magic eye doctor

Chapter 1014 Decoy

Chapter 1014 Decoy
There is the famous Great Barrier Reef in the northern part of Australia. There are countless beautiful corals on the seabed. A favorite of submarine lovers.

Le is not interested in exploring the Great Barrier Reef or the Small Barrier Reef. Her goal is the giant clams and corals in Australian waters, as well as the treasures of shipwrecks and treasures naturally gathered on the seabed.

Giant clams live in the coral forests of tropical seas. The northern, western, and eastern regions of Australia are all growing areas of giant clams. The seas where the Great Barrier Reef is located and the northern seas are the most dense.

To a certain extent, it can be said that the Australian government is not very friendly to the Great China. Classmate Le Xiao did not feel any guilt or guilt when she went to Australia to search for treasures in the seabed. Run in the tropical forest to dig plants, and at night, you will be in the wilderness of the beach, and send the little fox to hunt for treasure.

The human little girl has a big appetite, and she decides to mainly search for treasures in the seabed. In order to eat the spiritual food she made, and so that she can find the medicinal materials to restrain the cold poison as soon as possible, he unconditionally helps the little girl relieve her worries, and willingly becomes a diver, diving into the sea to find treasures. .

What the little girl wants is something with aura, so Da, he is not picky, jaded coral, shells, pearls, giant clams, strange stones and ores that have fallen into the sea, animal bone fossils and shipwrecks that have been buried in the sea The lost Gu understands that he salvages and packs all valuable things he sees and give them to little human girls.

Little Le Xiao happily collected treasures, searched for a place, and changed places during the day.

And when the day came, it was June 6th, which was Saturday, the third day of the fifth lunar month in Huaxia. Because the fifth day of May was the Dragon Boat Festival, and the Dragon Boat Festival was a national holiday, there were three days off on weekends.

On the third day of May, it was also the [-]th birthday of the wife of Huang Maorong, a prominent family in E Beishi City. The juniors and peers also rushed back to their hometown.

The Huang family has been rooted in Shishi for a long time, and was already a prominent family more than a hundred years ago. It is the most prosperous family among the Huang surnames in Beishi City, and it can almost be said to be the most prosperous family in the whole of Beishi.

People with the surname Huang are involved in all walks of life, including military, government, military, and business. When they returned to the residence of the Huang clan, there were more than [-] people of all ages, men, women, and children.
Huang Zhenguo's daughter, Huang Shishi, is studying in Country R. Because of her grandma's birthday, she took a flight back from Country R on Friday night. The destination of the plane was Songhai City. On the morning of the 16th, she flew back to the capital of E North, and then transferred to Shishi.

Huang Shishi is older than Huang Yali and Zhang Jing. She is 21 years old this year and is a few centimeters taller than when she was in junior high school. She is 1.7 meters tall and is the tallest among the girls in the Huang family. She is tall, has delicate features, and fair skin. She is an elite girl.

Because Huang Zhichang and several members of the Huang family were promoted shortly after his birth, the official fortune was prosperous, and the older generation of the Huang family believed that Huang Shishi was a little lucky star who could bring good fortune to the family. The whole generation is also doubly pampered, especially Huang Zhichang loves his nephew and great-granddaughter very much, and also loves Wu Jiwu and thinks highly of Huang Zhenguo brothers.

Back then, the incident of Huang Shishi buying a murderer and beating a student who was going to participate in the competition in Jiudao Township, Fangxian County was exposed. The Huang family suppressed the incident and did not affect her. Overseas study abroad.

Huang Shishi returned to China three years ago for the Spring Festival. A few months later, Le Yun ranked first in the science department of E North in the college entrance examination. After entering the university in Beijing, she became a blockbuster. The Huang family did not allow her to return to China for various reasons, especially last year. The Huang family was even more worried about Huang Zhenbang raising a lover, and did not let Huang Shishi return to China for the summer vacation or the Spring Festival.

This time Huang Zhenbang's mother's [-]th birthday, Huang Zhichang asked Huang's family to pass on a message for Huang Shishi to return to China, and Huang Shishi followed the order to return to China to celebrate her grandma's birthday.

Huang Shishi changed the plane a few times, and rushed to the Huang family's residence for nearly eleven o'clock. When she returned to the family, she went to see her grandparents and elders.

The Huang family is a prominent family. In the past, the whole family lived together in one place, and the houses were connected. In the 90s, the members of the Huang family made their fortunes. Most of the old houses were also old. Some old houses were demolished to build small western-style buildings, leaving only the center in the late Qing Dynasty. The built ancestral hall and the central courtyard of the same period.

Huang Shishi was wearing a red dress of the world-renowned LV brand, carrying a white handbag of the same brand, and dragging a small coded suitcase. When she arrived at the family residence, she met a brother of the same generation, who helped carry the luggage. Go to the central house to meet the old man.

