bet a gold brick that the little girl would not be murdered for the medicine plant in the cave. The little cub will be sent away soon.

Even if he sympathizes with the little fox, the little fox will not intercede for it. That fox cub is really stupid. , After teaching for so long, I am still stupid. If I don’t supervise it, my nature will be exposed. There is only the nature of a beast, and there is no spirituality that belongs to intelligent animals.

Anyway, the little fox cub will be sent away soon, and he doesn't have to bother to teach it in the next few days, he just needs to supervise it so that it doesn't cause damage.

The little fox yawned lazily and closed his eyes to rest his mind. The little girl said that he would start work again in the evening, so he had to recharge his energy so that he would have the strength to go into the sea at night.

Student Le went back to Sydney on a bicycle along the coastal road, and returned to the center of Sydney after riding for two hours. I went to the airport and bought a ticket to Cairns, a tourist city in northern Australia that day.

There are still nearly three minutes before its departure time. Le students go to check in the luggage first. The mountain bike is folded up and tied with the luggage bag on the luggage trailer to check in. Then he sits in the waiting hall and reads a book. Check-in, boarding.

Sydney is in the southeast of Australia, and Cairns is in the north of Australia. The distance between the two places is more than 2000 kilometers.

The plane took off from Sydney City after 01:30 and landed at Cairns City Airport at [-]:[-] pm local time.

Australia has a vast territory, different geographical locations, and different climates. The north is a tropical area, with two types of climate: tropical rainforest and savannah. Cairns belongs to the tropical rainforest climate. The city is surrounded by tropical rainforest, and the seasons are like spring.

In Sydney, winter is like autumn in Asia, and winter in Cairns is also known as early summer. The blue sky, sunshine, beach and blue water attract tourists from all over the world.

Le classmate wears long-sleeved shirts or T-shirts during the day in Sydney, and a rush shirt in the evening. As soon as he gets off the plane, the warm breath blows over his face. It is short-sleeved, and the people I see from the airport to the terminal hall are almost short-sleeved. Only a small number of people who just came from other cities like her wear long-sleeved clothes.

Cairns has a warm climate and is suitable for parades.

However, Le Xiao’s classmate’s ulterior motives, but, she can’t tell her real purpose, so while sitting in the lobby waiting for her luggage, someone came to chat and chat about the travel route. She also listed several routes, and then imitated the two. It's okay to say that you can go wherever you want.

There are all kinds of people at the airport, which provided her with the opportunity to observe clinically. The special function of the eyes scanned, who was healthy, who was sick, who was seriously ill, who was mildly ill, who was dying soon, and who was healthy. For cattle, it is clear at a glance who is pregnant with a baby, who is not fertile, etc.

There were more than a hundred people waiting for luggage in the lobby. After her group consultation, she found that more than 30 people were carrying AIDS virus, more than [-] people were carrying E. coli and salmonella, and more than a dozen people were infected with malaria about a month ago. Have high blood pressure or high blood lipids.

After scanning, she was silently alone and messy. Looking at the whole hall, there were less than 20 people in good health, and she was the only one who didn't have any minor problems. The picture was too beautiful, like the scene of a car rollover, making people dare not look directly at it.

Le classmate will check the face to diagnose the disease, and will never go to tell this one what's wrong with you, tell that what's wrong with you, she doesn't want to be regarded as a lunatic, and she will be a quiet and beautiful girl honestly and peacefully.

After waiting for nearly four and ten minutes, the luggage came out.

The security check in Australia basically relies on dogs. The luggage is transferred from the airport to the baggage claim area. There is also a security check there. It is a Budora dog. The security check is very simple. As long as the Budora does not stay on your luggage, you can hold the luggage. You can fuck off.

After picking up her own luggage, Le Yun dragged the luggage trailer out of the terminal, went to the square outside and untied it, unfolded the mountain bike, tied the backpack on the back of her head, and carried a small backpack with precious items on her back, riding the mountain bike happily. run away.

She didn't go to the city center or to the scenic spots. She rode her "horse" around for a while, took a shortcut from the airport to the north of Cairns City, and rode along the coastal road until the sun set. She stayed in the wilderness by the sea, and waited until After dark, put away the bicycle and go to the beach near the sea to throw the little fox into the sea to find treasure.

The little fox has become a diver. He dived into the sea to find treasures in the seabed. The first time he went for four hours before returning, he dragged back a few clumps of coral, two giant clams, and a dozen pearls; Go to the house and return in three minutes, and bring back a few big clams and a small amount of salvaged pottery and copper. The third time there are only clams and shells.

After a night of salvage in one place, the little loli didn't stop. At dawn, she exchanged her belongings for a map and continued northward.

(End of this chapter)

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