Huang Zhichang returned to his clan from the capital by plane in the morning. After arriving home, he gathered representatives of Maozi and Zhenzi generations to hold a clan meeting in the central courtyard. After the meeting, the younger generations dispersed. Discuss in the main hall of the old house.

When the Huang family reported that Huang Shishi had returned, several elderly people asked her to go back to the old house. When they heard the nephew who guarded the gate talking, they all looked out, and soon saw a tall and beautiful woman with long hair. come.

Seeing the tall and beautiful nephew and great-granddaughter walking in Muyang, Huang Zhichang's originally gloomy face softened a bit, probably due to the magnetic field attraction, he is the most pleasing to the eyes among the many nephews and grandchildren, and when he is upset, he sees Huang Shishi Emotions will also involuntarily ease.

Because Huang Shishi, the great-nephew's great-granddaughter, made him feel very pleasing to the eye, even if she was the fuse that caused Huang Zhenguo and Huang Zhenbang brothers to capsize in the gutter because of her wayward finding someone to hurt the little short-lived ghost surnamed Le, he scolded Huang Jiamao's nephews like dogs His head was bloody, and he didn't want to say something serious about Huang Shishi.

At this moment, seeing his great-nephew and great-granddaughter whom he hadn't seen for more than two years, Huang Zhichang's gloomy and indifferent heart softened a little. He watched the great-nephew and great-granddaughter walk through the courtyard to the threshold of the eaves, and looked at the beautiful and beautiful face of the great-nephew and great-granddaughter. His face and eyes became softer again.

Huang Shishi walked through the patio to the main hall of the main house. Because of the strong sun, she was a little dazzled by the sun. She paused for a while before looking inward. She saw her grandpa, grandpa and several uncles and grandpas, like swallows returning home. He rushed into the main hall: "Grandpa, Shishi is back, Shishi misses you so much."

The great-nephew and great-granddaughter are as clingy to herself as she was when she was a child. Huang Zhichang's originally gloomy mood suddenly cleared up, and a smile appeared on his old face: "You, how old you are, you still act like a baby, and you are not afraid of being laughed at."

"Great-grandfather is the best. If anyone laughs at me, I will cry for him. Grandpa, you can help me decide and scold him." Huang Shishi stepped on seven-inch high stiletto shoes, "shell-shell" Running to the uncle and grandpa sitting on the left side of the Eight Immortals table in the main hall and on the right hand side after entering the door, his bright face was full of admiration.

Huang Zhichang was amused, and scolded with a smile: "Look at this girl who framed me and let me scold others, then you will blame me, and she will blame me."

There were five members of Huang Jiamao's generation present, and they knew that the old man was in a good mood, and he couldn't help but feel a little more relaxed, and responded with a smile: "Uncle Man, you love Shishi, and we know that you are just venting your anger for Shishi when you scold us. If you don't really want to scold us, we just listen."

"Uncle Man, we know that you scolded us because you coaxed the juniors, and we won't blame you."

Under normal circumstances, the old man would not scold his nephews, at most he would lecture endlessly, unless he was extremely angry, he would yell at them. If they hadn't made a big mistake, it would be fine to be scolded a few times.

Uncle and grandpa didn't mean to blame himself for embarrassing the Huang family because of what happened to him back then. The oldest elder in the family leaned over and kissed his uncle and grandpa on the face, like a child who stole candy, his eyes brightened with a happy smile.

The great-nephew and great-granddaughter looked like a child who hadn't grown up yet. Huang Zhichang tapped her on the head: "You're still so naughty, are you tired or hungry on the plane? Sitting and talking, standing is too tiring."

Being cared by the uncle and grandpa, Huang Shishi replied, while moving a chair to sit behind the old man's side, and thoughtfully helped the uncle and grandpa to beat his shoulders.

The great-nephew and great-granddaughter are filial and gentle, Huang Zhijing is very useful, and slightly squinting: "Shishi, can you stay for a few days when you come back this time?"

"I have a leave of absence. I can play for a week. I plan to go back to school next Saturday and take a day off on Sunday." Although I don't know what my uncle and grandpa asked about the holiday, Huang Shishi told the truth obediently.

Huang Zhichang narrowed his eyes, unable to see clearly what his expression was: "There are about ten days, and the vacation time is quite sufficient. I want you to go to a place to help with something. Do you dare to go?"

When Huang Maorong and his brothers heard this, they looked at each other in surprise. As soon as Shishi entered the door, the old man asked her to help with things. What kind of things do girls need to do?

Huang Shishi's heart skipped a beat. Uncle Grandpa didn't want her to apologize to Le Xiaoshougui, did he?Even though there were thousands of dislikes in her heart, she was not slow to respond, and immediately replied: "Of course you dare. Grandpa asked Shishi to do some small things. Even if it is going through fire and water, Shishi will definitely do her best."

"It's not that serious. It's the men who go through fire and water. Girls don't have to work so hard. After the Dragon Boat Festival, other people go to work. You travel to a neighboring country, help me buy something, and then go back to work." Go back to country R to go to school."

Huang Zhichang's tone was soft, Huang Maorong brothers and others were confused, they didn't understand what the old man meant.

"Let me go on a trip, the cakes are falling from the sky. What good things does Grandpa want to buy?" Huang Shishi secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It's not just to ask her to apologize to Le Xiaoshangshang. If you don't want to, you must obey the family arrangement.

Her father and uncle have already planted themselves in to eat the country's food, and she lost her father's backing, because her father's affairs were her own fault after all, and her grandfather didn't say anything because her great-grandpa was protecting her, so there must be a gap in her heart. Relying on only my great-grandfather.

The matter of father and uncle has never involved me, it must be the meaning of my great-grandfather, her reputation is not bad, if I don't find a rich and powerful boyfriend, and my great-grandfather doesn't dislike her, he will definitely arrange a marriage for her The object, will not let her marry low.

Huang Shishi understands better than anyone else that her great-grandfather is her biggest backer. Whatever her great-grandfather asks her to do, no matter what it is, she must do it well. She thought she was asked to apologize to Le Xiaoshougui, but she never thought that she would be asked to do it. Travel, that is simply a good thing that falls from the sky.

"Shishi went to Burma to help my grandfather buy a few rough jadeite stones, wait a minute, and ask your uncles to transfer the money to you."

"Grandpa, I don't know jade. What if I don't get a super valuable jadeite?" Huang Shishi was full of doubts. Grandpa likes jadeite. He can let his uncles go to Yinnan to buy it. Why does she need to go?
"It's okay, Shishi can go and buy a few yuan and come back." Huang Zhichang didn't care, and didn't mind the money being wasted.

"Grandpa, I'm curious why you bought emerald stones."

"You will know later." Huang Zhichang smiled inscrutablely, without explaining the reason.

The old man didn't say why, Huang Maorong and his brothers didn't dare to ask nonchalantly, they all agreed that they didn't know anything, the old man let Shishi go to a neighboring country, there must be his reasons, they must have followed the old man's order .

The great-nephew and great-granddaughter just came back and haven't seen her grandma yet, so Huang Zhichang didn't hold her for too long, and asked her to see her grandma after only asking some questions about her studies.

Huang Shishi obediently left the old house to meet her grandma and other elders. Not long after, the lunch table was ready and she was at the table.

The Huang family didn't hold banquets, and only sent a few invitations to relatives and close friends. There were only five tables of guests, but the Huang family had about [-] tables.

The banquet was a family banquet, and relatives and friends had a lively meal of noodles. After the meal, some relatives and friends returned, and the Huang family visited each other in the family and talked about homely things.

An old lady in the Huang family celebrated her [-]th birthday, and the whole family reunited, which made the surrounding people envious of the unity and prosperity of the Huang family.

In order to help little Lolita get rid of the scum, Young Master Yan deliberately designated several key figures of Huang's scum family in Ebei as surveillance objects, and there was a special person in charge, who knew the whereabouts of Huang Moshi, Huang Mouchang, Huang Moorong and others, Know which of them took the plane or the high-speed rail, and which of them drove back to Shishi.

In the afternoon of the same day, the person in charge of supervision received new information and did not disturb the captain's work. After dinner, the teammates sneaked to the meeting room to play and reported the situation.

"Hey, some scum is going to Myanmar?" The wolves were stunned when they heard that a certain scumbag had booked a ticket to Myanmar. Neighboring countries, isn't this a godsend opportunity?
Yan Xing was busy with his laptop, when he heard something about a certain scum, he raised his noble head: "When did you book the ticket?"

Shen Shiliu looked at the records, and answered softly: "I booked the ticket at [-] o'clock in the afternoon. The air ticket is from Chong C to the capital of South Y Province, then to Baoshi, and then transfer to Wacheng, Myanmar."

"It feels... a bit unreasonable." Chi Shishi rubbed his chin.

"That's bait. They suspect that our people did the disappearance of the little rascal Huang Minglei, so this time they took a heavy bait to throw stones to ask for directions. If we don't eat this chess piece, we will pretend that we don't know anything. Where does she like to go?" just go there."

"It's a pity." I thought I would have the opportunity to show their omnipotence, but in the end there was no chance. All the young wolf kings looked up at the sky and sighed silently, little loli, it's not that we don't help you catch the scum, it's because the timing is not right. Come on, don't say that we are wine barrels.

(End of this chapter)

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